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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2024


But if you have any ideas

Both my avatar and channel cover are made with AI models - so this is a good start.

IMO the biggest potential is indie game dev - AI image generation is amazing for static backgrounds, character design, and with certain loras it absolutely shreds pixelart - I even saw entire workflows for building pixelart animations (I think it was for ComfyUi tho).

Also local image models are uncensored so… porn XD

I access it both on my local machine through the command line

You really don’t have to - There’s GPT4ALL designed for normal users with very simple GUI

Also, with minimal command line knowledge you can install InvokeAI - probably the best UX for image generating AI on the market. Works both on Linux and Windows

They dished out a huge flop - there’s no way this will pay the production cost

If from poster alone you can tell they failed to capture characters, you know it’s bad

It will be $7.99 - look it’s so much less than $175, so much cheaper!


The problem, according to the commenters, is that the words “woman” and “dolphin” were highlighted in the image, suggesting that whoever took the screenshot apparently searched for those exact terms.

Seems like a nothing burger blown out of proportion by the press. Stop upvoting garbage pls

How on earth did pirates make 3 billion dollars?

They didn’t - majority of that gain isn’t from pirating but from bitcoin price appreciation.

This is really shit authoritarian action from the german government - price appreciation isn’t an illegal source of funds