My father thinks public transit clogs up streets, and we need more cars and lanes. My buses in my city started to do on demand on weekends… Which is more unreliable and instead of waiting for 30mins, now requires using a phone or app to call for a bus. But the bus driver can decide to cancel on your stop and not tell dispatch. It is like a glorified taci service. My city sucks for public transit.
I never met a bad police officer. And my cousins grew up playing hockey, and they were never rapists, or voilent…
I don’t know why you are pushing this… That is like saying all doctors are bastards, because a few were serial killers. Any group of people will have a few bad apples, and they usually give the rest of the group a bad reputation.
Sounds like my brother who moved up north with his family, into the Ontario wild to build his own house… Homeschool his children, and refuse to get them vaccinated (cause it has cancer in it). Says shooting/killing someone who trespasses on his property is legal, and then jokes about how he has a lot of land to bury bodies. He is filled with anger. I am scared of him.
We don’t. This isn’t the U.S. with their freedom of speech, where you can say literally anything. We have something called freedom of expression, which does not cover hate speech, and a few other things.
They sometimes have whole wheat buns, but you have to ask. I love Harvey’s. Non-Canadians are missing out on it.