
Somewhere between Linux woes, gaming, open source, 3D printing, recreational coding, and occasional ranting.

🔗 Me, but elsewhere

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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


If a function takes all types of variables it’s your own fault!

Those formats are not for humans to read or write. Those are for parsers to interpret.

I remember ZoneMinder.

A full-featured, open source, state-of-the-art video surveillance software system.


Is this still a thing nowadays?

Samsung T7 totally worth every cent. You connect it via USB-C.


Okay, NOW it’s getting personal!

Rare achievement, only 0.04% of all users have it.

ACKSHUALLY … markup languages do not produce a formatted document. They define semantic elements of the document. The formatting is done by the compiler (whatever it is in the individual context) based on styles defined by a styling language.

GoToSocial is awesome. Some features are still missing, but the server is in active development.

As front-end I use Elk. It’s selfhostable as well as publicly usable at https://elk.zone. It’s labeled as alpha software but runs absolutely well.

So Habbo Hotel is a programming language.

Are you gatekeeping gatekeeping-gatekeeping now?

Mom! Look! Moooom! Moooooom! Look, I am in this! Mooom! You’re not looking! Moooom! Look!

And two networks and a reverse proxy and four more volumes …

It’s absurdly complex and annoying and lacks proper documentation.

There currently is no sane way to deploy it via docker since it needs half a dozen of different containers and volumes and networks to barely work at all - overwriting/ruining your already existing setup while doing so.

The cleanest would likely be setting up a VM where you set up docker in and let Lemmy do whatever it wants.

So stay with Microsoft. Since they’re already spying on you through their OS-integrated malware, having them spy on you through their search engine isn’t a big deal at this point.

Microsoft implements screenshot malware as Windows core feature that cannot be REALLY disabled without breaking the system.

You mean, using things from an operating system outside said operating system is forbidden?

Oh man!

my only concern is it might go away and can’t last forever like open source can.

For corporate use software I couldn’t care less. But for private use I’d never rely on closed source software that requires me to buy a usage license.

The old age of the Docker image is a bit of a red flag to me.

I settled with SWS since the Docker image and a locally installable version are actively maintained by the creator. It just serves static files and optionally directory listing as JSON (which comes in quite handy).

Some people just want to see the world <span class="burning">burn</span>.

I understand the individual words but I have no idea what this is about.

indentation error

Especially not one I have to “subscribe” to.

The whole idea is just ridiculously stupid.

Temporary workaround applications/scripts become de-facto standards sounds familiar. They disabled loading script files in Powershell but you can still copy&paste the file’s content …

People have no idea how absurd IT in corporations is.

That make the badges NFC tags but without actual NFC …

At least they had the code not in direct sight on their desk.

Big international corporate, IT security hired by personal connections instead of skill, IT security never worked in daily business.

The fun thing is, that they refer to NIST guidelines. Which is even funnier because NIST says 12 digits are enough, user-generated 8 digits are fine, no complexity rules, and password changes only “when necessary” (i.e. security breaches).

https://sprinto.com/blog/nist-password-guidelines ff.

I’ve seen plenty of solutions. Sticky notes, a simple text file. External tools like barcode scanners. Using all letters and just 1! at the end (not that this is less secure on technical level than a completely random string, but it’s easier to bruteforce - theoretically), etc. Some people use KeePass (with a stupid 5 letter password).

Some users have a barcode scanner connected to the system for doing the business stuff. The barcode scanner registers as HID keyboad …

Yes, they did exactly what you think.

They are so heavy on security I have a Citrix environment that takes me 3 logins

My daily routine:

  1. Take laptop out of locked shelf
  2. Start Laptop and enter boot password
  3. Enter Bitlocker password
  4. Enter username (not saved) and password
  5. Open Citrix website and login with different username and password
  6. Enter MFA token to access said website
  7. Start server connection
  8. Enter different username/password (not saved) to access server
  9. Enter different MFA token for the server login
  10. Start the business-specific application with 3rd set of not saved and different login data

They also have plans to make MFA mandatory for laptop login, too.

Passwords need to be at least 15 characters long for laptops and 30 for servers and 10 for the business-specific application. All need to have uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters and need to be changed every 60 days (for the server login) and cannot be the last 30 passwords.

Best way to dockerize a static website?
I'm currently researching the best method for running a static website from Docker. The site consists of one single HTML file, a bunch of CSS files, and a few JS files. On server-side nothing needs to be preprocessed. The website uses JS to request some JSON files, though. Handling of the files is doing via client-side JS, the server only need to - serve the files. The website is intended to be used as selfhosted web application and is quite niche so there won't be much load and not many concurrent users. I boiled it down to the following options: 1. BusyBox in a selfmade Docker container, manually running `httpd` or [The smallest Docker image ...](https://lipanski.com/posts/smallest-docker-image-static-website) 2. `php:latest` (ignoring the fact, that the built-in webserver is meant for development and not for production) 3. Nginx serving the files ([but this](https://thenewstack.io/freenginx-a-fork-of-nginx/)) For all of the variants I found information online. From the options I found I actually prefer the BusyBox route because it seems the cleanest with the least amount of overhead (I just need to serve the files, the rest is done on the client). Do you have any other ideas? How do you host static content?

How do YOU create your Docker images?
Currently I’m planning to dockerize some web applications but I didn’t find a reasonably easy way do create the images to be hosted in my repository so I can pull them on my server. What I currently have is: 1. A local computer with a directory where the application that I want to dockerize is located 2. A “docker server” running Portainer without shell/ssh access 3. A place where I can upload/host the Docker images and where I can pull the images from on the “Docker server” 4. Basic knowledge on how to write the needed `Dockerfile` What I now need is a sane way to build the images WITHOUT setting up a fully featured Docker environment on the local computer. Ideally something where I can build the images and upload them but without *that something* “littering Docker-related files all over my system”. Something like a VM that resets on every start maybe? So … build the image, upload to repository, close the terminal window, and forget that anything ever happened. What is YOUR solution to create and upload Docker images in a clean and sane way?