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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Yeah I stopped when I couldn’t play the stuff I paid for. Base game plus 3 expansions is a lot of money

They don’t but Nvidia diverts some of its production towards gaming chips. If nobody buys graphics cards they can easily keep a stash of those chips to sell down the line and go 100% on datacenter products.

They have enough datacenters buying their products, they don’t need consumers so they can wait more than the average user…

I personally am done with gaming because if I must spend a thousand euros, I’ll spend it in bicicle parts and accessories and not on one single piece of hardware for a decent PC.

That’s precisely the plan. Also many people will forget about yet another subscription and let it run

Most of the tutors do not know what they are talking about, it’s content farming for click and impressions and YouTube ada

Wasn’t this a movie with Chuck Norris? In which he had a motorbike with a rocket launcher?

So what? Chinese government is cracking down on her and what is the West supposed to do? Declare war? Send Seal team 6?

Beecarbonized, internet here sucks hard and playing offline is not an option anymore on most games

Don’t be silly. I have an iPad mini with lightning and had a ton of phones with miniUSB and had exactly zero problems with any of them. (I still have that iPad because I couldn’t sell it without losing a ton of money and I never found a use case other than watching movies for a tablet so I didn’t buy another)

That’s easy: it doesn’t know what is try and what is not and it will say whatever even failing basic stuff. Yes this can be applied to republicans and republican voters too

The idea is that if lots of people use it, then it’s not only for hakers

That’s because it was built to beat the Turing test. The test was flawed. Chatgpt is just a Chinese room

Also I can buy Microsoft games on Steam and play them on PC, no Xbox required

Try on the free Nvidia streaming thing, if you have a fast enough internet

No, Blockchain was and is a stupid concept with an even stupider implementation. Nothing that the Blockchain promises cannot be achieved with less friction, costs and more speed and reliability using other technologies…

Yep, at this point I’m expecting that Gmail too is going to be discontinued without warning

Is it better than yr.no ?

Edit: nevermind, it crashes on my Xiaomi so I can’t use it

That’s what is already happening since there’s only bots online nowadays

Internet is almost all bot traffic nowadays. I got more relevant results asking strangers in the street that google…

Yeah the main problem is that companies that do this kind of thing want you to subscribe to a recurring payment and if you find something that works “offline” it’s codged together and quite fragile. So you either pay and upgrade when companies say so (see: Arlo cameras) or you spend lots of time trying to fix stuff.

I’m leaning towards the second option, having been burned already by subscription models, but at the moment I don’t have any of the smart stuff and I’m waiting for wife to forget the fiasco…

Yes there are, but he’s already with the SEC breathing on his neck for other scams so I guess he wants plausible deniability.