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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Private trackers. I think common ones. If you search them with “tracker” you’ll probably find them.

I suppose not needing to grind for better gear would be nice. I think I want my next play through to be a repeat of the first and the grinding was part of the 💫 experience 💫
But I can’t relive that experience so maybe sergey hax is the way to go.

As to iconoclasts, Nothing gameplay wise is similar but the characters/dialogue seem reminiscent of what crosscode brings to the table, which to me was a big part of my enjoyment.

Sorry for the late reply. I think I watched a video with these. I think playing with sergey hax would overall detract from doing a second play through but the extra dialogues/expressions are spectacular.

I’m currently playing through iconoclasts which was recommended as having some similarities to crosscode and I see them. Been having a good time so far with it.
That said, it’s very difficult to compare with Lea

Yesssss. I love this game. I think I need to get back to it some time.

Thank you for keeping these up. I enjoy seeing these threads a lot.

As to stardew, I’ve only played a little bit, never past the first season pretty much. I’m not one to play it solo and group session always die very quickly. When most of my friends are unemployed or don’t work full 9-5, it’s hard to coordinate with them.

That all said, I love this game and it does so much right and Dev is awesome. This game feels to me like a lot of what game companies should strive to be.

Nice touch adding people’s comments in the original post. Doing gods work here

The one game I will never stop gushing praise for is crosscode. Not a short game by any means but it’s taken my number 1 spot handedly.

As an aside, pseudoregalia is an excellent game and I’m glad it made it onto this list or yours.

Just started animal well myself. Seems extremely solid so far. Excited to see what else the game has in store. Also has me excited to see what else big mode releases in the future if this is the bar of what they’ll publish.

I played hl2 a long time ago (at least 10 years). It was a really good game when I played it and I suspect it will stand the test of time for a long while still.
That said, its not Something I’m especially interested in revisiting personally

I find that while the difficulty is there, its extremely forgiving in that you can create save points effectively at will so it doesn’t feel like too much of a chore most of the time

I loved Ori 1 and 2. I hope you enjoy as much as I did :)

This game is my favourite of all time. The characters in this game are incredible, along with each of the gameplay components. Cannot recommend checking the game out more.

This series is really good. The second game is the only one I’ve ever preordered. I also bought and played through the enhanced edition right before it came out.

Like a handful of other people in this thread, I found the shift in combat to be a bit jarring, making the game focus a bit more on combat in general. That said, the original combat which was certinaly required was very uninteresting – mashing 1 button until their HP hit 0 – so the shift to the newer system wasn’t completely unwelcome.

The music and visuals of this game are incredible as well. Both probably in the top 5 of games for me.

I think I have the 5th on steam that I plan on checking out… Some time

I have never player any of these games but they seem really fun and I think a bit goofy at times too?

As a recommendation for another discussion topic: ori series?

Thank you for making these posts. I think it was a really good idea and creates some fun discourse :)

I have wireguard set up now and its working completely fine now. Thanks for the recommendation!

I added a final edit where it turns out I just mistyped the public key and the rest of the config was completely fine. Oops lol. Thanks for your input on this I really appreciate it. Now final question. Since my server now works on a whitelist basis, it should be reasonably safe to leave the port open indefinitely going forward? If not, is there more I should consider doing to increase security?
Thanks again :)

So I got home and fixed my port-forwarding rule, but I can’t get my phone to connect. That aside, I’m now a bit lost as to how to get access to baikal , or anything else… I can’t seem to find any resources that explain how to do this either. Do you know of anything I can read to try to set that up?

Edit: I sorted out reaching the baikal server from the VPN. Still working on getting my android phone to work with wireguard tho :/

Edit: I apparently can’t read and mistyped a key value. Turns out everything has been working this whole time 🤦

I think I’ve configured it all (using the the link the other person sent). I think I screwed up the port forwarding tho and I’m not home to fix it for now.

Everything looks like it should work but only time will tell lol. Thank you again for your help!

This seems promising for simplicity. I’ll check it out!

So I’m just taking a look at wireguard on android. I just need to point a specific address to wireguard and it takes care of it then? This seems relatively straightforward to configure.

Last question (hopefully). I’m running this server off a pi with bullseye. The guide on their site for setting up a server uses buster but the client uses bullseye. The buster version needs to setup unstable release packages but the bullseye client doesn’t. This should mean that I’m good to just grab the default Debian package on bullseye?

Thank you very much for your help with this!

Are these all roughly equivalent in security? Or is it a case of some of these being a bit less complex to set up but you sacrifice security? I’ll look into these options though. Thank you

So if I understand this correctly, I configure wireguard on the server end and port forward to the IP for the wireguard interface? and then configure devices to send packets through their wireguard interface for specific applications to get synced up? Thanks for your reply :)

Setting up Baikal
I've managed to set up a baikal server to sync my calendars and tasks instead of using a free cloud service provided by nextcloud. I'm able to reach it from beyond my local network, but this is all very new to me and I'm a little worried about what permanently leaving a port open for this. I'm hoping to find some resources for securing this, before leaving it up all the time. I suppose as an alternative I can always only run it at home and only sync when I'm home but this seems less ideal. Thanks a bunch for the help in advance. I really appreciate it.