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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


You can also adjust the threshold however that’s probably not a great idea unless you manually want to accept/reject the duplicates.

Is it possible to do something like iscsi?

Every month or so i grab another TB of seed data. Been doing it for about a year. I got you.

I second restic and i use it with wasabi. Haven’t touched it in years. Do a fire still once a year and it’s worked perfectly. I even basically cloned my proxmox setup the other day.

As soon as there’s a proper backup, better built in Google photos import (immich-go exists and is awesome) and a before way to clean up the orphaned files I’ll gladly drop 100 bucks on this.

My wife and i have been using it for a year. I already had all my docker volumes set external (was always confused at that initial choice) and I’ve not had one real breaking change. Got logged out a lot after some patches but it’s been brilliant software so far. App is a little wonky and could def use some polish but overall well worth the cost for me. Same with my Plex pass although i wouldn’t buy one nowadays because i think it’s a but much for something that’s not in anyway a “private” service unless you kind of jail it and only play locally.

I split my setup into storage vs processing. Can one physical box handle both? If the answer is yes then go for it. If all your running is low IO stuff and it’s sipping cpu then one general purpose whitebox is a great start.

Just set a torrent size of 10tb and hit go. I’ll move that to permanent storage when it’s done.

I’d be willing to bet if you play around with Tdarr long enough you can get .ts converted. Not sure about ISOs.

Anyone (still) running Plex chose to use a service that relies on a 3rd party. They agreed to their ToS. They agreed to the service model.

I run Plex and am fully aware at anytime they could F me in the A and I’d have no one to blame but myself. I don’t agree with their actions at all, in any way but it’s their software and they can do what they want with it.

They violated ToS. I get what you are saying but the scale can be massive and while i also don’t agree with Plex’s course of action at all, they pushed back in the face of tos breaches.

I passed my igpu through and honestly found almost no speed benefit after the initial import. So i removed it.

Just run a cron job updating your IP every 24 hours. All I’ve ever done for the last decade or so.

I should clarify, I use namecheap as my registrar and Afraid as my nameserver. Afraid has curl, cron and even just a url i think you can use to update your IP.

For anyone who uses Todoist and Notion or Todoist and Gcal this looks brilliant. It’s almost carbon copy so the learning curve should be minimal. I’m gonna go all in on this.

I ran all my home assistants on Pis with the SD card + external database and never had issues.

Agreed 100%. I’m a layer 7 guy because I’ve always struggled with that voodoo but hot damn that’s an easily digestible write-up.

I honestly never once thought to do this. Ever. No likey.

The amount of money i invest into my homelab is oddly proportional to the amount of money i have after not purchasing 17 different subscriptions for bloated catalogs of doodoo.

My end user experience is incredible and i was willing to pay for it.

These are the people that sued a kid who broke DVD “drm” so he could play LEGAL movies he OWNED on a Linux machine since there was still licensing issues (i think that’s the reason?) and no player. An be he didn’t even live in the US.

MPAA is the organization that took 2600 to court over linking to DeCSS source code. All they understand is money and power and so far is worked really well. This is an organization that literally inserted itself into our society. Remove them, by force if necessary.

Just spent hours last night attempting to get my wife’s Kobo to work with overdrive/libby/local library lending and after losing her read status twice, all the series information and collections twice we just gave up and went back to calibre and pirating.

Two clicks and a few minutes vs literally unusable bullshit.

I have 1 off site and two 10tb external drives that are duplicate backups.

The Prem is an absolute shit show. You need USA, Peacock and then good knows what for some FA coverage. I tried peacock for the 3 months at like 1.99 and was very disappointed. So few games.

I just left Docuwiki for Notion but i used Dokuwiki for almost 10 years and it was perfect for simple documentation.

I love the Dell Micros. I’m rocking three 7060 micros in my lab atm. All running Proxmox.

I ran this for about a month when it was first linked on here. It’s pretty impressive. I did no performance tuning. Size of the install got a little worrying but i think there’s a lot of options to adjust this and i was not ready to put this on block storage yet.

I’ll probably give it another shot later down the road.

The consumer isn’t the last rung on the ladder. We’re on the fuckin ground. With footprints on our faces and medical bills to prove it.

Yeah i check my played count on Tautulli once in a while and see what’s hot.

I got into datahording pirated media out of spite, youthful angst and complete lack of funds. Now i literally consider it an act of preservation.

I used to use some logging script made in Go where you could filter your logs and they would update in real time. Was great for catching stuck processes, leave it running on a different desktop, mousewheel over to it (i miss openbox so so much) and check my logs. I just have nothing facing outwards now so i ignore everything.

My wonderful MongoDB powered, old as fuck mFi vm. It’s running on Ubuntu 14 because that’s the last supported version and Ubiquiti abandoned this shit decades ago. It’s set to restore and reboot once a month. That usually keeps shit working lol

I’m also gonna pop in. I just did a second run through on my library removing 720p and below from the ignore list. It’s quite literally set and forget.