• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


So you’re saying instead of tacking “site:reddit.com” onto my Google search, I can now use ChatGPT to get the same information, except without the original context, and it will often be wrong? Amazing!

And this also means that companies will fill Reddit with fake comments promoting their brand to ensure that their brand gets mentioned in ChatGPT responses, right? Can’t wait!

I really liked the part in RE4 Remake where you boat around the lake to explore various places. I hope we’ll see more parts like that in RE9.

This is weirdly morbid and controversial for a programming tutorial. Can’t say I’ve ever practiced SQL queries on execution records before. But I’ll check it out

What’s the best website to learn and practice SQL?
I'm looking for a website where I can practice SQL by doing challenges. Like something where it provides you with some tables and you're tasked with writing a script to achieve a certain output. I know how to do basic SELECT and UPDATE commands and stuff, but I need a way to practice writing more complex scripts. What do you guys recommend?

I think it will happen. Multiplayer video games already match people with bots that are presented as if they were human players, and 99.9% of players don’t care. As long as a game makes you feel like you’re playing against other humans, most people consider that good enough. Similarly, as long as a bot on Instagram or Twitter feels human enough to be enjoyable to interact with, users won’t care that they aren’t actually human.

Sounds kinda cool but I can’t think of any situations where I would want to use it.

I see what you mean. In a way, lifestyle and fashion choices are already partially governed by AI, in the sense that Instagram and TikTok recommendation algorithms influence what the user perceives as being trendy. I don’t know if we’ll get to the point where people are literally letting an AI tell them what to do, but I think AI will only get more and more influential in our lives in subtle ways.

I got excited for a second cuz I thought this was going to be like Street Pass on 3DS. Someone should make an app that does that.

I’m looking forward to Starfield, but there’s no way in hell I’m playing it on day one. I got burned back when Skyrim came out and I lost eight hours of progress due to a bug.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Remember when there was supposed to be a Legend of Zelda Netflix series?

Why is everyone saying this is because Stack Overflow is toxic? Clearly the decline in traffic is because of ChatGPT. I can say from personal experience that I’ve been visiting Stack Overflow way less lately because ChatGPT is a better tool for answering my software development questions.

I tried Pokemon Sleep and I didn’t like it. It’s way more complicated than it needs to be. It’s very much a typical mobile game, with lots of meters, currencies, timers, login rewards, etc. And it doesn’t make any sense. Why do I need to feed a snorlax to make it bigger? What exactly is my sleep doing? Does the snorlax represent the player, even though the player is clearly a separate entity from the snorlax? Why should I care about friendship meters? It’s all ridiculous.

What side content should I do after finishing TOTK?
I've finished the main story and I've grinded some Lynel guts to upgrade the soldier armor (I currently have 64 armor points total when wearing the set.) I've also defeated one King Gleeok, and I've completed two of the large maze structures. I'm not really sure what I should do next. The obvious answer is to do side quests, but so far I haven't really enjoyed them. (I particularly don't like the ones that involve gathering info at stables.) What should I do next? What's the most enjoyable side content to do? Maybe I should track down all of the Sages Wills, or defeat all of the Gleeoks?

I’ve always been an Nvidia graphics card user, and I don’t know anything about AMD. I have some questions about switching over.
I have the following questions about AMD: 1. If I want to switch to an AMD GPU, do I need to change my motherboard? Or do all motherboards work with both AMD and Nvidia GPUs? 2. Do I need to buy an AMD CPU as well? Or can I use my existing Intel CPU with an AMD GPU? 3. How does the AMD GPU naming convention work? More specifically, what is AMD's equivalent of the RTX 4070? (I want to get a 4070 but I figured it would be a good idea to research AMD's options)

This is why I hate Twitter and Facebook. Their algorithms are designed to promote posts that cause political division.

I don’t get why there was positive buzz around Sonic Frontiers. It’s not a good game
I bought Sonic Frontiers yesterday. I don't know why, I thought it seemed interesting. Anyways I'm two hours in and so far I think it kinda sucks. It's so unpolished and feels very cheap. My least favorite thing about it is the visuals and the music. It feels like it takes place in the movie Annihilation or something. Even the "normal" Sonic levels feel weirdly creepy and sad. Also why does Sonic sound like he's 40 years old? Also the level design is ridiculous, it just feels like there's random stuff everywhere. I feel like kind of a sucker for buying this game for $60. But I do like the fact that Big the Cat is in it.

Is FF16 really linear like FF7 Remake was? What is the structure of the game?
I've seen footage of wide open areas in the game, but I don't know if that footage is misleading or not. The game has a menu-based map, so does that mean each area is small and linear like the bog section in the demo? Or are you able to explore and find new areas on your own? How does the structure of the game compare to the structure of FF7 Remake?

I know one crypto bro IRL. He acknowledges that it’s all just a pyramid scheme, but he enjoys it because it’s like gambling but with more strategy involved I guess.

As someone who isn’t sold on electric vehicles yet, this is a very good thing for me. Proprietary charging stations are one of my main reasons for not buying an EV yet.

It seems like a really bad idea to use a wireless controller instead of a wired one. But I guess it shouldn’t matter as long as they have a backup wired controller in case the wireless one dies.

Fingers crossed for a shadow drop of Metroid Prime 2 and 3 ports

This is very pointless and it just makes the headphones heavier for no benefit to the wearer

I made an online order for a restaurant a while ago, and there was a tip option with a message that said “100% of tips go toward supporting the restaurant.” First of all that’s a super vague statement, and secondly, that’s not what tips are for. Tips are for supporting the specific people who serve me, not for supporting the restaurant as a whole. Why would I want to leave a tip when I don’t even know where the money is going.

That’s really weird that they would recommend just Beehaw specifically. It makes me wonder if the author understands what Lemmy is. (Or maybe I just feel jealous as a filthy Lemmy.One user)

Halo is pretty much dead. They have an update coming out this week, but after that I wouldn’t be surprised if Infinite never gets updated again. And I’m also predicting that project Tatanka is going to get canceled. I hope I’m wrong, but that’s where my expectations are right now.

If Facebook is reducing the amount of controversial news that users see, I think that’s a really good thing for society (since presumably this means that fake news and rage bait news is de-prioritized as well.) But it is very shitty that Facebook has so much power over so many companies. It’s upsetting that a single company has so much power over what people see online.

People don’t dislike defederation because they misunderstand it. They dislike it because it’s a bad user experience. It sucks to effectively get banned from a bunch of major communities through no fault of your own. It’s a flawed system. I don’t know what a good solution would be, but it’s definitely an issue.

I guess one solution is to encourage users to join servers that are as small as possible, to reduce the chance of getting blocked. But that approach comes with its own set of downsides too.

We need an actual official setup tutorial that is kept up to date. The existing documentation for the Docker setup process is extremely bare-bones, and it doesn’t even link to the right config files. There are some unofficial tutorials out there that are better, but they’re outdated and they link to the wrong config files too.