Science and expert opinion should be respected, “your own research” is usually worthless, Black Lives Matter, Taiwan is a country, Love is Love, and Trans Rights are Human Rights.

No nazis or tankies, thanks.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


“Know who should make big decisions about running our software company? Finance lizards, obviously!”

Pretty sure that’s these people, right?

Edit: Actually this guy signed onto Unity in 2014 Unity was still privately held. It went public in September of 2020. Unity’s founder, David Helgason is still on their board and served as some sort of Senior Executive whatever position at Unity. Dude still has a 4% share of their stock.

So anyway, probably this David Helgason character who hired him. And/or whoever else (including Riccitiello!?) who was on the board at the time.

The relationship between CEOs and boards of directors is so fucked up and incestuous…

In any case and in retrospect, Johnny boy was 100% hired to cue them for up for the eventual IPO and boy did he ever. It’s amazing how fast companies go down hill when they become publicly traded.

Are they sure? Has anyone tried discussing government contracts that will have a huge impact on the stock market in front of her to see if she perks up?

Lol, one of the two options listed is what I’m using. Need to find something with support for fantasy stuff and if possible, alternative hacking rules. Hamish who wrote it mentioned he wasn’t super happy with how it turned out.

I love that setting, but those mechanics. Ooof. Way too heavy. I actually meant the genre not the system. In reality I’ve been running The Sprawl but I’m looking for a narrative forward cyberpunk game that can accommodate urban fantasy.

The way this CEO operates is absolutely worthy of condemnation and viewing him through the lens of unfeeling cosmic horror is, if anything, a nicer take. But it’s fair to say that people operating at that level of wealth have become detached from and profoundly alien to normal folk.

I don’t think you’re parsing this comic fairly or engaging with its content by labeling it “edgelord violence or insults.”

Pretty much ALL of Hbomb’s substantive examples from the video are from CTRL-ALT-DEL which is like … the worst example imaginable. There’s screenshots of PA’s art, but beyond the one dumb gag about “stake me bro” he never really gets into PA’s writing. ODD, THAT. Because if you actually read Jerry Holkin’s posts, you’ll find a level of writing that puts the lie to the notion that these are idiots making cheap, derivative work. Setting aside the fact that they’ve been doing this so long that they basically defined the genre.

And as an aside, really Harris, web comic artists as targets? You’ve done it, you’ve achieved the epitome of punching down. These and other extremely sane takes from the guy that brought you an almost 2 hour long video on the goddamn Roblox “oof” sound effect.

CEO as cosmic horror is a concept with legs. This’ll spice up my next cyberpunk campaign.

They just clamp on the edge of your desk and you move them out of the way.

It’s mostly marketing and a built in mic. Ever since I got a mic on an arm and good headphones though, that’s all I want to use.

Do you understand the difference between power outages and there being no infrastructure at all in the first place? And, AS I MENTIONED, Texas is in the spot it’s in because they refuse to work with the rest of the grid.

The goalposts aren’t moving, you just have no idea where they were. I’m guessing due to critical failures in reading comprehension or being paid in rubles.

Yes, clearly the US is a 3rd world country because some states experience occasional issues with their grids. This doesn’t happen anywhere else in the “first world.” Oh, wait.

If you’re smelling shit, he that smelt it dealt it.

Or you could cut the playground crap and argue like a grownup, whatever.

Texas is a state, dear. Administrative incompetence notwithstanding, it still has better infrastructure than a good portion of the world and pretty much all of what we’d consider the “3rd world.” And also, they only have the problems they have because they deliberately cut themselves off from the national grid.

It’s hyperbole brought to you by keyboard doomers who’ve never left their state much less their country. Talk to me when huge regions lack electricity or indoor plumbing.

Anybody interested in seeing that can hop over the border to Tijuana and check out villages on hillsides essentially made from trash where all the buildings are particle board and cinder block. There’s shitty parts of the rural south, but to claim they’re the same demonstrates a profound lack of perspective. I dunno, maybe it’s gotten better since the late 90s when I was there, but there are degrees to these things.

We can discuss America’s fascism problem without being ridiculous muppets and or Kremlin/CCP propaganda vehicles.

Sparsely populated agricultural areas and shitholes like Bakersfield aren’t common tourist destinations. You don’t need to tell someone to avoid them. So yeah they’re “deep red” in the sense that half a dozen yokels that live there are idiots, but they’re very, very much in the minority.

And honestly, having traveled a bit, even California Conservatives aren’t as Conservative as they think they are; a fact which becomes extremely apparent when they leave the state and then get slapped in the face with actual out and proud racism and they get othered for being from California.

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Oregon, Washington, and most of the Northeast are fine.

Just stay away from the South. This has always been good advice and remains good advice.

“Polished razor dildo” isn’t just a turn of phrase, it’s a full 720.

Thank you! The strength of video games as a medium is interactivity. If it doesn’t enhance my ability to exist and act in a virtual space it’s essentially worthless to me. I want better physics, better AI, and more interesting mechanics, not better anti-aliasing and effects that mistake eyeballs for camera lenses.

There’s a name for that system, it’s called Kanban. It was developed in the 1940s by an engineer for Toyota named Taiichi Ohno.


I just … stopped playing it halfway through. It’s what the game seemed to want, so that’s what I gave it. It didn’t hurt that the mechanics were bad and it wasn’t actually any fun to play.

There’s just so much manipulation inherent in the game that its commentary feels cheap for me. It’s like setting out a box of knives for your kids to play with and then scolding them when they do. Hey, asshole, you set up the box and put it out there. What did you expect?

It would be so much more meaningful if the player actually had choices within the game. As it was, I decided to go play something fun.