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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Lol, our main initiative at work right now is migrating our on prem auth to keycloak.

This is why god (linus torvalds) invented git.

git commit -m "holy fuck its working"

I thought I was fine, until I installed IDS/IPS on my OPNSense box, and noticed one of my servers trying to contact a malicious IP. Took everything offline that day and keep publically facing services on other peoples networks :~)

Personally, I just wireguard in to my local net. No need to have CF snooping where they don’t need to.

It all depends on your use cases and what you (or your users) need to access.

Lol, decided to ask chatGPT this question, turned out pretty well:

Alright, imagine you have a magic tunnel that can connect different places together. But this is not an ordinary tunnel that you can see or walk through. It’s a special tunnel that works with the internet!

You know when you want to visit a website on your tablet or computer, you type its address in a web browser, right? Well, sometimes websites need extra protection to stay safe from bad things on the internet. That’s where Cloudflare Tunnel comes in!

Cloudflare Tunnel is like a superhero that helps keep websites safe. It creates a secret passage between the website and Cloudflare’s special servers. When people try to visit the website, their requests go through this secret tunnel first.

Now, imagine there are some bad guys who want to do bad things to the website. They try to find the website, but all they see is the secret tunnel. They can’t see the website or know where it is. It’s like the website is hiding!

But good people, like you and me, can still find the website because we know the secret. We can use the magic tunnel to reach the website and see what’s there. Cloudflare Tunnel helps protect the website from the bad guys and lets the good people get through.

So, Cloudflare Tunnel is like a special secret tunnel on the internet that keeps websites safe from bad guys and helps the good people find them.

Lol I spent like 3 hours debugging why one of our services in stging wasnt publishing messages to kafka and 2 hours on a call with devops on monday trying to figure out why terraform tore down a diff services mongo permissions

Honestly lol. Real-time stress test!

First time hearing of tauri, so thanks for sharing!

Couple Q’s about Tauri:

  • How large does the binary compile to?

  • How snappy is it/how does it feel, compared to an electron app?

Github link to tauri for those interested: https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri

Whats your preferred method of accessing sql, in that case? Most companies I’ve worked for use sprocs. ORM?

At this time, no. This is a limitation on lemmy’s side though

That sounds like a server issue. Try a smaller server

Unfortunately, you can’t get .edu domains without being a school

Lol, I deal with orphaned children at my job

Easiest way to remember is because it’s the max cash stack on oldschool runescape