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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I watched the video and what they showed certainly looks impressive. The level of detail in actions, variety of gameplay, immersive first person perspective, and visual details all look good. I hope the game looks and plays as good as what’s shown and actually releases sometime soon, but I’m not holding my breath. Even if you ignore all the baggage the game has, gameplay trailers to games still in development are lies more often than not. I stopped following the development like 8 years ago, now it’s off my radar until it actually releases.

Thankfully, at least recently, most devices have settled on only a few standards. And some older devices can be modded to work with newer ports. I know rhere are some mods to add a usb-c port to the 2ds, and from what I understand they’re not too difficult to do.

I liked them fine enough the first time through the game. But I absolutely loved that I could disable them for my second playthrough. More customization like this is a big step forward.

You don’t buy a company for their servers or employees

Clearly he didn’t buy it for that either, since he chucked those out the window shortly after purchase. Pretty sure he spent billions of dollars to shitpost and create a safe space for nazis.

I use something called What’s Up Docker to check for docker updates. It integrates nicely with Home Assistant, so I made a card on my server state dashboard that shows which containers have updates available. I’ll check every so often and update my docker-compose files.

Agreed with this, they may want the setup but have no interest in managing it, no matter how simple you get it. If you do it for them you might be setting yourself up as their permanent support.

I’d gauge how interested they actually are, and make sure they’re willing to learn enough to follow basic maintenance routines.