Foul-mouthed bisexual enby punk

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I’m curious, did NatPo also cover the fact that Bell was subsidized $40 million by the federal government for losses suffered by Bell Media, a bill pushed forward by the Conservatives and supported by the NDP, only for Bell to turn around, fire thousands, all while giving a 3.5% increase in dividends for shareholders?

Couple of things. Politicians have zero idea of what they’re talking about, especially one like Pollieve who’s looking to demonize trans women to rile up his base. Calling someone a “biological male” is just their fancy way of saying “man in a dress”. It’s their way of making it seem like they’re less transphobic than they actually are.

Trans women and trans men are biologically no different from their cis counterparts. Trans women lose the muscle mass and strength they had when testosterone was their primary sex hormone. They perform no better or worse than cis women when it comes to sports. Trans women take on the same health risks as cis women; and the same can be said for trans men.

Furthermore, chromosomes don’t work the way you’re suggesting here either. They act more like blueprints during development in the womb. There are also XY cis women with androgen insensitivities, as well as cis women who produce higher levels of testosterone.

Long story short, you don’t need a degree in biology to understand the arguments being put forth by Pollieve and folks like him are absolute bunk. They’re intended to antagonize people against trans folks.

You know what would go a long way? Make housing a shitty income source. Bring about heavy taxes on any additional livable property beyond the one you live in yourself. Ban all politicians from landlording - it’s a conflict of interest holding us all back. Ban corporations and foreign organizations from owning housing. You’d see a fire sale. Prices would plummet, and people who need housing would have a greater chance at it. Finally, get a fucking UBI going, and grow universal healthcare to include eye and dental care.

Enough is goddamn enough. We know who the problem is and it isn’t immigrants, it’s well-off folks taking and hoarding more than they need using their much larger disposable income and connections to take advantage of the rest of us.

There are solutions to making Canadian’s lives better, and they’ll take work and time to make happen, but this continuous pissing in the wind isn’t getting us anywhere. We can do this civilly with hard work, or we can get to a breaking point and do things like 1789 France. One way another, the bullshit has got to go.

Well, how else would companies profit off of works they contributed nothing to? /s

Capitalism needs to die. We need a society that works to better and enrich all, not fuckwads who bleed and exploit others and their work for personal gain.

This hits pretty hard. Looking at the bigger picture is depressing: what the fuck is humanity’s end goal? Because it looks like it’s the heat death of the planet, all so a bunch of narcissistic fucks can pretend they’re royalty, and lord it over the rest of us who weren’t as lucky and see stepping on others for your own desires as cruel and morally reprehensible.

I worked with a small media company like this. They’d constantly throw new tasks and duties at you like candy with no plan, no resources, and unwritten and unsaid expectations you’d somehow make it all work while they sat back and raked in the cash. Burnout was inevitable, and it’d make them furious and vindictive with you when you dare to ask for less work or more pay or people to do the job.

Enough is enough. If treating your employees like spare parts is what’s needed to succeed in a capitalist society, then not only do these companies deserve to die out for their inhumane treatment of workers, but the whole system needs to be upended.

Well duh. When you’re the primary instigator, of course they’re going to target you.

Insurance companies are not your friend. The only thing they care about is syphoning as much money from you as possible.

Fucking evil. Not only sexual abuse, but controlling their victims not only through forced pregnancies, but using the potential life of a baby as a tool for coercion. Attacking abortion was never about protecting the fetus, it’s only another method for Christian fascists to control and subdue women.

If you’re a fan of Star Trek, they have quite a few excellent titles. Personal favs are Armada II (RTS), Bridge Commander (Ship Sim, even better with mods!), and Elite Force (you’re a Security officer on Voyager, FPS made by the Quake developers.

We need to move beyond capitalism. What a miserable existence inflicted upon us who see no other way to live than by stepping on others - enough so they diminish the lives of children to be nothing more than tools. Honestly, every lawmaker who’s pushing for this deserves a good, strong punch to the mouth and then some. This constant push to hoard wealth and damn the consequences is killing us all.

Yar, there be a shitstorm a brewin’ on the horizon. With a flood of bots, not only is the content quality going to drop further on Reddit, but we’ll see more disinformation, phishing attempts, and other crap of the same ilk too. This is how big sites die off, not all at once, but in waves.

My comment isn’t about the techniques they were using. It’s a social comment on an absurd argument some transphobes like to use against transfolk saying people digging up our skeletons won’t ever see us as our gender identity, but as our AGAB (assigned gender at birth). As if anyone gives a flying fuck what someone thousands of years in the future thinks about our remains.

It was funny to me seeing this scenario pop up in the news, and the skeleton had been misgendered from the folks who initially examined the pelvis to determine the skeleton’s sex (reinforced afterwards with certain gendered assumptions around the objects found near it). It flips the table on the transphobe’s argument, showing how it isn’t quite as cut and dry as they’d like to believe.

I believe you misunderstood me. I didn’t suggest the owner of said skeleton was trans; rather, the pervasive transphobic comment suggesting archaeologists digging up our skeletons will see us ‘as we really are’, i.e. our AGAB, is a load of proverbial horseshit when we literally have a case here where scientists had difficulty determining the skeleton’s sex in the first place, by what they thought was a male pelvic bone. I simply like how reality isn’t quite as cut and dry as transphobes like to think, and thought it funny a news article flipping the table on their argument (as absurd as it is anyhow, because who gives a shit what other people think of their skeleton thousands of years from now).

The story and the roleplaying were boilerplate, not something you want in a series known for being rich in both. Could tell you about 5 minutes after the prologue who the main antagonist really was. It was the kind of twist Vince Russo would pull in the old WCW days. The heavy focus on crafting and the pain of having to defend places throughout the wasteland was also a big turnoff for me. Felt like a lot of busywork and fluff to pad the game out. I avoid and drop games that don’t feel like they respect my time.

All in all, it wasn’t a good game for me, but I’m glad some folks enjoyed it.

Thought the irony of transphobes saying when they discover trans people’s skeletons, they’ll only see us as our AGAB. Apparently figuring out a skeleton’s sex is not so cut and dry. Fascinating story regardless.

Skies of Arcadia. Two words: sky pirates. Coupled together with a beautiful overworld filled with hidden discoveries, charming characters, fun ship combat, and excellent music. You can’t go wrong with either the original Dreamcast version (higher quality music, VMU minigames) or the Legends remastering on the Gamecube (an additional story quest, less frequent random encounters - the original is somewhat relentless with these).

Still is. We keep seeing it in our PCs at our workplace.

Jade Empire - a little older Bioware action RPG, originally for the Xbox, but can be found on GOG. Runs between 12 to 20 hours.

Undertale - my favourite game of all time, easy to play, excellent story, and incredible soundtrack.

You can’t be misled when his hatred for LGBTQ+ folks has been front and centre for his entire campaign.

Trans enby here waiting to see a specialist to get HRT. Not sure how dysphoria is for some, but mine is like a person kicking the back of your chair in a theatre on good days, and on bad ones it’s like that screaming sun from Rick and Morty, it won’t shut up. Before I came out to myself as trans, it was like a high-pitched whine in the background, not obvious, but causing a lot of mental harm and a severe feeling of disconnect to reality. It‘s mentally draining as fuck. Since coming out things have been better, but the dysphoria is still there and needs to be addressed.

So yeah, I’m not surprised at all HRT helps trans folks. Looking forward to when I can get on it myself.

Tons. Lots of good ones too. GOG has a large chunk of the older ones (Bridge Commander with mods, Elite Force, and Armada II are my favourites). Everything from point and click adventure games to ship sims, to FPS’s, RTS’s, and an online MMO.

Big mistake to make on the Internet is to call the Internet’s bluff if you’re at the centre of a controversy. It’s not unlike the Streisand Effect.