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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


I love reading Trump quotes, and then it cheers me up even more to think that their are Americans who eat this gibberish up like gospel.

Fuck I’m glad I’m not American

That last paragraph reads like something he’s rehearsed for when he gets lost on topic though.

So certainly not a meme about the long haired house lady who is trying to defend our rights

Or America is such a shit show even your shorts are fucked

You bring up some great points, I feel bad for not giving you a solid reply but I’ve had my second bottle of wine with my wife and am drunk.

I didn’t bring the video here to champion frost, just to let everyone see because I have seen several posts about it prior to frosts video.

I’m sure all up everyone is to blame, almost always is the case but the world will decide who is more at fault.

Either way though, Nick doesn’t make contentI’m interested in. I would rather see everyone be entirely independent and succeed or fail on their own merits

Yeah I was annoyed by the stopping starting too, but I appreciate him laying it all out.

If the video was long enough to have everything readable it would go for an hour haha.

I hope Frost keeps producing actual content I really love his videos.

Second Wind and Frosts leaving
Frost goes into detail about what happened between him and Nick resulting in Frost leaving Second Wind

What do you mean I put red in red and yellow in yellow, is just too confusing I already plugged in the power how much more complicated does it need to be.

I miss my radio

Gabe Newell put it well.

The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates.

Right, we all have the same shops etc.

I really don’t understand the idea beyond in the remote communities maybe the fake packaging might look more familiar. But still the garden tap one is the worst.

Ohhh boy in Australia do we have a racist one of these food things. It’s amazing how bad it is.

Take note of the taps on the right.

Us aboriginal people drink our beer out of a can not a schooner, they mocked up a can of VB which is the stereotypical aboriginals beer of choice.

Even the takeaway burger is more shit then the white Australians haha.

I even have a great 10 second video I made taking the piss out of this a while ago that I shared with my friends

I would post it here but I don’t know know how to upload video. Maybe I’ll post it to YouTube and drop a link.

I looked it up, it’s 10 euro a month.

120 a year

200 Australian.

Expensive but cheap if tormenting

I never open them, I come to YouTube for long form essay content not 5 seconds of gratification.

I see my wife for that

Yeah I’ve been playing Pokemon Sacred Gold on my phone, really gives me GBC pipes with the size and everything it’s like childhood all over.

I have the emulator and the games on my pc and my phone though so fuck Nintendo.

I’m playing a 15 year old game someone improved upon that I already owned on hardware I can’t buy anymore.

Huh, I was staring at outerwilds today thinking I should play again, but then immediately thought I’ll have to go here there here and realised it’s forever ruined for me.

So instead I’ve been playing stellaris.

Yeah my wife and I have played both and were part way through the third episode and are really enjoying it.

I keep coming back to hunter call of the wild,

Its just such a nice looking game with no real skill curve once you know not to go running through the bush hoping to see a dear, it takes patience.

On a hot day, put the ac on a nice cup of coffee and go walking through the bushlands looking at points of interest and maybe shoot me a dear all without sweating like a pig like i do where i live.

That game is the reason im moving south, im so tired of trying tondo anything and dying from the heat.

It’s been driving me mad on my work laptop,

I cant uninstall the old version and every time i open it it tries to push me to the new version

Vapes harm people and cigarette companies spent a lot of money to hide the fact that so do their products

Yeah bring him back now with more pay.

That’s how it works right?