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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


But… do you pay subscription for Steam that they can just jack up any time they want and there isn’t anything you can do about it other than straight up quit and lose all your stuff?

No. That’s why.

Well, he hasn’t hid it for the last 2 decades in politics, so why bother now when he’s leader of the party and (sadly) likely the country in a year.

As if Smith gives a single shit what Albertans or anyone except her O&G backers want.

Vancouver lawyer who sued over condo deck divider accused of pseudolegal ‘paper terrorism’ | CBC News
A Vancouver woman is asking for the courts to make an example of her neighbour, a practising lawyer she alleges has filed a baseless pseudolegal lawsuit against her in an attempt to “provoke a state of fear.”

You have forgotten the meaning of remembrance if you think the point is to glorify war. It’s meant to remember the sacrifices made, not hope for more.

Uhhh, Russia isn’t in NATO… it’s quite literally the enemy of NATO.

Just gonna tap an oil exec as a one-man arts board in Banff. Nothing to see here.

ANALYSIS | Alberta government ousts Banff Centre board, taps administrator to review arts facility | CBC News
An oil executive who is also the Alberta Foundation of the Arts chair becomes a one-man board for a Banff institution. Province doesn't explain why it fired the board but expressed hope to bring a "refreshed future."

This is the exact anti-science, anti-community garbage that would come out of a Poilievre government, guaranteed. “We’re all in this together” doesn’t apply to extremely selfish conservatives who get all their news from outrage-bait like Ezra Levant or Fox News.

From climate change to vaccinations to women’s rights against forced birth to the cbc, this guy has the worst possible takes on all of them and he will be an absolute disaster in Canada.

Danielle Smith government uses deceptive, incomplete and incorrect data to mislead and divide voters.

Might as well have that headline on standby for the rest of what is already shaping up to be an absolutely disastrous premiership from an awful, ignorant person. Buckle up Alberta, you’ve made a huge mistake.

Conservative MPs want to bring CBC executives before Commons committee over ‘terrorism’ language policy | CBC News
A pair of Conservative MPs will try to compel a CBC executive and a journalism standards director to appear before a House of Commons committee to defend the company's language guide — which discourages the use of the words "terrorism" and "terrorists" when describing attacks and their perpetrators.

Don’t penalize us for poor management because we will force our employees to make unsafe choices in the name of profits is a pretty fucking bold take there, airlines.

I read another article that said the half number comes from the idea that Alberta had never contributed to CPP and had their own plan since the sixties, when in reality, if you were to calculate how much they would be “owed” would be closer to 20%. Still a large number, but the way this report will be pushed on the Albertan populace to try to push a yes vote on a referendum is so underhanded and classless. Which, of course, is exactly what everyone had to expect from the physical embodiment of ignorance that is Danielle Smith.

Ah yes, the ol’ Canadian corruption switcheroo. Just like Genivar changing to WSP after the sponsorship scandal.

I knew Jay years ago. Have to say that this is… not surprising.

Whether the position of power/consent is proven or not, he definitely shouldn’t be in a teaching position if he can’t keep his hands off teenagers.

Yeah, this is so tone deaf. Par for the course with the language police though.

Wow… so in your mind there is basically no copyright and nobody owns anything. That is incredibly reductive and completely ignores centuries of legal precedence since the constitution was written.

You are basically claiming that anything that is ever put on display anywhere, ever is public domain and that piracy doesn’t exist.

Why would anyone give a shit whether Canada gets included in Google’s ai? They just foist this new shit that is effectively useless to the average person other than making shitty “art” and cheating on essay writing. They use it however they want while skirting copyright laws and trawling any data they can get their hands on.

Does anybody really think that ai under google is doing anything other than data-mining to sell advertising? Ai in it’s current form isn’t helping anyone except corporations and the billionaire class and almost everyone would be better off without it.