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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I definitely don’t mind the multiplayer being separate. I typically buy games years after their shelf life and their multiplayer is usually dead, so having that MP component be a separate download would save me space for something I can’t even play

Minecraft hands down. I’ve put more time into that game than any other in my life. I constantly go back to it, and almost everyone I meet online plays it or has played it. There is so much enjoyability from a game as limitless as that

absolutely. Blizzard just had major layoffs to their Esports league, Epic had more than 800 layoffs, Naughty Dog laid off 25 or more developers and Ubisoft let go of 6 more employees after axing 60 earlier this year. and ofc the 9% of layoffs coming from CDPR this year.

The gaming industry absolutely needs union protections to protect their jobs, especially since a job should be steady income, not a volatile workload like developing seems to be in gaming right now. another benefit might be to making big execs actually have reason to listen to workers when it comes to cases of sexual harassment like what we’ve seen at Zenimax and Blizzard

from what I remember, the Ratchet and Clank online modes were fairly fun, but even when I played, they were fairly old and took like 20min to find a match

The body horror has always been one of the best things about Dead Space, the creatures are just horrifying

I remember when I first rented FEAR at blockbuster, that section of the hallway at the start is so memorable.

I don’t remember specifics but it’s when you’re going through the building and keep seeing the little girl, then you get to a cluttered hallway and I think it was set ablaze and you were thrown back by her

Awesome! I was really tired of seeing that site. Definitely not a reputable publication and shouldn’t ever has been listed

same way they monetized Payday 2 since it was already pretty live-service-esque in it’s monetization, at least on PC. if they wanted to, they could have just added a battlepass with limited cosmetics alongside the steam marketplace cosmetics of Payday 2

yeah, it had solo. you’d case the area by yourself while 3 bots stayed behind, until alarms triggered. you could also configure who the bots were and what their loadout was

I’m really disappointed by their absolute blunders when they had a working formula with Payday 2

Can’t play offline

Can’t play solo without queuing. ???

You can lag if you have a bad connection while playing SOLO

Long queues that go upwards of 20+ minutes

Challenges being the only way to level up, instead of actually doing content you want to play

Nintendo is successful because of their games, not because their hardware is the best

I agree, their first party games are usually extremely polished and accessible for everyone in the family. their concepts overall for consoles are typically really good though. just about every console since the Wii (except WiiU) has felt great to use, even if they all have some kind of gimmick. But I think the gimmicks help in their favor, it makes them stand out from PS and Xbox

As much as I like Microsoft, I don’t want them to touch Nintendo. I have no faith that they would continue doing what Nintendo does well.

I really wish we could. for me, it’s not just OP, I wanna block GameCensor too, just clickbait nothingburgers

blocking OP is just a bandaid fix, not a real solution



it’s when the ship crashes and you find the dying mind flayer in the wreckage. he will attempt to control your parasite and make you give yourself unto him and if you fail the checks to stop it, he’ll eat your brain and if you don’t have any other party members then it’ll game over

If you’re counting the one with astarion that I’m thinking of, then I think the one at the very beginning after truly starting act 1 with the mind flayer could count

Transgender drugs


They’re predominantly used to treat puberties that happen way sooner than should happen, they also are prescribed to help with prostate cancer.

I’m only correcting because saying “transgender drugs” gives a very very vague impression on the amount of uses that puberty blockers have. Sorry though, that was just a nitpick

I gave it a try a few weeks ago and it just felt really floaty, like there was no weight to the drifting or steering

As usual, this race war crap is also gonna hurt cis and trans kids who need hormone blockers for completely valid medical reasons.

Ik you edited your comment but I also really want a steam controller 2 The first controller is great although running into modern problems like micro usb being trash and rechargeable AA batteries get stuck in the battery compartment. But a new controller with dual thumb sticks would be fantastic! Even if it would make the controller a slight bit more bulky

Same here, except it also applies to if a friend gifts me a game. I’m way more likely to play the game I bought because I have money that could be wasted, rather if it’s free, I have no obligation to ever touch it

most multiplayer shooters to me, they’re typically filled with the most vile shit you’ll ever hear coming from an 8 year old, and the adults are just as bad and should know better.

competitive shooters like Rainbow Six Siege or Counter Strike are also really bad in casual modes, especially if you’re a new or lackluster player. You’ll be flamed, team killed, and your teammates will try their absolute best to ruin your entire day over a hobby

I’ve heard really good things about the remake of 12, basically improved on everything wrong with the original game

same here. I typically buy games on super deep sales a few years after the games comes out just so I don’t end up disappointed by the product, but this game feels properly polished. a few bugs here and there but none so far that I’ve encountered that are game-breaking

As someone who has barely put any amount of time into BG1 and only played Larian’s previous title, Divinity Original Sin 2, if you are okay playing turn based RPG, it’s absolutely worth the money IMO. The interactions and way you can traverse through the world is pretty amazing. Almost every encounter or area has a large amount of opportunities on how you can approach or avoid

I definitely wouldn’t doubt it. They’ve always tried to keep the sheep in line by means of subversion and denial to make it seem like they’re the heroes

IIRC they also did the same with Rage Against the Machine a while back. They really wanna seem like the good guys but failed to realize it’s always about them wing horrible POS

It’s be so great if they all formed a new studio and just started a new franchise as the spiritual successor. After the disaster of Andromeda and the middle of the road game that inquisition was compared to its predecessors, I don’t have much hope about the fantastic writing of previous games coming back.

That really seems like an ai article.

“ Larian had difficulties becoming a split-screen co-op to function…”

“… Microsoft’s apparent belief that full feature parity between Xbox Series X and Series X versions was required.”

It could just be slip ups, but given the rise of ai written articles, I’m not so sure

I really hope so too. the current ones are just time sinks. mandatory side quests for level ups, gear rewards, worrying about skills. it’s so far detached from it’s original gameplay loop. I stand by Black Flag being my favorite in the series just for the amount of content

They really do. Their third party licensed titles barely function enough to actually play like Monopoly or Uno, their main games are basically all copies of either Assassins creed or Division (though AC is pretty close to division now), and Siege crashed on startup and they cannot fix the glitches in Siege without introducing new ones

I’ve been playing Divinity Original Sin 2 with my partner, we both never really got that far into it in the years we both owned it, so we’re trying to get more into it in anticipation of playing Baldurs Gate 3

Seems to be living up to hype so far, really glad that we now have a team who will do JSR justice

Saving the animals in super Metroid comes to mind. There it little to no benefit from saving them, but it feels good to me to do so