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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Yes, he will always be able to prove that’s it’s him. But if they revoke the permissions of that key he can’t do any more damage

Assembly wouldn’t run on multiple architectures

Did you check everything that needs a password?

For the afternoon We could count the hours until sunset

So basically last year oft high school

Because you’re using too much orange. If it reflects all colors equally it would be grey (not all light reflected, but some)

If it does it’s because of C/C++ code

Are you committing to master? I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t commit your debugging code to your own branch. Obviously clean it up before merging

I get being surprised about the others being down, but what did you expect from a provider called Cricket Wireless

Newer ones aren’t that large, but why bother when you have a cellphone always with you anyway

Sure, the fun begins when it starts spitting out copyright notices

Guilty as charged. At least in my case the updater is always started by the app, and when it’s done it starts the app again

Why do I need IE compatibility? I use Firefox. Why is the XBox app in the start menu? This is a work PC. The 3D folder (and Videos, Music, etc) just takes space in the File Explorer. I’d be fine if it created it when I save a file there, but until then I don’t want to see it

Python2 might be required by something. Is Edge required? And Xbox? A folder for 3D models even if I never did 3D stuff and most likely never will on that PC? If yes, why? I can’t think of anything I or lots of other people need that wouldn’t work without these and lots of other things

If you need to get multiple pieces of data for one request Async is great, but why would you work on different requests in the same thread? Why slow down one request because the other needs a bunch of computation?

No, they’re going to buy a Chromebook instead of a Windows laptop

why no 12 GBS of RAM?

Because there were no 6 or 12 GB modules. But that changes with DDR5

The only reason I can think of to use pwsh.exe is to run it in Wine

As a german I agree, even if I never have to think about it

Now I wonder if jalapenos are fruit too (scientifically)

Not only other people’s regexes. Mine from last week and before too

Teer --auspacken --volle-Ausgabe --reißverschlussverschlossen --folgende-Datei Datei.Teer.gz