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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


My point is that postal service shouldn’t be run as a private company that absolutely needs to turn a profit, just like healthcare for example.

Conservatives love to treat Canada Post as a private company because they can then tell everyone how unprofitable it is and must be dismantled and sold off to private interests. And then, it will cost even more for less services

Or, hear me out, some services don’t have to be profitable, like sending put parcels and letters within a country, healthcare or public transportation. Essential services you know.

Instead of giving money to mega corpos for them to pocket it, we could pay for services that benefit the citizens, just like China is doing for postal services.

What’s even worse is that the train wasn’t in bumfuck nowhere, so there is no excuse for not providing a transportation out of the train to the destination.

Or at the very least, have someone bring food and water.

I don’t know about NS, but here in QC there are too many cooks in the administrative layer of health care. Too much money is going to the people that bring a lot less value than they cost.

We always have a big reform every 10-15 years or so to consolidate more and more service in the same mega structure, but it always add more administrative layers instead of adding boots where it matters.

I hope that every province can turn around and put the money where it really matters instead of more administrative employees.

Then fucking force companies to reinvest then. Tax the shit out of profits unless it is reinvested back into the economy through their employees and any other mean.

Corpos are quick to suckle at the government tit for subventions that they don’t need, but when comes the time to give back to their community, crickets.

Maintenance cost too much, so the cut corners. Then a holiday happens and the trains are used more, so they break because the maintenance was shit.

It’s going in forced arbitration. Big difference here.

If both parties agreed to do arbitration, it would be dandy.

But nowadays, the government is eager to shut down any strike with special laws sprinkled with bullshit, and fuck over the workers’ right to strike.

I’m from Quebec and we have this character called Elvis Gratton and one of his famous line is “Ils l’ont l’affaire les americains” or in bastardized English “Americans know what they are doing”.

Elvis Gratton is a caricature of a typical man of that era where a lot of Quebecers were enamored with the US. At that time in the US, it was the golden era of the American dream (but we know how it turned out).

When I see conservatives spreading their bullshit, it reminds me of that character which is not very intelligent and how pervasive the US conservative propaganda is in Canada.

Tenants are already getting fucked over. People already on financial strain hit by a 25% rent increase over 2 years like it happened here will lose their apartment and the landlord gets to keep his property that “pays for itself” (see: someone else is paying their property). And that sets a precedent for other landlords.

At one point in time, the trade off for renting was a lower monthly payment than a mortgage and a maintained apartment by the landlord.

Nowadays, tenants pay for the entirety of the mortgage, and landlords complaint when they aren’t cashflow positive month to month and don’t maintain their property because they have the big end of the stick on a human right.

And the response from the government? “We’ll look into it”. Fuck that noise.

Then fucking sell the property and cut your losses. Why is it that landlords are sacrosanct people that make money regardless of the bad “investment” they made?

The GDP is so tied to the real estate that we see inane shit like that.

How fucking inhumane of us to give the chance to these people to go out on their own terms and in dignity, instead of dying a slow painful, ugly death like god intended them to.

But the politicians called the nurses heroes during the pandemic, what more do you people need?

I think it might be time to cut taxes to the richs and privatized another chunk of the healthcare system.

NVIDIA didn’t ask to shut it down, but AMD lawyer probably weren’t that hot to what the project had become and AMD asked the creator to shut down the project l, which he did.

But yeah, lots of work wasted caused by pencil pushers and bean counters.

AMD asked them to shut it down. So the guy is going to go back to the pre-AMD release and work independently from there.

Weston family, so a fuckton of chains across Canada. But their main chain is Sobey’s

My plan is to build a second server that I will leave at my inlaws’ house and use that, but for now, I will rent a cloud while this happens.

Photos was part of my plan, so mega.nz isn’t an option. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I like the thought of having timed backups to keep the costs lower by pruning the olds backups.

Thanks, from another link in this thread, Borg seems to have wrapper options as a complement to its features.

Never heard of it, but I will look into it. Thanks

Thats a great link, it lists a lot of options and gives a good explanation on how to setup the author’s choices.

Thanks for the information, I will look into that.

My goal is that if for whatever reason, my homelab is compromised, I will be able to at least restore my important data.

If i can modify the data on the other end, but cannot from my proxmox, then its fine.

I would like a offsite solution in the future, but for now it’s going to be a cloud for data blob only.

Immutable backup for important data
Hello, I am looking for recommendations for a service provider of immutable backup that has options for a homelab user. My research has led me to services with expensive options, or no pricing at all unless you ask for a quote. Thank you

If you step on a small sack of shit or a slightly smaller sack of shit, your shoes still smell like shit.

In the US, wage theft is fucking big, the biggest part of the pie in its category.

In the current work culture, your employer will try to fuck you over if that means they get a cent more.

Maybe the issue is the fucking terrible toxic work culture and not the fact that young people are starting to work later in life?

Kids already worked in the mines when they were 5 or 6. We should regress to these great time so that the GDP can continue to grow, and shitty employers can continue to pay poverty wages.

Do you think that traditional project management is from the top down? Or were you exposed to bad traditional project management? Because that’s the same argument that you are making for Agile.

Let’s make things clear - the Agile methodology is a great tool. But like any other tool, it is not a one size fits all. But what is happening right now is that it’s pushed by upper management because that’s the cool tool.

Like traditional project management?

No, it just means that this is not the right tool for that company. But it is forced upon the employees.

That’s naive ( or bad faith) to think that it gives power to the workers. It’s just used against them.

I get the spirit of the method, but it is not the only available tool and the right tool for every project and company and should be treated as such.

If there is so few people that get it right, maybe the problem is that the system is not adapted for the vast majority of people and the reality of the work life, and other options should be explored.

But there is always someone claiming that everyone else get it wrong and blablabla.

But someone with a MBA in a closed office is pushing that shit all the time, and everyone that has to use it roll their eyes because they know damn well that the only thing that will matter is those damn story points, and the people will game the system because that’s all that matters to those that don’t use the system, and you will hear about that other team that always finish the tasks in their sprint.

That’s a crock of shit argument. Yes a few percentage will live off that, but the vast majority of people don’t want to be in the position where they need government money to survive.

The stock market is doing great, but the vast majority of it is owned by already rich people.

So fuck us I guess.

It usually means that their logical thing is pretty good because discrete math is pretty much all that.

You learn a concept, then you modify it to apply to different contexts for different applications.

The math competitions is a good training for that.

I agree, but we should always compare to what is better and strive for that. Otherwise we get the situation today where the argument to take a product over another is that it’s less bad than the old one

It’s not because you compare Teams to something worse that Teams isn’t terrible.

Imagine making 400k in gains and complaining about paying an extra 20k.

People complaining can get fucked. I

There is such a society rot versus making less profit that business owner see this as they have to raise the price to match the profit they didn’t make. There is no other options.

Innovation like a new coat of paint over chat-gpt and prompt “engineer”. Real value created here.