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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


You’re absolutely right, now that I think about it. My bad. But yeah, it makes more sense to upstream and make the features toggle-able.

Not all instance owners may want all those features implemented. Not the same but kind of like how Beehaw doesn’t allow downvotes while other lemmy instances do.

Dude was forced to buy Twitter because he couldn’t stop his big mouth. Seems he hasn’t learned. Lmao.

Valid point (and one I initially did not consider). But I still stand by what I said, although I admit it can be more flexible if you’re contractually bound to write a series. Maybe a few years’ worth of extensions per entry or it starts after a series is over? Certainly not 70 years after an author’s death. We know books depend on popularity to sell, and we’ve seen only a few (relatively) authors get rich on their books alone.

10 years is a long time - I would not stay in a job that doesn’t pay enough for my needs for 10 years no matter how much I enjoy it. My problem is I admittedly am not well-versed in that specific industry (trusted resources are welcome as I’ve tried searching but I don’t recognize many of the websites so idk how reliable they are). But an increase in salary (or advances) and/or royalties may be in order. I think everyone is entitled to that at this point.

Again, this is from my admittedly limited knowledge in that specific industry, so feel free to correct me. It’s just that imho IP rights, as they are today, is kind of ludicrous.

I agree with you both, although imho 15/20 is a bit too long? The only reason being something can be improved better(?) by multiple entities working on it (competitively) than a single entity. Maybe 10 years? I’m thinking if I have an invention (let’s say a new engine), 10 years should be enough for me to earn my share. After that, other companies/individuals can use my base/foundation and build on it. With more people working on that engine and competing with each other, the end product would probably be much better than when I work at it alone.

From what I’ve read (take this with a grain of salt), the person you’re talking about cracks games with a much older version of denuvo. They’re apparently a lot easier to crack than those being done by this psycho.

I’d think cocaine would be a better choice for an FPS, tbh.

Been a while since I pirated games so idk just how out of the loop I am, but It looks to me that Denuvo games took longer because not a lot of people work on them. I could be wrong, of course, but Empress seems to crack them quickly.

Lmao. True. I know some people who think 1080p is still bad, and here I am content with 480 on my phone 😂

(don’t kill me, guys)

I’m not going to argue for/against the article. However,

we need laws and policies promoting open access and sharing of knowledge, not maximizing profits through contrived scarcity

As a fan of FOSS (and the Open Source community in general), I completely agree with this. Sharing knowledge can do a lot of good.

A lot of the posts say they couldn’t make an account or lemmy is ugly. Well…

  • it’s not our problem if your dumbass can’t even handle signing up. If you’re that incompetent to be unable to sign up, good luck with piracy.

  • lemmy is ugly? Ok that’s subjective. There’s also kbin which looks great (imho) on desktop. Lemmy-wise, our apps (in fucking alpha) already look better and function better than the official reddit app.

Let them stay there. It’s ironic those “pirates” prefer to support big corpo. Shows what they really are.

Edit: and that breaks my “X number of days without browsing reddit.” Tbf i only looked at that post. Yeah, that’s what I’ll tell myself to feel better. Lmao.

It is. And even if you wanted to localize it to specific devices, there’s also a standalone version. I’m using it on my laptop with Arch and it’s pretty good. Adblocking on the go, or if you don’t want (or can’t) mess with the router for some reason.

I personally don’t want lemmy to end up as a reddit replacement. I’m scared the discussions will get worse like it did in reddit. Nowadays, people in lemmy actually discuss with you and not downvote-bomb or make a snarky comment for karma. I do hope we grow, though.

8-10 unskippable ads before a video? Holy shit. That’s ludicrous.

For me, at least, there are companies worth pirating stuff from. I don’t pretend to be ethical in any way, although I do avoid pirating from indie devs. It’s been a long while since I pirated anything, tbh. I just like the community here and it’s nice to keep up with the news.

Great post. Imho, a fundamental thing we should not ignore is letting people know what they’re in for. I’ve seen some users glossing over the intricacies of the fediverse to get others to sign up. I understand their side, but imo that’s not a good way to have people come over. People should be educated enough of the pros and cons as much as possible, although that might mean some would get intimidated and refuse to join.

Clear policies will be very helpful in addressing that, i think.

Edit: just have to add that i haven’t opened the links yet and only read the whole post. Not at home so I’ll check them out later.

I think being open to change is good. Right now, I’m committed to lemmy. There are a few wrinkles here and there, so I’m hoping those things get sorted out.

However, if it turns to shit or a much better one comes along, then I’ll definitely consider moving. Individually that’s easy. For a community, though, it might be challenging.

Thank you. This is what I was thinking of. Lemmy/kbin is great but idk how mature they are in terms of accessibility. I wish them luck.

How is lemmy in terms of accessibility? I hope it goes well for them.

And companies don’t do stupid things like half-assed video game ports or beta versions being released as final versions.

With stuff like push shift and way back machine

So much this. I don’t get why people don’t remember this first thing when it comes to data storage.

This is being naive. Don’t trust a server you don’t run yourself.