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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Yeah. No shit. He’s been suggesting for a while he wants a permanent term

I’d disagree

It really just demonstrates how cringe republicans are… And it’s important to highlight just how cringe these people are.

I have lots of weird friends (and I’m probably weird myself). I actually prefer to hang with weird people.

But it’s important to highlight just how contradictory the anti-porn conservative party acts. It’s not weird, its just cringe. And its even worse because they’re trying to define what normal is and demanding people follow it

I’m stating a fact that trump supporters tend to be more dangerous and more vocal, and as such, democratic supporters are less likely to speak up…

I’m not American, but I personally don’t know any women who support Trump (internationally, he’s hated). But I agree there could be confirmation bias, because i don’t tend to get along with right wing people here in Australia either


I feel like there are a lot of women who are less vocal about it who might be afraid of getting attacked

Im starting to notice a pattern of stuff you’re posting.

I literally just replied back to one of your posts which was a pro gun advert pretending to be feel good news

Are all of your posts going to be pro GOP posts masquerading as something else

Let’s talk about how Trump is the primary nominee, and he raped a woman and threatens everyone.

There’s literally no reason that Biden can’t be a good leader. He’s demonstrated it over the past few years. And it’s normal for the current president to be given a second shot.

Fairly sure It’s not normal for a president who lost his second term votes to try a 3rd time

The only real objection most people could arguably make for Biden is regarding Israel

That thing is just one more giant gun ad. And it is sad to see people posting pro gun nonsense on beehaw.

Nobody in America feels safe and you have regular mass shootings.

They’re not being used for defence, they’re being used for exactly the opposite.

And I hate that people are trying to post articles that clearly are written to make them seem like a good thing

These are weapons which are terrible at defence, but absolutely wonderful at killing many people

Here in Australia, we simply disarmed everyone including cops which is why even shootings by cops are rare

But the fact you linked to that shows the real intention of your post was actually to promote more guns. I don’t think you actually care about the homeless… but no idea how more people carrying more guns benefits than either, especially since the cops would more likely adopt a shoot first policy

This feels like one of those gun lobbyist posts pretending to be something else…

Well. The takeover might be, but the dead pregnant women who couldn’t get an abortion won’t be.

And the following damage they cause that discretely kills people like air pollution

The biggest issue with vapes is that it’s emboldened smokers to expose everyone (once again), and here in Australia, you even had vape shops selling to kids, pretending they weren’t, and then touting they were saving smokers

It’s tabacco 3.0, and there is lots of evidence when I last checked including heavy metals in the vapour from the heating coils

The only people it’s helping are smokers, but it’s still exposing everyone else

It’s similar to weed. I don’t care if people want to get high and ingest edibles, provided they aren’t driving. Chewing tabacco? Don’t care.

But selling to kids, and telling customers it’s safe and having them smoke inside people again? Yeah nah…

Thats the best way of putting it…

He isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. In fact, I’d go as far as to say, he’s possibly far beyond the point of even knowing he’s lying anymore. He’s either literally delusional, or he’s relying on 3rd party info exclusively from places like Fox News without performing any type of validation and is gullible.

Actually, I disagree. Trump actually did make one point exceptionally well and did an excellent job emphasizing it.

That he is going to blame immigrants for everything and he is racist

Id go as far as calling it a wolf whistle to people he knows are violent and will help him during election time

It’s clear that he’s slowly trying to set up another civil war

Trump cheated in more ways than one. So it’s hard to keep up

The only policy anyone will remember Trump has, is that he’s racist.

He made sure everyone knew that and kept emphasizing it. And it was the only one that wasn’t made up on the spot. He seemed to have lots of ways to blame foreigners for everything

And he wanted everyone to know he’s better at golf. That I believe, considering he spent his 4 years in office playing it (the only thing he seemingly did was steal some paperwork and blame others).

Also, why didn’t CNN bring up stuff like the fact Trump told people to shove a lightbulb up their ass to cure covid? Or follow up on the lies. They should have had a ticker at the bottom with a fact check

I disagree with a lot of coverage. Public talking is hard and everyone has had a brainfart before.

Trump wanted everyone to know he was racist… It was his only clear policy

If you listen to the actual words, Biden had answers. He might not have been as vocal (which could have been fixed with a mic adjustment).

But it’s easy to win a debate if you constantly lie. You can’t get onto the offensive, because Trump has the advantage that he can make up bullshit, and claim bullshit. He doesn’t even need to think about policies.

It’s like arguing on Facebook. Talking on behalf of everyone and claiming that “nobody agrees” can only be disputed with facts.

As others have said, the format was an issue that benefits Trump. CNN should have fact checked on the spot

Probably same reason as here in Australia.

The gas companies have managed to create a multifaceted cult where they’ve brainwashed people into thinking electricity is unclean (despite things like heat pumps being 500% efficient), unreliable and expensive.

Also, it helps that people who paid too much for their ICE cars are scared and they know that their cars will increasingly drop in value as people transition away from gas and fossil fuels.

I hope you need a 500mb driver to use it too with an installer that pops up every reboot, even if you press cancel.

Otherwise, it’s clear that it fails at being a mouse

I generally stay out of these Ukraine discussions, but Russia is clearly the aggressor.

Unless you can justify what valid reason Russia had to attack Ukraine or what you mean by diplomacy, then it’s a non argument.

Russia clearly isn’t interested in discussions unless they involve surrendering…

I don’t think so. Maybe I’m missing something?

You do realise I was joking right? The /s is for sarcasm

Republicans have already switched from calling it a witch hunt to “what about Biden”

Nah. Stealing top secret documents and showing them to random people to make your dong seem bigger isn’t that important


The scary thing isn’t the people we know he’s shown them to. I seem to recall there are still some missing, and we don’t know the extent to which the information on them has been exposed

I just didn’t 20 hours so far on it

What I don’t like is that you need to finish the day for it to save

Also the wording about what happens to crops at the end of season should change

But otherwise, it’s something to do, but it is getting a bit click and pointy really. I wish you should pair up with characters more and walk around with then

I seriously didn’t realize this was meant to be a secret?

Trump still can’t say “China” without saying it in a really weird tone because he’s used to saying “China flu” with emphasis on China.

You can’t help but think that a big component of the depression/doom feeling a lot of the experienced at the time was indirectly related to things Trump did

Ahh yes. I switched companies because some new sales guy I discovered was getting paid more than me after I was there 9 years.

Here in Australia, really looking forward to this

I sincerely hope he spends the next month until sentencing shitting bricks stressed out.

He’s done so much awful shit that nobody remembers the entirety of it from trans people, to Chinese people (China flu) and even the adoption of renewables.

He’s fucked over everyone including many of his own employees.

It was a step back 40 years. Now with him gone, assholes won’t be emboldened as much

If you’re going to make your system worse, you should also combine with Norton anti virus too.

Either that, or just use the Microsoft one that is free

Can we talk about the enshittifation of Lemmy. Where everyone seems to be calling everything enshittified?

Lemmy has gotten to the point everything is getting classed as enshittification or whatever

It’s actually getting crappy being here

Like the whole section about macos. Apple constantly screws developers, and somehow, the author has seemed to blame Valve lol. There’s a lot of reason lots of people don’t develop for Mac, and they’re mostly valid rather than political

Or GitHub. In the real world, developers don’t have any issues. Only in Lemmy, where people are even focusing on stupid things, so a barely visible unobtrusive sentence on a table mentions copilot lol

Every time I hear someone say AI, I know for sure they have no idea what they’re talking about and are about to grift people

Who saw this coming?


If he gets elected, he’s been backed into a corner so he’ll need to turn it into a dictatorship too

In contrast, even watching 5 mins of sky news here in Australia months before the election it was immediately obvious he’d be trying to overthrow the government