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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


If there aren’t - it would be great if there could be!

You have no idea how many cases of Monster I can fit in the bed bro.

Thanks for that. I get that she’s academically accomplished but I’m more interested in her political accomplishments. Like others have mentioned she is not a great public speaker and I haven’t been particularly impressed by her budgets…

Honest question, why do you think that? I’ve never been impressed by her, but I’m likely missing a lot.

Seriously, the guy it tone deaf. Only reason he became popular is because of people who got fucked by the housing market. Now he sides with people claiming capital gains > 250k in a year? Really?

Seems like stagflation is a very real concern at this point.

FED talking about raising rates, BoC cutting them - what could go wrong?

Fully baked in? Bond market dropped quite a bit this week, and .1 just today:

At the very start of the COVID fueled housing crisis I remember the former housing minister going on about needing to protect “Mom and Pop” landlords. It drove me insane and him being removed made me smile for days.

Reminded me of this video, that I still cannot get over. How fucking tone deaf are these people.

All these fucking announcements on housing and yet he doesn’t dare take on one of the main problems - speculators.

Guy isn’t even trying.

Is the solution not incredibly obvious? Ban non-owner occupied purchase of SFH. You want to get in the market? You need to create purpose built units with high density.

It always rubbed me the wrong way when the previous housing minister made a point of saying we needed to protect the Mom and Pop investors. Like - no, we absolutely should not.

Robert Kavcic, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets, told Global News “as much as a quarter to maybe a third or slightly more of certain markets are being bought up by multiple property purchasers or investors. So (that is) adding another layer of competition to first time buyers that are actually looking to get into the housing market for a place to live.”

If true that’s fucking nuts. That sort of thing needs to be taxed so hard to no longer make it profitable. We all understand that you don’t go for seconds until everyone has eaten, but when it comes to a basic human need like shelter, people say FYGM.

Complaining about MP pay is incredibly shortsighted.

I mean according to this article they are making at least 200k/year. I’d posit we are in the land of diminishing returns at that point.

If that was the case then we’d have legislation that taxes property speculators - we do not. In fact I keep hearing how they want to protect “mom and pop” landlords, or how landlords are doing a service by providing rentals.

ONLY the provincial Green Party has proposed doing fuck all about speculators. Speculators became a larger segment of the market than first time buyers a few years back.

Thanks for this. I’m so fucking tired of the older generation trying to tell me this isn’t the case.

At this point I really just feel bad for the sane people of that province.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre called the case “a massive national security failure by Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government.”

He really can’t help himself.

That’s a theory I suppose. Another theory might be the wealthy influencing policies to have the tax removed. No idea if either are true.

To be fair, there are a number of countries that already have a wealth tax. So it wouldn’t be some insurmountable concept.

Unpopular opinion - good. It’s a known carcinogen. Add onto that the social issues it can cause and I think it makes some sense to tax it more that other things to bring in those external costs that were being “passed on” to society in the form of healthcare and social services.

My point is just that I think to most people, HTMX doesn’t create what is classically considered to be a SPA any more than older MPA’s that called utilized AJAX would be. There’s a reason those old-style pages aren’t really considered SPA’s. Is it splitting hairs? Absolutely.

I think when you look at the demographics of the area, along with the fact that money laundering is known issue, along with the very well known affinity of the Chinese for property as an investment (see Evergrande et al), and yeah it’s not hard to connect those dots.

The unfortunate part is it’s hard to get stats to back it all up because of a failure of governance for decades at all levels of government.

Sure, wrong term. I think my point still stands though. A SPA is *generally *“rehydrated” DOM elements from JSON data pulled from an API though. Where as HTMX is more akin to classic AJAX style page dynamism.

Not sure I would call HTMX a SPA framework though? Like it all’s easy async content fetching for sure, but it’s usually done across a MPA?

I think the theory is there is some level of “deterrent” at play here. Always seemed like a stretch, and this just looks to reinforce that.

I get that we literally need immigration to support the ponzi scheme of social benefits. But maybe knowing that should have pushed literally anyone to take housing seriously for the last 10+ years?

The writing has been on the wall for over a decade. I’m constantly amazed at how short sighted every level of government was on this. You’d think that at least NOW we would be taking this seriously, but no. Instead we are simply drilling new holes on an already sinking ship.

At least other countries are trying to make things better.

They couldn’t implement a tax to help make it less lucrative? I honestly don’t know, but it does seem like something they could do.