designer of experiences, developer of apps, resident of nyc, citizen of earth


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


As somebody who’s been using macOS as a platform for piracy for over 20 years, I assure you it does not make it more difficult in anyway whatsoever. I’m sorry you’re having troubles, but they’re not related to the platform.

well… it’s not a good strategy if you’re lying your ass off, it happens to be true, AND you conspired with your lawyers to commit the crime you’re accused of.

now, Jack Smith (and every reasonable person on earth, the more clever dolphins, cetaceans, chimps, corvidae, octopods, and a couple of transdimentional mice) knows this is the case, so this is definitely a terrible strategy. It’s also patently Trump to blame anyone else for his own actions but himself. Predictable, even.

yeah, it’s called a “trial”.

the “trap” is that he knows Trump will “lie” because Smith has “mountains of evidence” that Trump and his co-conspirators are “incredibly fucking guilty."

the core message of Star Wars has always been antifa. that’s, like, the whole point of the entire franchises, lol

also on Disney+:

That’s why he’s so keen to get Saw Gurrera on board. He knows he’s a provocateur and and extremist that will absolutely get the Empire’s jimmies rustled. Not to mention the whole stealing a quadrant’s-worth of payroll.

“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”

— Princess Leia Organa

it asked me to create an account when I started up the app, then claimed I “wasn’t on the list” then had me sign up for a wait list.

yet another web browser that promises the world and delivers… nothing.


oh, look, musk made yet another stupid, impulsive decision that could have disastrous, short- and long-term consequences for twitter er… “x”

Gibson was correct about much of our education system and Galileo was certainly right about the consequences of overvaluing mediocre wit that merely happened to well-timed. what neither of them had to content with, however, was the internet and how social media can combine the inability to reason critically and mediocre wit with crippling insecurities and anti-social personalities to what should be predictable results.

a least Gibson understood that a technocratic future didn’t imply that people’s lives would necessarily improve.

watching that dude pull out the plastic cylinder with that spindle of platters that probably had a storage capacity of maybe 30MB while the narrator brags about the transfer speed of a blazing 1.5MB/s… awww…

cross-posted from: > Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast hosted by one of the cult that Elon took from his replies.

It’s like a comedy version of the matrix, if that makes sense.

well, Matrix: Russurections was clearly satire, and I laughed through the entire thing, so, yeah, that makes sense to me.

and piracy has become easier than ever; with the Plex and the *arr suite of apps (plus a VPN), it’s become a completely automated process to create your own, custom streaming server, and for cheaper than paying for several streaming services.

Aside from balking at the audacity of using a platform for piracy as her own personal blog, the community was quick to knock her down a peg.

So I guess you read them all? The great thinkers? To verify how you are above and beyond their thinking? Do you understand how utterly arrogant this post makes you? I will tell you why. To put yourself above thinkers like Arthur Schopenhauer, Adam Smith, John Locke, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Francisco de Vitoria, Friedrich Nietzsche and so many others. Human beings who have helped shape the foundation of the world we live in today. I am talking about the most basic of basic stuff we now take for granted like property, human rights, democratic governance and rule of law. Without these ideas and those who dedicated their lives to refine them, our world could not be like it is today.

This was a strong argument, but as someone else jokingly pointed out:

removed shut up, they pirated rdr2

Which, to be fair, Hobbes and Kant never did.

I’m fucking dead 😂

possibly, although the old Myst games lack the sort of dopamine-inducing instantly-gratifying interactions that modern games do, so I suspect they’d quickly grow bored of it. And, as you mentioned, some of the puzzles, especially one in Riven, are almost impossibly hard. I remember, during a replay a few years ago, a friend once referred to it as, “like doing homework” when he saw all the notes I had to take regarding the puzzle codes and numbering system and mapping out the different Ages. And the reading… so much reading with all those journals. It’s not just the puzzles, but the amazing amount of patience it took to play the game and get through the story. and if you screwed one thing up way earlier, you were screwed. and you wouldn’t know how because it wouldn’t tell you.

those games were just in a different league.

Gen X: forgotten by our parents and everyone else


I’m not dismissing Minecraft. I’m just saying that comparing it to the Myst games is… a bad comparison.

wow. took me at least a week and a half to beat that game once I finally was determined to get through it!

comparing Minecraft to the Myst games is… heh… i’d like to see examples of where in Minecraft you’d have to decode a base-25 numbering system to beat the game or where any of the puzzles are as complicated to solve as the fire marbles puzzle in Riven. Musical patterns? Decoding hints in a different language? C’mon…

And I didn’t say the kids now are dumb. But today’s games sure are because today’s kids have the attention span of a gnat.

every once in a while, i’ll replay them, and I’m still amazed at what amazing games they are. Other games that still knock my socks off are Ultima Underworld I & II.

can you imagine kids today trying to play Myst or Riven?

Why is it so hard for people who don’t like porn to simply not look at it?

The app devs, including Selig, often, said they were perfectly fine and found it quite reasonable that Reddit wanted to charge for API access-- they even looked forward to it because the y believed it would. open up access to previously walled-off parts of the API such as chat, polls, and other features only available in the native app and the website. This was public info, and users also looked forward to this.

The problem came with both he outrageous pricing and the absurd 30-day timeframe. Then, further with spez’s refusal to be flexible by listening to the reasonable complaints of the devs, slanderous accusations against Selig, profound and entitled disrespect towards the mods, and shitshow parade which started with his mind-boggling AMA and then continuing by taking interviews with any news agency that would talk to him, further spreading the lies, slander, disrespect, and disinformation-- ending by praising the king turd of tech: Elon Musk.

THAT is what provoked the outrage, protests, and overall “uprising”. THAT is what is killing Reddit.

personal insults do not a valid argument make.

I’m not here to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy for their fallacious and fact-free arguments. and if people feel so outraged that I had the gall to contradict them, then I’m certainly not the one with a "condition*.

i suggest you familiarize yourself with the definition of “crime”, and note that causing you personal offense is not part of that definition. And, since you have admitted that you’re not a lawyer, I find it pretty galling that you nonetheless process to make unfounded legal claims as if you were.

so, when rational argument fails you, you just devolve to swearing and name-calling…