Developer of Deus Ex Randomizer, StarCraft 2 Randomizer, RollerCoaster Tycoon Randomizer, Build Engine Randomizer, and Groovie 2 in ScummVM

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


For these discussions I think it would be good to link relevant communities.

I don’t think there’s a community just for Monkey Island, but there is !

I played the first Monkey Island as a kid with my family and still love these games. Great humor, puzzles, and music. #1 is probably still my favorite, all of them are great except maybe #4 I still need to play (now that it works in ScummVM it’s a lot better with modern computers). #2 is probably the hardest game in the series. Tales of Monkey Island is maybe the easiest but still good. Return to Monkey Island was also very good.

Zelda: Minish Cap, and Castlevania are my favorites

I haven’t played many JRPGs, but I’ll say Grandia 2. I liked the way the timers worked, and the cancels. Also positioning always adds depth to combat.

Panzer Dragoon Saga was pretty cool too, with the circular movement.

here’s a good video essay Ross’s Game Dungeon: Deus Ex

and Deus Ex: Human Revolution is FINE, And Here’s Why

I feel the same way about the prequels, but I think the original game is the best game ever made.

I would suggest against GMDX for a first time playthrough, it changes A LOT. From the aesthetics, to the gameplay, to the sounds, the mood, the feel of the game, and the viable approaches in each level, there’s so much that’s changed it just isn’t the same game anymore.

You’re much better off with the Vanilla Fixer tool, Transcended, or Zero Rando (I’m the dev). You could also use Revision and toggle every setting to vanilla, but make sure you also disable the HDTP models, and disable Shifter and Biomod too, and definitely set the maps to vanilla.

Oh that’s really dumb

Maybe they should’ve rushed it instead of delaying it lol

I’m a big fan of their The Walking Dead games. For a long time I thought the final season would never be finished, but I think it was like a couple years later and it was bought out and finished, and miraculously it was actually good too.

Did you try these searches while logged in or anonymously? Lemmy (and probably other platforms) don’t allow searches for remote objects unless you’re logged in, this prevents abuse of server resources. The fact that you’re getting replies and you can see them and reply to them means it’s probably all working fine. actually dbzer0 doesn’t have access to your IP address, only sees it

for everyone else it’s the instance that your account lives on

We're also on ModDB now Our GitHub will still be our main home, however it seems that ModDB is taking votes for Mod of the Year :) If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works: [![v2.0 Trailer](]( [See the full README here.]( Also check out [our Discord]( and []( ## WaltonWare and Bingo improvements and fixes * New WaltonWare Entrance Rando mode! This combines the two game modes into one, for extra craziness. * Fixed BingoViewer sometimes failing to read the file * Scopes can now do "watch x" bingo goals without needing binoculars * Fem JC can now always pay for companionship * Sub base Jock immediately available in WaltonWare, this way you can immediately go to Silo if you have bingo goals there. This also helps if you're playing the new WaltonWare Entrance Rando mode. We felt like this was one of the toughest missions in WaltonWare so this should help balance them more. * New Game+ will now only allow you to carry over 5 of the same type of item (not counting stacked items). This mostly affects armor and camo hoarding, [especially by MQDuck]( * Made skills more attainable after many loops, and reduced how many augs you get each loop * Flaming barrels are now moveable. * Kills and knockouts of characters are now distinguished (so knocking someone out won't count as a kill for bingo) * Added more pigeon generators and fish generators * Slightly improved RNG for random starting map * More bingo events ## Major Changes * Installer now has an option to apply fixes to vanilla as well, sort of like a "Zero Changes" mode as an alternative to "Zero Rando" mode for the purists. * New color theme: Health - the color of your HUD is determined by how much health you have. * Toned down the Rando color theme speed * Added option to make flickering and strobing lights more chill (epilepsy-safe mode) * Ninja JC mode now allows mini-crossbow and knife, this provides more variety without dominating the ninja playstyle * Weapon mods can now be automatically applied to the weapon in your hand * Fixed weapon mods being randomized in Zero Rando mode * Tweaked number of medbots in Serious Sam mode * Nerfed randomized cameras and turrets, reduced their range and firing speed * Added a Forgot Your Password button to the Helios Computer room in Area 51 to let you replay the infolink giving you the password. * Fixed rotation of Dragon's Tooth Sword in mirrored maps, especially for the sniper nest location * Fixed issues with Gordon and Max moving to the temple when pawns get in the way. Ensure the monk doesn't spawn in until the ceremony (as intended) and clear pigeons out of the way. * Slightly reduced issues with in-fighting, we're still working on eliminating these * Fixed Zero Rando/Rando Lite Paul conversation skip * Reduced simulated Crowd Control frequency * Fixed Tong's dialog after doing Versalife before doing the UC, he would keep rambling and advance the story too far * Fixed "time bonus" going below 0 points * Removed demolition skill scaling the fuse time of grenades thrown by enemies * Prevented certain things from being placed in skyboxes, like a datacube in Versalife * Added TNT crate in Ship Below Decks locked closet, mostly for Stick With the Prod players, with added key for that door * Vandenberg Command keypads now glow white ## Minor Changes ::: spoiler Click to expand Minor Changes * Fixed the grenades in the Training mission * Fixed police datacube about Maggie Chow being shuffled, since reading it has consequences * Added small crate to Liberty Island behind the electricity so you can't get stuck * Moved Mission 2 Underground datacube out of the water, which caused issues trying to read it * Mission 2 Underground added more possible item locations * Fixed lasers in Oceanlab UC so they only trigger the doors once, same for the Dockyard sewer lasers * Vandenberg sub base elevator now crushes when encroached, so it doesn't get stuck * Speedrun mode added notes for each split in DXRSplits.ini file * Illuminated dangerous stairs in Paris apartment * Fixed RiotCop always being immune to pepper spray even without visor * Oceanlab backtracking buttons for greasel lab and crew module * Fixed rotation for security computer in Area 51 mirrored map * Fixed autosave causing the player to bounce upwards * For non-vanilla mods, fixed the binoculars starting item to use our customized version instead of regular binoculars :::

oh btw 3rd party apps aren’t working with 0.19.0 yet, because of changes to the authentication API

it’s in alpha currently, but you could still run it

I think you might have to use the :dev tag to get this update, a bit risky to stay on that tag though, maybe wait for the next docker image of an alpha release

yes you’re right, also that config flag was renamed to cache_external_link_previews

in v0.19.0 you could try disabling pictrs caching

    cache_external_link_previews: false

I don’t think that will clear the existing cache though

I setup Gogs once like 6 years ago or something lol, I remember it being pretty easy and it is nice. Although if Gitea is more actively maintained then it’s probably worth giving that a shot first.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors – Wide Mode

Simply increases the playfield area on screen from 256×224 to 320×224. Seems to be compatible with other patches.

so simple, but probably a good improvement for co-op play

Texture healing works by finding each pair of adjacent characters where one wants more space, and one has too much. Narrow characters are swapped for ones that cede some of their whitespace, and wider characters are swapped for ones that extend to the very edge of their box. This swapping is powered by an OpenType feature called “contextual alternates,” which is widely supported by both operating systems and browser engines.

Contextual alternates are normally used for certain scripts, like Arabic, where the shape of each glyph depends on the surrounding glyphs. And they are also used for cursive handwriting fonts where the stroke of the “pen” might have different connection points across letters. Texture healing is a novel application of this technology to code.

basically fonts were already capable of using alternate versions of characters based on their nearby characters, so they used that for these fonts to allow for seemingly-dynamic sizing/spacing

Contributing to ScummVM, they can be pretty strict but it’s good

another funny optimization I made was we were setting up a big Perl project for Docker. The automated tests were very slow because each test was doing includes which was searching many include paths and if you’re using Docker on Windows or Mac then I/O stuff can be slow. So we made the docker init script create a single master lib folder and have it make symlinks to the actual files, perl then only had the default include path and this master folder, gave us like 2x or 3x speed boost on running the test suite.

ok maybe not my biggest or cleanest optimization, but an interesting one

I made the WCS Predictor for StarCraft 2 eSports, which would simulate the whole year of tournaments to figure out the chances for each player qualifying for the world championship (the top 16 players by WCS Points), and it would also show the events that would help/hurt the players. It was a big monte carlo simulation that would run millions of iterations. (My memory is fuzzy here because this was 2013 to 2014)

Originally I did a data-based approach where each Tournament object had a vector of Round objects (like round of 32, or semifinals, etc) which had a vector of Match objects (like Soulkey vs Innovation, or a 4 player group). The Round class had a property for best_of (best of 3, best of 5, etc). This was really inflexible cause I couldn’t properly simulate complex tournament formats that didn’t fit my data, and it required a lot of if statements that could cause branch prediction misses.

A tournament definition looked something like this:

older code example
		Round ro32("ro32");
		Match ro32GroupA;


		GSL.rounds.push_back( ro32 );

When I rewrote it for the following year, I ditched the data-driven approach to try to get more efficiency and flexibility, but I definitely didn’t want virtual functions either, so I decided to use templates instead and a custom class for each tournament. Now creating a tournament looked like this:

newer code example

class Round : public RoundBase
	MatchType matches[num_matches];
// ... more stuff ...

class CodeSBase : public TournamentBase
	Round<32, SwissGroup, 8, RandomAdvancement<16, 16>, true > ro32;
	Round<16, SwissGroup, 4, A1vsB2<8, 8>, true > ro16;
	Round<8, SingleMatch, 4, StraightAdvancement<4, 4>, true > quarterfinals;
	Round<4, SingleMatch, 2, StraightAdvancement<2, 2>, true > semifinals;
	Round<2, SingleMatch, 1, StraightAdvancement<1, 1>, true > finals;

	void init(vector &prev_matches, vector &upcoming_matches)
		quarterfinals.best_of = 5;
		semifinals.best_of = 7;
		finals.best_of = 7;
		ro32.points_for_placing[3] = 100;
		ro32.points_for_placing[2] = 150;
		ro16.points_for_placing[3] = 300;
		ro16.points_for_placing[2] = 400;
		quarterfinals.points_for_placing[1] = 600;
		semifinals.points_for_placing[1] = 900;
		finals.points_for_placing[1] = 1250;
		finals.points_for_placing[0] = 2000;
		finals.match_placing_to_tournament_placing[0] = 1;

	void predict(Simulation &sim, array &top8, array &bottom24, array &finalists, Rand64 &rng)
		RandomAdvancement<16, 16> Ro32toRo16;
		A1vsB2<8, 8> Ro16toRo8;
		StraightAdvancement<4, 4> Ro8toRo4;
		StraightAdvancement<2, 2> Ro4toRo2;
		StraightAdvancement<1, 1> finalsadv;

		ro32.predict(sim, t_id, Ro32toRo16, rng);
		ro16.predict(sim, t_id, Ro16toRo8, rng);
		quarterfinals.predict(sim, t_id, Ro8toRo4, rng);
		semifinals.predict(sim, t_id, Ro4toRo2, rng);
		finals.predict(sim, t_id, finalsadv, rng);

		top8 = Ro16toRo8.advancing_players;
		for (uint i = 0; i<8; i++) {
			bottom24[i] = Ro32toRo16.falling_players[i * 2];
			bottom24[i + 8] = Ro32toRo16.falling_players[i * 2 + 1];
			bottom24[i + 16] = Ro16toRo8.falling_players[i];
		finalists[0] = finalsadv.advancing_players[0];
		finalists[1] = finalsadv.falling_players[0];

All data had very good locality using arrays instead of vectors, everything could be inlined and branch predicted and prefecthed, complex tournament formats could be built even properly handling high placements from one tournament granting you seeding into a different tournament. I think I gained like 3x to 5x speedboost from this alone, I also made it multithreaded and work in batches which improved performance further, which allowed me to get updated results more quickly and with a higher number of samples. I also made it so it could output the results and then keep processing more batches of samples to refine the numbers from there. I wouldn’t normally suggest these kinds of optimizations but it’s a very unusual program to have such a wide hotloop

The website is gone, but here’s a working archive of it (which I didn’t know existed until writing this post, I thought there were only broken archives)

archive links, me reminiscing on old times, get ready for stats and graphs overload

home page:

a tournament page:

a player’s page:

a general checkup page:

a page for players who must win tournaments to qualify:

page showing the simulations history:

FAQ page:

the fantasy league WCS Wars:

my WCS Wars user page

Which is part of why we should want all the popular social sites to be federated, so that holding the userbase doesn’t create an insurmountable monopoly and you can easily move to a better alternative without leaving your friends and content behind

Hell yeah, The 7th Guest! I was a little kid when we got this game and the family used to play together trying to solve the puzzles, good times. Gave me nightmares lol.

Btw we have !

Many years ago I ran my own Gogs and it was pretty good, would recommend

I’ve got a few more for you that I forgot earlier

Point and click adventure games !

Doom !

RollerCoaster Tycoon !

StarCraft !

ok this is really niche, but The 7th Guest series (with The 11th Hour, and The 13th Doll, of course the upcoming VR game, and maybe some other related games like Clandestiny and Tender Loving Care)


and the Deus Ex series !

also some communities for my mods for games (like Deus Ex Randomizer)

Maybe, but Lemmy has sorting options that Reddit didn’t, like Active and New Comments, so maybe we need to reevaluate megathreads for Lemmy

I thought it would leave comments on individual lines of code with feedback and code quality, but seems like it just summarizes what the pull request changes

the summary stuff would be better if it was per file instead of overall

It’s cool for small and easily testable functions like sorting, but to refactor large amounts of code? No thanks. Would be great if it could leave comments on my pull request though.

They should’ve figured out a way to communicate that the Series S will last until next gen, but the Series X would get more cross-gen games when next gen launches

Or they should’ve known that RAM is hard to scale on and they could’ve included an extra 2GB or so in the Series S lol

But I’m actually a believer that BG3 could be made to run on XSS even with split screen, it’s just gonna take more work and reduced graphics maybe audio quality too, and smarter data streaming from the SSD

cross-posted from: > This legendary article used to be on Gamespot > >

Steam hardware Survey For June 2023
screenshots for archival purposes here ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

cross-posted from: > We’ve been really busy this year so here’s a recap of the best additions since v2.0 was released a year ago. > > # New in v2.5 are [Mirrored Maps!]( > > * > > * Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before! > > # We now have an installer program! > > * Helps with getting the game running well on modern computers for you and also handling the mirrored maps download and installation. > > # New game modes: > > * Zero Rando - great for first-time Deus Ex players! Disables all randomization features but keeps all the bug fixes, QoL improvements, and balance tweaks. > > * Randomizer Lite - Great for players who haven't played Deus Ex in a long time, or those who are intimidated by the full randomizer, or if you just want to keep the original mood of the game. > > * Serious Sam mode - same as the normal Randomizer but with 10x as many enemies with difficulty tweaked to compensate. > > * All 3 of these new game modes can also be combined with other mods: Lay D Denton, GMDX, Revision, or Vanilla? Madder. > > # Enemies Overhaul: > > * Randomly spawned enemies can now get randomly generated patrol routes. > > * New enemies with slightly different stats and appearances, [see the wiki.]( > > * Randomly spawned enemies now appear as the same faction as the enemies near them. (No more Thugs with MJ12 Troopers.) > > * Enemies now have a random chance to have a helmet added or removed, and an additional chance for them to get a visor. A helmet slightly reduces damage, while a visor makes them resistant to pepper spray and gas grenades. > > # We're now at 56 goals with randomized locations, with 228 locations for those goals. > > * > > # We're up to 177 bingo events for our built-in bingo tracker > > * > > * > > * And we also have an external Bingo Display program so you can keep your bingo board visible on your 2nd monitor! > > # Accessibility improvements: > > * New spoiler buttons on the Goals screen in case you get lost: > > * Show Spoilers: shows where goals are > > * Show Nanokeys and Show Datacubes: similarly highlights the locations so you can see them through walls > > * Goal Locations: tells you the possible locations for goals without spoilers or cheating > > * Entrance Locations: Provides a list of all the possible entrances in your current map (for Entrance Rando only) > > * Entrance Spoilers: Provides a list of all the entrances in your current map as well as where they lead (for Entrance Rando only) > > * Improved Training mission > > # Reduced pixel hunting > > * Datacubes/nanokeys/medbots/repairbots now glow > > * Crates that become emptied out now turn into cardboard boxes so you know from a distance > > * Improved visibility for some goals like a new in-game map of the ship and emails referencing the locations of goals. > > * Training mission improvements including explanation of some of Randomizer's features > > * Map teleporters are now visible and show text of where they will take you, especially useful if you're playing Entrance Randomizer mode or with Mirrored Maps enabled > > # Music Overhaul > > * Random song chosen for each area > > * Ability to add music files from Unreal and Unreal Tournament (someone in our Discord also added in music from Red Sun with some easy config file editing!) > > * Continuous music which keeps the music playing smoothly even if you die similar to Super Meat Boy > > # Support for the mod [Vanilla? Madder. v1.75]( > > * This mod adds tons of new mechanics and I think when you combine it with Randomizer you get the most in-depth Deus Ex experience possible! We've been working together so when they released their update on April 10th we were ready with support on the same day! > > # Choose what map to start the game > > * If you want to start in Hong Kong or Paris, for example. You’ll start with an appropriate amount of skill points, augs, and equipment. Likewise, the bingo board will be intelligently built and scaled to match your position in the game. > > # Other Improvements > > * We've improved physics with enemies receiving knockback from high damage, and improved physics on gibs. > > * We've recently added a leaderboard in-game! Make sure you enable Online Features because it's disabled by default. Also check out our Mastodon bot (Twitter started banning bots, Mastodon is like an open source and community-run version of Twitter) > > * Left clicking to use items even if you don't have inventory space for them, such as medkits, armor, and food > > * Tweaked some numbers to make the rates of enemy types, weapons, and items a bit more varied from run to run. > > # If you haven’t seen Deus Ex Randomizer before, here’s the trailer from v2.0 to give you a taste of the features already included: > > * > > Download here: