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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


The reboot that was announced three years ago is still years away.

I upgraded to the 4k max firesticks. I have my own Plex server, so I basically have my own personal Netflix.

Pirate bros!

One of the best decisions in my life was to drop cable/satellite and go pirate.

Even with a VPN, a Usenet sub, and multiple paid memberships to nzb indexers, it’s still an exponentially better experience than cable.

If you can provide me the same level and amount of proof that children are raped by teachers and daycare providers that I can provide you that they are by religious leaders, then I’ll concede.

But you and I both know that proof doesn’t exist.

That first sentence was a mouthful god damn. But I hope my point came across.

And now Sony is whining that it’s going to be Xbox/PC exclusive lmfao

I guess God of War, Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, etc. aren’t enough exclusives for them.

A San Jose, California startup has raised $116 million in hopes of introducing [a] micro-electromechanical system that shoots air out of a solid-state chip, cooling with a device thinner and quieter than most fans could manage.

Zotac has just announced it will sell an AirJet-cooled mini-PC for $499 by the end of this year.

temper your expectations: the “Zotac Zbox PI430AJ Pico with AirJet” isn’t exactly the kind of PC that sets most gadget lovers’ hearts aflame. It’s a barebone bring-your-own-SSD box designed primarily for edge computing, Internet of Things, and digital signage — the company’s biggest customers power displays in shopping malls, restaurants, medical clinics and the like, Zotac global marketing director Ernest Siu tells me.

It’s got a 7W Intel Core i3-N300 processor that nominally runs at 800MHz, with onboard graphics, 8GB of LPDDR5 memory, HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort 1.4, Gigabit Ethernet, and three 10Gbps USB 3.2 jacks, including another DisplayPort 1.4 over USB-C

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men (or women) do nothing.”

AHHH that’s right, I completely forgot that.

I need to stop being so drunk and stoned when I watch shows lmfao

There should be a ban on minors attending church.

And not just because of the dangerous religious indoctrination, but also the documented-a-thousand-times-over child rape.

Yeah Joan is Awful was good.

Thing is though: even AI wouldn’t be able to do that unless there was someone/something actually watching every moment of Joan’s life. Then they could feed that into the AI and be good to go.

But I was also really, REALLY unsober when I watched it, so that might have been addressed and I can’t remember.

Imagine where this is going to be in only 10 years. Then imagine where it’ll be in 100.

Is there a Moore-type law for AI I wonder?

Yeah, which is why I don’t think republicans should be allowed to vote. But that opinion isn’t too popular.

And since they’ll always be allowed to vote, and people like Boebert and MTG will always be allowed to hold public office (no matter how many innocent people die as a result of their participation in government), then all I can do is laugh when they get fucked.

Texas republican voters getting exactly what they voted for.

Pardon me while I laugh my fucking ass off.