One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I get that dude! That’s why I left it very ambiguous on what the viewer might be paying for, simply that they would be more likely to spent after having seen the thing than not!

Take away the pirates and they’ll have to pay!

Or people will just not watch movies… Which is far far worse than the pirates as there will be no drive to watch new movies. Having viewers, even if they don’t pay immediately doesn’t mean those people won’t eventually become paying viewers. A non-viewer will never pay.

I should also probably mention the last movie at a theater I went to see was ‘the boy and the heron’, and that was the last piece of movie media I’ve watched.

It’s a good time period for action rpgs. This and monster hunter wilds are looking like a ton of fun.

Hopped on path of exile with a friend. We’re slowing going through the acts and likely won’t get to mapping by the time the new league drops. It’s fine though.

Been messing around with Sky: Child of Light, that one mmo that is very reminiscent of journey made by the same people and got extremely frustrated. I ‘finished’ the game after getting stun locked, and proceeded to find some trials which required precise control of your character… Which is not a thing. Pressing jump doesn’t always work. The physics aren’t great, and the leeway for timings is much harsher than it needs to be. All in all, that was not the best experience. I ended up on the Farmville quest. First objective I could do alone, second one required another person. Third one needs 3 people…

It’s also the 8th anniversary of Egg Inc. and they have their annual event running. I managed to triple my earnings bonus in one day… Which is fairly significant.

Probably that first NES controller… Those corners were hell on the palms.

Terraria. An old friend popped up to ask me if I’d like to play and it’s been many updates ago and at least a decade since I last played. We are playing both calamity and Fargo souls mods mashed together and having a hell of a time with the extreme difficulty as we work through the boss fights.

Not to mention our life schedules work out to 2 hours a day.

I finally started doing story missions in dragons dogma 2. I’m level 60 and just started quests in the first main city.

I don’t think I played anything over the past week. I’ve been thinking about trying some fresh builds in nova drift, which is in it’s final steps to full release.

I remembered that I played dragons dogma 2, as I also did last night and there is something inherently wrong with the later parts in that game. I’m wandering through the desert sections of the map, clearing everything as I go, and I’ve flat out lost pawns while just walking on major paths. They get stuck running into a cliff face somewhere and no commands or anything else will tell them to knock it off. I literally have to go to them, pick them up, and move them away from the wall. I must have missed one of them getting this stuck as she simply despawned completely instead of teleporting back to the group. I have been besieged by roaming groups of what might as well be orcs only to look at the minimal and realize my front men are somewhere 100m back. It’s so incredibly frustrating.

And then hilariously I happen across this article today about a free unreal 5 version of fable some fan has made. From the looks it seems like a prettying up of the original, but might not have changed much if anything about the gameplay.

After spending a bit of time back on the original, I can say that the camera controls are just naturally janky, though it is significantly worse on the anniversary edition and it might be due to something as simple as the increased aspect ratio.

There was some random video on YouTube about the original fable and I had the urge to play it again. At some point had received the anniversary edition on steam so I loaded it up. 30 minutes and a bit of motion sickness later I uninstalled it and went hunting for my actual original disk. Found it, installed it, and the options and controls are so much better… It’s amazing that they ported the Xbox version for the anniversary edition and didn’t bother to include things like mouse sensitivity, smoothing, acceleration, or really any pc specific options.

The main issue is that the camera seems to be connected to more than just character location, it seems to also be connected to orientation of some part of the character, like the hip. Combat is jittery as all hell, movement isn’t pleasant, and everything else hardly matters… I will be playing the original.

D-pad for precision, analog for thereabouts.

Or in monster hunter, d-pad for camera with index finger, analog for movement with thumb, embrace claw until everything cramps.

I thought about playing a lot of things. I spent about 2 hours in helldivers 2 and that was about it for the week.

Considering it was asked to copy the previous text, it could easily be something the creator of this screen cap had written and the chat or literally just copied. A ‘repeat after me’ into a gotcha.

Nevermind. Enough other screenshot have shown the exact same text in realistic looking prompts that I suppose this is legit… Sadly.

In no particular order:

  1. Half minute hero: quirky, quick, hilarious, and a bit stressful at times. It’s a perfect mobile title.

  2. Disgaea: infinitely scaling/playable strategy rpg. You can power through the game pretty quickly, or take your time and slowly become a god so strong that even friendly healing spells miss you.

  3. Patapon (2 and 3): rhythm based game about using drum commands to get your little dudes to complete missions.

  4. Dj max (any/all):dance dance revolution for your thumbs. Korean game featuring Korean artists. One of my favorite continuing series.

  5. Monster hunter (freedom through portable 3rd): action rpg all about them boss fights. Kill monsters, use their parts to hunt tougher monsters in a game all about incremental progression, inventory management, and learning movement patterns to git gud.

  6. Patchwork hero: do you like the dig dug stages where you slice off bits of the land to drop enemies into the water? This is that except they are airships and you must defend your homeland

  7. Lumines (1 and 2): musical game about matching colors and making combos in a tetris-esque style game. The devs went on to make tetris effect.

  8. Cladun 2: so I heard you like action rpgs, infinite scaling, pixel art, and enough grindy systems that even my power tools get jealous. Enter Cladun.

I’m wondering if I missed any I spent a disproportionate amount of time on… But these were the first ones to pop into my head.

Edit: I am finally home so I can look over my games… and I definitely forgot a couple.

  1. LOCO ROCO! It’s a very simple platformer in which you guide your little dudes through stages by using the L and R to tilt the stage. You collect fruits to increase your dude into a larger dude, or several dudes, depending on the situation.

  2. N+ Be a platforming Ninja, die a lot… like a lot a lot. It’s… simple and hard and so satisfying to clear one set of 4 stages at a time. You can even make your own stages if you’re feeling up to the challenge.

It’s good to see those who are willing to vote with their wallets. I’m still very much playing helldivers 2. The matchmaking was recently broken and will likely be fixed before the mid week, though it certainly hurt those who just tried it out.

Matchmaking being down means I have to coordinate with the folks I know who are also playing. Thankfully for me, I have plenty of options.

Helldivers 2 was the only game I played this past week.

It clearly has a few major issues, but I’m having a ball, even when the defense mission types are completely busted and the game seemingly isn’t satisfied until it hits the cap for enemies and maintains it.

Helldivers 2. After a somewhat rocky launch, the game is good and enjoyable. It’s missing a lot at the moment in terms of what the first game offered, but the third person shooting is very refreshing from the top down game it once was. I was planning to spend my whole weekend on it, but seeing how quickly I’m progressing through the ranks and knowing how the difficulty curve is, I’ve decided that taking my time and waiting for further updates is preferable.

Edit: seems I missed out on login issues yesterday from literal hundreds of thousands of people joining in.

Depends on the game.

Monster hunter: they get the cute armor sets. Dudes get the fat armor sets, while that version of the lady armor is something like a mecha teddy bear.

Social games: I aim for the more gender neutral looks, and for whatever reason guys are almost always bulky. It’s usually somewhat possible to get a female avatar to look guyish. And if it’s using voice chat, there is very little question.

Online MMOs: I have set male and female character tropes/character types that have been developed for 20ish years at this point. Coskii is an axe welding merchant or as close to that as I can manage. My thief is a lady, archer is a guy, wizard is a guy, and sorcerer is lady.

Single player whatevers: it depends on the character sounds. Sometimes games can get a bit excessive with their sound design, and for whatever reason make the guy voice sound like he’s constipated for every sound effect.

I’m in a weird gaming rut at the moment, I just bought into the radius, but I don’t want to play it until I get a better headset. I worried that the screen door effect of my first Gen vive will ruin the experience.

As such I’ve fallen back to the rogue lite twin stick goodness of nova drift.

I will buy a game when:

The gameplay is up my alley, or the experience is worth the time invested into it.


The final cost of the game after dlc is equal to or less than 1/10th the cost of my PC. Usually aim for 1/20th if I’m iffy about the gameplay.

You don’t want to play in a sandbox with threeish worlds of actual content and another 900+ of randomly generated garbage missions/barren worlds/mass effect 1 terrain ‘exploration’?

It has a host of other issues besides basic ui problems, my largest pet peeve at the moment is town layouts being completely different. Picking a random nightmare dungeon to run and then porting to town is immediately followed by me opening the map to see which cardinal direction the blacksmith/shop is in.

I have a similar issue with Diablo 4 at the moment. I’ve been playing on controller on pc. It’s two button presses to skip the intro logos, and a third press will exit the game before even getting to the main menu. The number of times I’ve accidentally closed the game is much too high.

Considering the size of those wheels, I feel like it’d only take two or three. They are massive and that is terrifying.

I’ve been playing Diablo 4 recently and am missing the helll out of all the options path of exile gives players to work on their gear. I have enjoyed what I’ve seen on poe2, and look forward to playing it eventually.

This needs to be the loudest point made as part of any of it. Anyone in that state who is unhappy with how it’s going should probably vote. It’s so bizarre to me that people are watching this happen in their jurisdiction and still won’t get out there and do the bare minimum to change it. It’s beyond wild that DeSantis is being allowed to continue his destructive dealings with no notable resistance.

I remember a time when if an elected politician did something that enough of the population disagreed with, they were removed from office. I’ll have to go find the article.

I could not find the specific example I was thinking of, but the wiki on recalled politicians was good enough. It happens a fair amount. Since 2011, Florida has had 3 recalled politicians.

Beat hazard 3. It’s in early access and I love the simple concept of “music creates the stage”. You can use digital copies of songs, or in this new fangled age of streaming it allows for a plethora of other streaming services and even just desktop live audio if you happen to have some dj streaming on twitch open.

It’s basically asteroids with upgrades, bosses, and waves upon waves of musically generated ships to blast.

Each track completed awards a unique new ship to pilot, procedurally generated. There is a galactic conquest mode where all your music is made into clusters in it’s own galaxy. And the solo dev of the whole thing went ahead and added upgradeable special attacks in the most recent update, which is why I’ve been playing this week.

I’ve been enjoying the idle game Egg Inc. It is a fairly enjoyable and free to play “numbers go up” type game. They don’t force ads on the players, but they are encouraged. For the past few updates they have been removing little bits of the free to play friendly features, and increased prices on some of the premium stuff, but it’s still a decent way to toss an hour or two into a day.