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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


This seems interesting, and I might try it.

But… I’m kind of sick of web applicatioms. Why does everything need to be a web application or a “not” web app using electron. (In this case I see the use case and reason, but in general)

I have one as well, but let’s not overpraise it. That handheld isn’t a “ps4 as a handheld” (obviously since the vita came out 2012 or 2011 cant remember which). And sadly it struggles to play its generation’s games (i.e. Borderlands 2 (one of my favs on vita) runs at 20-40 fps).

There are great games that showcase its abilities auch as the killzone game, but that was made for that system.

And let us not forget that it wasn’t a successful handheld. There is a reason sony hasn’t made a new handheld device since.

It is there, its the 20th. I was searching for that as well.

Using another VPN on top of my VPN?
My question is fairly straightforward: I've got wireguard set up on my home network, and I'm really happy with it, but I also got a paid VPN service as well for privacy reasons. The paid VPN i got is Mozilla VPN (which in theory uses wireguard as well). My goal would be that I have my own VPN through which I can access my home network, and the paid VPN on top of it, which "forwards" the outbound traffic. Is there a way to do this? Anyone has any experience with this?