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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Sure, but there are those who say Moraes is overstepping with his demands. Quite frankly I don’t know what to say, all I know is that any loss for Musk is a win for me.


Elon is trying to enforce his views over Brazil’s law. To force a crisis IMHO.

He’s trying to see how far he can push his bullshit.

There is, the “Marco Civil da Internet” states that a business that works in Brazil needs to respect Brazil’s law, and non compliance may trigger block in it’s service by ruling.

That’s the thing though, to my knowledge Twitter didn’t break any laws, they ignored an order to take down accounts from their website. You could make the argument that in ignoring that order they were going against the law, but that’s about it. And honestly, that’s not the first time that has happened, this time they just decided to block Twitter because Musk was being a little shit about it, again maybe this will serve as a precedent in the future.

Libertarianism is a right-wing ideology though, it’s pro corporate deregulation and lasseiz-faire capitalism. If you’re pro individual freedom, but opposed to right-wing ideas then the closest thing you can be is an Anarchist.

Ok, but there isn’t anything in the Brazilian body of law that says social media needs to have legal representation in the country to be functional, otherwise TikTok, Reddit and even Lemmy would’ve been blocked long ago, that’s the argument being made. That said, nothing like this has ever happened before, so maybe this could serve as a precedent for a new series of legislations.

Honestly, I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, that’s the government reaching waaaay beyond what it should without any real laws to back it up, on the other hand, fuck Musk and if this is what it takes to keep gullible people off nazifascist misinformation and propaganda then 🤷‍♂️.

BRICS was always about money, it was never about “posturing at the west” no matter how many paranoid schizoid American journalists want it to be. Kind of sick of hearing people acting as if BRICS is some kind of new Axis.

… Okay, I was skeptical but custom level tools convinced me. Dirt cheap too, I wonder how long it is, hopefully more than a couple of hours.

I have not observed that people on lemmy are overall more intelligent than people on reddit.

Because it’s literally the same userbase, 99% of people here came from Reddit for one reason or another. It’s a fact that any community that grows too mainstream starts to decline in quality, so if you think Lemmy already has too much garbage you really don’t want it to become mainstream. Proportionally we have way less spam, astroturfing and just idiotic bullshit being posted outside of meme subs here, attracting more users would make all of these things more prevalent and no amount of decentralization would solve that unless people started to mass defederate, but at that point why even bother with activitypub in the first place. It’s kind of like the people in Beehaw that not only chose this platform but also want to federate with other instances but they’re constantly crying and complaining about other instances, threatening to leave the platform… Like, why even bother with activitypub?

The problems would only get exacerbated if more of them migrate over here, that’s the issue. I don’t think decentralization would solve the issues that’d come with people mass redditposting and shitting all over the place, especially considering the vast majority of users are in, so what good would that do when the majority of the userbase are centralized in a single instance?

Out of curiosity, is our megathread the same as theirs? If so, it might be time to make our own independently of theirs.

At this point just assume that anything even slightly not “wholesome” is going to be deleted by the mods here. I wouldn’t be surprised if this comment also got deleted for pointing that out.

Not really going to waste my time reading Polygon, but to answer the hypothetical question: I think most people agree it wasn’t a full on Bio/System Shock game, more a corridor shooter, but a decently fun one nonetheless. I think most of the complaints I’ve seen over the years were about some of the political aspects of the writing, not the gameplay itself.

Eh. Looks like a generic sci-fi movie reject.

I know a person who still unironically defends Nintendo and thinks they’re in the right doing what they do. I consider them a lost cause. 🤷

There’s an indie game called Shadows of Doubt that does the whole immersive sim in a big hub stuff pretty well. Kind of jank and unfinished, but I think it’s the closest thing I’ve seen in recent times to Deus Ex.

it’s less groundbreaking in context than I think people give it credit for.

Are you seriously going to tell me that the open-ended structure of Deus Ex, coupled with the RPG elements and interactive environments wasn’t groundbreaking for the time? There wasn’t anything quite like it back then, so much so it basically created the genre of Immersive Sims as we know it today.

Hell, you could trace basically any first person shooter with RPG elements from after 2000 back to Deus Ex, it’s the gold standard for a reason. The closest thing we had to this kind of game back then was Strife, a Doom clone with a basic quest system and inventory, even System Shock 2 is less dynamic and open-ended than Deus Ex.

It’s been a while since I’ve watched these, his video on the original is spot on, but I really dislike his takes on Human Revolution, felt like he was mostly nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking, especially the story bits.

The GEP gun is the most silent way to eliminate Manderley.

Classic. Wouldn’t expect less from the U.S. foreign policy.

It definitely has a learning curve at the start, if you’re still interested the new version has a tutorial in-game now, I can’t vouch for how good it is because I’ve never used it though. There’s also plenty of quick and easy tutorials online, I learned the basics from this one by Peridexis but it’s rather outdated by now, the wiki has some recommendations on more up-to-date ones.

Decided to go back to Dwarf Fortress after a long while, I’ve been basically re-learning the game and trying some !!fun!! stuff I’ve never done before. Funnily enough I think I just built my most successful fortress, outside of a really nasty tavern fight that resulted in the death of two children, one dwarf and their cat (the drunkard literally grabbed the poor sod by the tail and smashed it into a statue to death LOL), everything went rather smoothly. Lots of forgotten beasts passing through the caves, one got in while I wasn’t looking (lol) but was dispatched easily without casualties.

Thinking about building a fort on a volcano next, see if I can do some crazy magma wizardry.

Well, if those publications weren’t already shit they’ll be very, very soon.

Retconning the only modern Fallout game with a decent story and good writing as opposed to all the garbage they put out.

Never change, Bethesda.

Honestly this whole thing was a massive disappointment, 30+ announcements and of those only 4 new games while everything else were minor (often meaningless) updates and release dates of early access games. Maybe it’s time these game showcases went away as a whole, they’re never good.

That’d be perfect for my use case, but no sync to/from series tracking sites is a deal breaker.

Free and without bullshit is a tough ask, you’re not gonna find many games like that. I do have a few recommendations though:

  • Mindustry
  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • Endless Sky
  • Pathos

You could also download Retroarch and some roms, it would require some setup but once done it works like a charm.

And it’s free. It’s crazy that something like this exists and LEGO is fine with it.

Link to the game.

I don’t really remember which sources I used, I think Sorastreams was one, but even then it was a shot in the dark. Sometimes I’d get decent quality, sometimes I’d get really bad quality… Stremio is just more consistent and I have more control overall.

My experience with cloudstream was mixed to say the least. The UI is a confusing mess for starters and I’ve lost count of the amount of times some show just wouldn’t load or is in some very shitty low resolution, not to mention chromecast support barely works.

Do I just constantly refresh pages and hope there will be open sign ups one day?

That or you know someone who has an invite. There’s places where you can buy invites, but many private trackers will ban you for doing so. I’ve heard that there’s ways to get into very desirable trackers by seeding your way through a few different trackers, but I’m not sure of the specifics, I’m sure someone else can elaborate on that.

Price discrimation? To who, average people living in rich developed countries that can afford to pay for $10 a month for multiple services and whose salaries are at least three to four times the average of someone living in a poor developing nation?

My dude, you don’t pay more, you pay the standard baseline price anyone in your situation pays. People in developing countries are lucky if they get the chance to pay the equivalent in their purchasing power and not ten times the amount while having a fraction of your wealth just because they didn’t luck out their birth place. Regional pricing helps poor people get something they potentially would never have the change to get legally, it’s objectively a good thing in the capitalist hellhole we live in. Without it people will have to resort to piracy and stealing, and while I don’t have anything against piracy I sure as hell would love to live in a world where everyone could afford according to their needs and piracy as a necessary evil would be relegated to the past.

lol imagine thinking regional pricing is a bad thing. Man, I wish I could be as privileged as you so I could shit on poor people for being born somewhere not as rich.

… Why is the Steam UI on the device in Portuguese? Are they implying something or am I reading too much into it?