Yup. I’m Bo7a.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


In which way am I complaining? I am explaining why calling a valid solution a bandaid might be construed as belittling their very real knowledge of this process. And how that is a regular pattern in a lot technical fields.

And don’t give me this shit about ‘I’m not the person you were talking to’ This is an open forum not a direct/private message.

You can’t expect people who are knowledgeable about this stuff to just forever accept that someone asks for advice, gets told the solution, and then ignores/belittles the person with knowledge.

This is our daily life experience. We get hired to be experts, and get told by non-experts that our solutions are not tenable every single day. Only for that solution to eventually be accepted when the user in question figures out their idea was not useful and the expert was correct.

We have to put up with it at work, we are not obliged to accept it here.

I don’t know if I would go that far ;) But thanks for the vote of confidence.

Fair enough. I lived there long enough to know that some of them definitely did it purely out of spite, I just can’t imagine it is a majority.

Hey now. Alberta has a ton of morons, and slightly more than their fair share of assholes. But Hanlon’s razor* still applies. I don’t think anybody put a hitch on their truck with the express intent of causing harm somewhere. They are more likely just stupid and/or lazy.

* “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

In other words: some bad things happen not because of people having bad intentions, but because they did not think it through properly. Or at all.

I probably find the question weird because I spent my whole life around heavy equipment, trailers, and other towables. Every time a trailer was hooked up, part of the job was grabbing the hitch from wherever it was stored.

Grandpa used to say ‘just don’t be an asshole’ and being an asshole includes someone who doesn’t watch out for everybody else’s shins.

I didn’t insult the person asking or anything stupid like that. I explained exactly why the hitches are made to be quick release for removal when not in use.

When I lived in Edmonton my neighbour once asked why I remove my hitch when not using it. Such a weird question.

Nearly 3 in 5 people believe what they see, hear, and experience over the ever-changing bullshit lines that economists use.

We are.

This idiot, however…

Sounds like an ultra fashy “asskickers united”.

I wonder how long it’s going to take before someone’s forced to eat a shit sandwich and burns an apartment down.

This is our experience as well. Restaurants are supposed to be a treat, but these days it seems like every one is in a race to see who can provide the least quality garbage from the sysco truck.

Anyone who has seen the horrors of these sites knew this instinctively.

Nice to see it confirmed but holy shit. You’d have to be blind and deaf and have no sense of smell to not at least think twice about whether you are at a tarsands site, or in an incarnation of hell.

I have never had a comment make me feel this old.

-Signed, an old man who used to publish zines in the early 90s.

I stopped going to my favorite breakfast resto because every morning during the wildfires they would be loudly bloviating on how Trudeau was out starting these fires to block out the sun and make it harder to grow food so that we’d be beholden to the government just to eat.

I don’t relish the idea of adding insanity as a spice to my eggs and bacon. But maybe it will be time to go back for one more cup of coffee and ask their opinion on this shithead’s escapades.

Meanwhile, you have foreign buyers putting in illegal 9 unit apartments in a duplex and taking advantage of the people who don’t have means to fight them. And the board has a two year waitlist for hearing complaints.


This is not evidence that the term is a slur.

This is the definitions of words which most everyone in this thread certainly already knew, strung together with your opinion that they are connected.

While this has been somewhat entertaining, I don’t think I’ll continue to feed your delusions any further.

I will not be replying again. Goodbye.

Care to provide any of that? Because so far all I have seen is your opinion, and a bunch of people disagreeing.

It sure seems like you’re in here trying to enforce your personal opinion that the word people are using is a slur.

You don’t get to decide what is a slur. Go away.

No offense intended here - But why is this being upvoted?

vim absolutely is an IDE if that is how you want to use it. Syntax highlighting, linter, language specific autocomplete, integrated sed/regex. And much, much more.

We do things for other people because they do give something back in return

This is not how I make decisions. That is why I asked the question. The rest of your comment is predicated on that statement and as such, is not worth much to me.

Thanks for the reply, though. I appreciate the effort. I simply disagree and can’t imagine a middle-ground that could be reached by continuing the conversation.

All snark aside. Do you really believe that every human is motivated by capital profit?

Are you 5? This is the attitude of a 5 year old who can’t stand that Timmy’s tonka truck is not yours to take.

Thanks. I guess I will have to try to mobilize more people to get off their ass and go vote. So many of the people I know just don’t care enough to vote. But maybe the bitcoin and convoy-fellation facts about this pile of shit will help motivate more.

I have no hope that it will… But if I don’t try, I will hate myself.

This is so infuriating. But so true. Thanks! I think…

With a steady lead in the polls

Is this true? I have disconnected myself from a lot of political media for the summer while working in the bush, and this caught me by surprise. What the fuck?

This image has forever tainted my water system. We pump from the creek into one of those totes for our washing/flushing/bathing needs.

It’s a little tidbit that was taken out of context by easily led morons who believe that there is some grandiose world scheme being perpetrated to ensure that us plebs never get to own anything.

The same morons will tell you that the people in charge of these grandiose schemes are also too stupid to ever get anything done.

If that sounds familiar to you, you’re not alone

To the extreme I rock a hike like a vandal.

The original story is from the Canadian Press, published in the Winnipeg free press, About a Canadian Cancer society/WHO meeting.

I’d say this passes muster.

Supply side economics is a failure

We could not possibly yell this loud enough.

I will buy a bottle of champagne for the first time this gets enforced. Hopefully it isn’t vinegar by the time I crack it :p

After living in a small mennonite town in Alberta this story is all too believable.

And still just as disgusting.

Hah. Definitely not bots.

Knowing full well that is what a bot would say.