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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


A neighboring town has a creamery and their milk is famous around here, it’s so delicious and wholesome. Plus you can turn the glasses back in for a $2 rebate on the next bottle

I appreciate the thought. In this case, it was all around a particular model and I had already seen all of the images. It was just a faster method to write the code and execute (plus it gave me the chance to scream ULTIMATE POWER!!! as it ran) than individually downloading each image.

Not sure if this would help in your case but I once was ripping images from a… Homework site… and after recognizing all of the media files were named as _001, _002..., I created an if loop and used wget to mass download. Maybe Instagram does this for raw image links?

I miss winter more and more every year. I remember as a high schooler (early 2010s) being faced with those intense, magic Midwestern winters with 24"+ of snow, continuous weather between 0–20F, snow on ground for practically the entirety of December through as late as March or even April… Those days are gone. Winters now are a blink, and they’re wet more often than snowy. We get a flash freeze way down to -20 or lower, horrible days that you can’t even go outside, then it slings back to 40s and it all melts again.

The crocuses and daffodils are already blooming and it isn’t even April yet. I’m afraid my son is never going to experience the winters his dad did.

Maybe he thought the topic was interesting and wanted to share more details with us? I appreciate the video.