I write ̶b̶u̶g̶s̶ features, show off my adorable standard issue cat, and give a shit about people and stuff. I’m also @CoderKat.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Live service games, MMOs, gatcha games, and many hardcore multiplayer games are the worst for this. They love to waste player’s time on some repetitive grind because they want players to keep playing their game. They usually have either microtransactions (often for cosmetics) or a subscription.

Personally, I love MMOs, but I try to avoid playing any grindy content (or at least as long as I don’t think I’ll genuinely enjoy it). So I’ll usually play a game for a few months (they’re really big games) and then quit for years, if not permanently (I have a bunch of MMOs I intend to someday return to, but have not yet).

Single player games are generally much better at being genuinely fun. Especially story driven games. I also love open world games because you largely get to make them your own. It’s perfectly valid to beeline the story missions if that’s all you care about. Or you could do just the side quests. Or you could additionally explore like crazy. e.g., with Tears of the Kingdom, you really can ignore most of the shrines and largely focus on the story quests. None of the side quests are necessary, either. You don’t have to explore the depths except for a tiny few places for the story. The vast majority of sky islands can be ignored. But I personally had a lot of fun exploring, so I explored nearly everything and loved it (except most of the depths – they were way too big, empty, and repetitive).

Some people don’t like long games, though. And that’s fine! There’s tons of short or more streamlined games out there that you can have fun with. e.g., The Last of Us is a fantastic one. The sequel is about 24 hours long for the story and it felt like it flew by in the blink of an eye for me cause I was having so much fun.

And that’s just what the Parliamentary Budget Office predicted. The article also has another prediction:

“There’s a zero per cent chance it would be worse than what the Parliamentary Budget Office is saying,” said Wolinetz, who predicts a cost impact of under 10 cents a litre by 2030.

Good. Some people will try to phrase this as a bad thing because yes, you will pay more (eventually, anyway – article says they don’t expect “any real bite until around 2025”). But we should be paying more given the environmental damage that burning this fuel causes. We should not be effectively subsidizing oil companies by paying the cost of their negative externalities.

If anything, I think there should be even more than this. We should have Norway style taxation on fuel. They have a massive savings fund that massively dwarfs our own closest equivalent.

Same. I actually love Linux and don’t like to do software dev on anything else. The only reason windows is my main personal computer is for gaming and streaming services. And some of that is inertia, cause I’m aware that Linux gaming has improved a ton in recent years.

Yeah, DeSantis is evil, not stupid. He has degrees from both Yale and Harvard. He knows full well what he’s doing and how things work. It’s all calculated evil.

The whole CSAM issue is why I’d never personally run an instance, nor any other kind of server that allows users to upload content. It’s an issue I have no desire to have to deal with moderating nor the legal risks of the content even existing on a server I control.

While I’d like to hope that law enforcement would be reasonable and understand “oh, you’re just some small time host, just delete that stuff and you’re good”, my opinion on law enforcement is in the gutter. I wouldn’t trust law enforcement not to throw the book at me if someone did upload illegal content (or if I didn’t handle it correctly). Safest to let someone else deal with that risk.

And even if you can win some case in court, just having to go to court can be ludicrously expensive and risk high impact negative press.

Ah, if only all dictators would be benevolent dictators for life like Guido.

Exact estimates vary, but are generally in the ballpark of about 1% of people being trans and non binary (though this is skewed towards younger people).

At any given time, the US federal government has 535 elected seats. The point of this comment is to highlight the disproportionately low rate of trans people getting into politics and being elected. Things are stacked against trans people, whether it’s the barrier from how poor social acceptance growing up can limit opportunities or heightened fear of getting into politics because of how toxic they are.

And we’re talking about a job where their coworkers are sometimes actively campaigning to outlaw trans treatment, acceptance, and protections. Something that in many work places would get you instantly fired, but is permitted in US politics.

Republicans are not championing free speech. Entirely the opposite with how they’re treating LGBT folks currently.

And on that note, the Republicans are so beyond bad that yes, a one party state is actually better. To be clear, a one party state is utterly awful. That’s how terrible the Republican party is. They cannot be even remotely viable when their entire platform is hating other people.

Cyberpunk is soooo much fun. I can’t wait for the DLC. It got a bad rap when it launched, but at least when I played it (on PC about 6 months after launch), it was really great and didn’t experience any major issues.

Though it should be noted for those unaware that it is a very dark and mature game. An NPC is violently raped off camera. That makes the game not for everyone’s taste. Personally, I enjoy when games don’t feel like they’re avoiding subjects like that (which can feel jarring, since it’s a real life concern) and it does add an extra level of emotion to the game. Plus of course, getting to have revenge.

When you do get around to it, you’ll enjoy it! I played it fairly recently. It isn’t quite as hard hitting as the first game, but it still made me cry. More of a “prey on insecurities” kinda hard hitting. The power (because they never want to go back to rewind, do they?) is pretty neat. Second best after the original.

Seconded. And I’d say they’re more than pretty decent. They have amazing level design, particularly with respect to interactions with the level. Eg, you jump on a ledge and the ledge might start to break. Think stuff like that, repeated dozens of times in various ways.

Lara is pretty cool. She has that kinda inquisitive yet “I wanna help everyone” power fantasy that I relate to. They did also try to make it like she doesn’t want to kill bad guys (which is realistic – it’s weird more video game characters have no qualms with the first time they kill someone), but it is a video game where combat plays a prominent part, so it doesn’t really work when Lara is kill people by the dozens.

Specifically the first game (unarguably the best one), its prequel, and True Colours. Life Is Strange 2 has two twin brothers, instead. They’re all very, very good games that all have made me cry (some multiple times).

They’re also pretty gay if that interests you.

Same for Valhalla. Which interestingly canonically has a female player character for the vast majority of the game (the “real world”), but a male lead for the shorter Norse mythology parts of the game. There’s a lore reason for it. Though the game does let you actually choose whichever gender you want for either part (but it does recommend the canonical choices). The modern day character is also a woman and has been since Origins.

For an older style AC game, AC Syndicate has you play as opposite gender twins in Victorian London. It’s one of my favourite AC games. You do have to play as both twins for some length of the game, but a significant amount of the game lets you choose which to play as (and Evie is more fun to play IMO).

For anyone unaware, Control feels like a triple-A SCP game. Which should appeal strongly to anyone who enjoys SCP.

How about Final Fantasy XIII? The first game has a full sized party, but Lightning is clearly the main character and the focus. Second game costars Lightning’s younger sister and a new male character. Third game is just Lighting.

Of course, that’s understandable. But there’s too many people here that are interested in the reddit drama such that it ends up taking over many subs, drowning out other content.

It’s like how r/worldnews was created, because despite r/news being general, there was so many Americans that US news dominated the sub. We need to do the same with reddit drama IMO.

Why even sell a physical box if it has absolutely no benefit over a digital download? I wonder if it’s at all driven by desire to trick people who want a physical disk copy (ie, a copy that can be resold or traded)?

I wish it was illegal to do that. It’s blatantly anti consumer. Exclusivity does absolutely nothing good for consumers and only harms them by pushing them to have to own multiple, otherwise redundant consoles.

All the modern Fallouts are great. While NV is my favourite, I can recommend them all to satisfy this gameplay style itch. That includes Fallout 76. Despite the onlineness of that title, the single player gameplay is pretty much identical.

Elder Scrolls Online is a bit more different and has more of an obvious MMO feel to it, but it still is a lot of fun for single player exploration. And the sheer size of the ESO world is insane. It’s really great for getting to explore the places we’ve only heard mentioned in the earlier Elder Scrolls titles. The single player quests are still quite well done. And if you enjoy doing dungeons with other humans, the dungeons are fantastic and have great lore. It’s one of the best MMOs out there. ESO will easily eat up a thousand hours. I loved the shit out of it and need to return sometime.

Plus they’ve had a very long time to grow their teams. Skyrim came out 12 years ago. We’re looking at over 15 years delay for a sequel to one of the best selling games of all time.

On the short term, you can’t grow very fast. Developers take a long time to onboard and while new ones are onboarding, senior devs will have to spend a bunch of time mentoring the new ones. But on the long run, you can certainly scale up considerably, especially with enough investment.

A little, but I kinda love it. It’s a feeling of so many options and I find it kinda exciting.

Strongly agreed. I view this as the biggest issue with LLMs. They will hallucinate a confidently incorrect answer for those cases. It makes them misinformation machines.

Tiktok is the absolute worst at irrational censorship. It’s a shame because the site is immensely popular and that means it is full of very interesting content. Yet, this is far from the first unreasonable thing they’ve been removing. It’s well known how Tiktok users came up with alternative words to circumvent words that were likely to get their content removed (e.g., “unalived” instead of “killed”).

I’d like to discuss Horizon Burning Shores
I just finished Horizon Burning Shores (I know, a bit late) and wanted to discuss it! FULL SPOILERS FOR THE DLC SPOILERS SPOILERS So, random thoughts in no particular order: 1. The Horus fight was fantastic and a long time coming. I think we were all waiting for a chance to finally fight a Horus and it didn't disappoint. The initial sneaking past the invincible and very hard hitting tentacles set things up great. Seeing the whole thing rise up had me giddy! And then it just goes on and on and really makes us work for it (I would have been disappointed if a Horus -- even an ancient and rusty one -- was too easy). 2. I liked Seyka and also liked that there was a romance option (but it also made it clear that saving the world is the priority). It's just nice for Aloy to have someone she can relate to in that way. 3. I wish there were more machines. It kinda felt like the bilegut was the *only* new machine. The waterwing feels nearly identical to the Sunwing. The stingspawn don't feel like standalone enemies (more like a part of the bilegut). The Horus is great, but it's only a one off boss enemy. I was hoping for some fresh new enemies to make exploration more interesting. 4. Exploration sometimes felt a little disappointing. I enjoyed how absolutely gorgeous the game is. It is fantastic world building. But so much of the map just doesn't have anything actually there. It looks pretty, but besides machines and generic items, there is nothing to collect. I feel like a few more side quests were needed and for a several more buildings to actually have some kinda lore to them. As an aside, I don't understand why datapoints are so hard to find. I scoured every inch of the map and found fewer than half of the world datapoints 5. Overall I liked the villain. It was good to have a single villain to focus on so that he could be built up more. I felt a bit bad for him when I learned his wife cheated with his best friend and that was the start of his rampant paranoia. But then I learned he was literally brainwashing people (plus the whole radiation space ship thing) and it was back to "yup, he's gotta die". 6. I'm really glad this DLC takes place after the base game and takes advantage of this. Waaaay too many games these days are seemingly afraid to make DLC require beating the game. I guess they want to make the DLC more accessible? Putting the DLC after the story let it utilize the threat of Nemesis as well as carefully incorporate flying. 7. I do kinda wish there were more returning character interactions. It was nice to chat with Sylens for a bit, though. 8. I really liked Pangea World! It was a fantastic setting. Full of interesting old world sights, lots of potential for stealth, it was compact and had lots of depth, and I always like theme park levels in general. 9. I kinda think Nova, Walter's AI, was a bit underused. A thousand year old AI from off world? I would have soooo many questions. But instead she almost immediately asks you to kill her and you do. Wish we could have sent her to live freely with Gaia so that she could lore dump us in the third game. And a bit more lore dumping in this DLC, for that matter. 10. The Heaven¢ sanctuary was really neat. Stepping into that place and seeing all the gigantic posters of Walter's face was quite a moment. It was when we really started to learn what Walter was like. I felt bad for those Quen. To them, the ancestors are like gods. But they seem to know the ancestors are dead. Finding out an ancestor is alive and witnessing their god-like technology has to be seriously convincing. And those Quen thought they had a chance at a better life. A world where they wouldn't be constantly fighting against horrifying machines to survive. Only to find out it's a sham. Oof. 11. Some of the new abilities are neat. Though a bunch are so forgettable that I don't remember what most of them are. I loved the grapple critical strike and used that a ton. I also found the valor ability that berserks all nearby enemies to be very fun for dealing with large groups. 12. I like that we got a smidge of progress against Nemesis, in the form of Walter's notes where he lists 21st century arms companies that may be useful against Nemesis. I was kinda expecting the DLC to dance around Nemesis, leaving it entirely for the third game. Was good to get some teases. Similar for Walter's notes giving the first person perspective of just how Nemesis killed some of the Zeniths and how terrified he is. 13. Perhaps I'm too used to other games where anything that looks interesting probably contains *something*. But this DLC is just chock full of buildings that look interesting but in fact have nothing. Can't be entered, nothing on top (I checked a bunch), nothing around them. In a way, this is probably just a sign of how great their world design is such that downtown LA is actually full of unique towers, but does feel a bit oddly disappointing when most of them are just for looks. Overall I'd give the DLC an 8/10. I enjoyed the story and setting a lot, but it felt empty at times and I really wish there was another machine type or two.

Strongly agreed. I think a lot of commenters in this thread are getting derailed by their feelings towards Meta. This is truly a dumb, dumb law and it’s extremely embarrassing that it even passed.

It’s not just Meta. No company wants to comply with this poorly thought out law, written by people who apparently have no idea how the internet works.

I think most of the people in the comments cheering this on haven’t read the bill. It requires them to pay news sites to link to the news site. Which is utterly insane. Linking to news sites is a win win. It means Facebook or Google gets to show relevant content and the news site gets users. This bill is going to hurt Canadian news sites because sites like Google and Facebook will avoid linking to them.

Starbucks leadership are both cowards and assholes. This is just another thing in a long line of offenses (particularly union busting).

I also like to draw analogies to other age restrictions. If they’re allowed to drive a car, literally the most dangerous thing they can do in terms of causes of death, then how can they not be responsible enough to vote for their leaders?

We also have no qualms about sentencing 16 year olds as adults if they commit a bad enough crime. This one strikes me as society knowing 16 year olds are perfectly capable of being responsible but we just give them a bit more leeway.

And personally, I’ve met plenty of 16 year olds that are better informed about politics than a number of adults I know.

needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation

Gosh, I can’t imagine something as minor as passenger safety being important… Seriously, is this guy real or is it three psychopaths in a trenchcoat?

Recordings from the home’s smart doorbell appeared to show the delivery driver, whom Mr Jackson said was the same race as him, misheard an automated response from the device asking: “excuse me, can I help you?”

Seriously, that’s what it was? They’ll ban him for that?

Oracle of ages/seasons was waaaay too hard. I tried to play it as a kid, got stuck, and gave up very early on. As an adult, I decided to come back to it just to see what I missed out on. Still had to check guides a few times and abused save states.

I can’t remember the details, but there was some kinds puzzle or something that depended on sound and my adult, hearing impaired self could not complete it without save states galore.

Honestly, it’s hard to do that. Chrome’s dominance means much of the internet has been designed for chrome. If you don’t support the same features, people will complain that your browser is broken or sucks.

Myself, I used Firefox for the longest time before I eventually just got too annoyed with the umpteenth site not working correctly and switched to Chrome.

Looks like another must buy for me. I’m usually a patient gamer, but there’s been a higher rate of games recently that I actually want to play immediately. Bought TotK instantly when reviews showed it was a masterpiece and looks like I’ll be doing the same here.

Just gonna finish wrapping up the Horizon Burning Shores DLC first.

They’ve had one layoff, but have they had second layoff? – Merry (or Pipin? Idk the difference)

Though hopefully it can avoid the “orphan crushing machine” effect. That was a problem r/UpliftingNews on Reddit suffered from a lot. So many posts that were meant to be uplifting but were completely dystopian. Most commonly Americans posting stuff like “kid saves money to pay for classmate’s cancer treatment” and the rest of the world staring in horror that someone has to pay for a kid’s cancer treatment in the first place.

I did some investigation into this in https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/199, but stopped short of actually fixing it or spinning up an instance to investigate further, as just didn’t really have the time and energy (and haven’t yet).

Fixing the ! links probably isn’t too hard, but I’m not one to try anything without being able to run it. And really there should be an alias for /c/. I haven’t used Symfony so can’t tell if it’s as easy as I hoped. I’ve had countless times where I thought something would be easy but it turned out hard and vice versa…

The phrasing I like is “crypto is a solution searching for a problem”.

Crypto enthusiasts start with the existence of crypto and try to fit it as a solution to some problems rather than trying to solve those problems without already having chosen the solution. The reasoning is often flimsy as a result. They’re not actually trying to solve a problem and thus won’t consider things like “how is this better than a centralized system?”.

I don’t think GDPR necessarily applies here, but I am not a lawyer. Quoting https://gdpr.eu/companies-outside-of-europe/:

Article 3.1 states that the GDPR applies to organizations that are based in the EU even if the data are being stored or used outside of the EU. Article 3.2 goes even further and applies the law to organizations that are not in the EU if two conditions are met: the organization offers goods or services to people in the EU, or the organization monitors their online behavior. (Article 3.3 refers to more unusual scenarios, such as in EU embassies.)

I’m not sure just what the definition of an organization is, so perhaps any server hosted within the EU is covered by the GDPR, but for servers outside of the EU that don’t have ads (which seems like all servers currently), I don’t think this would count. The example on the linked site about “goods and services” includes stuff like looking for ads tailored at European countries, so I suspect that simply serving traffic from Europe isn’t enough.

The website also mentions the GDPR applies to “professional or commercial activity”. There’s also apparently an exception for under 250 employees. I don’t even know how that works when something is entirely managed by volunteers like this currently is.

At any rate, I suspect we’re a long way off from having to worry about the GDPR.

Honestly, I kinda question how good of a time investment it is to try and allow deletion from the public facing parts of the internet, given the numerous places where your content will be cached or otherwise stored.

There is certainly some value in simply making it as hard as possible to find things you want to delete. Why let perfect be the enemy of good, after all. There’s plenty of types of content we certainly want to do our best at deleting even if we can’t be perfect. Eg, do you wanna be the one to tell a revenge porn victim, “sorry, we can’t make it harder to find the content that harms you because we can’t delete all of it anyway”?

But at the same time, development time is limited. Everything is a trade off. We do have to decide what is most important, because we can’t do it all immediately. The fact we can’t actually delete everything does have to be a factor in this prioritization, too.

There is something to be said about ensuring people know and understand that nothing can truly be 100% deleted once it’s posted on the internet. Not that Lemmy is doing good about that, either (especially since deleted comments apparently lie about being deleted).

All this said, I do think federated, reliable deletion is critical for illegal content. Such content needs to be removed quickly and easily from as many places as possible. Without this, instance owners are put at considerable legal risk. This risk poses a threat to the scalability of the Fediverse.

Agreed. I don’t see the point in trying to ban something before it exists and before we even know anything about how it would work. I get it, Meta has done some shit. But on the other hand, having such a big player in the Fediverse could be huge for its growth, especially since the Fediverse has a serious UX issue and UX is Meta’s strength.

I don’t really understand the privacy concerns. Just don’t use their instances? Have y’all seen how the Fediverse already works? Stuff like your votes are already public and that can’t be easily changed. And a nifty thing is that if Meta makes a product for the Fediverse that is federated, it’s just as easy for its users to migrate to another Fediverse platform if we find out Meta pulls some shit.

A good example is Go’s time package. You’d normally express durations like 5 * time.Second and the result is a time.Duration. Under the hood, it’s just an int64 nanoseconds, but you’d never use it as a plain nanoseconds. You’d instead use it like d.Seconds() to get whichever unit you desire.