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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2023


Lol imagine hiring someone cuz they had used a Microsoft tool…smh

This is only true if there’s the same number of houses as people. There are way more houses than people.

Trash analogy

Don’t bother ripping. Just buy a 300 cd changer

“AI models are technically theft: they weren’t licensed to commercially profit off of 99.99%”

This is simply a lie. There is no license like what you describe. You never need a license to view or learn from something given away completely free on the internet. You guys keep pretending there’s a law that says otherwise . There is not or you’d post it.

Copyright does not cover viewing or experiencing a piece.

Bear with me but maybe its the fact that this dude looks like jaws from that bond film…

An arm is an adjustable rate mortgage.
You want fixed.

You’re in Canada I think we are talking past each other

Who the fuck puts captions ABOVE a picture???

Get the tar…

A mortgage is a document filed in the register of deeds office. I’ve filed several. You’re looking like a clown here.

Then do it dude. No one is stopping you. I’m saying someone has to put up the cash.

You’re saying…I’m not sure what exactly cuz no one is jumping to build public housing anywhere.

But if you think you can provide public housing at cost go for it. Someone has to pay UP FRONT and I’m not sure who u think that actually Is.

I never said any of the things you claim I said…lmfao. who are u arguing against cuz I didn’t make any of the points u claim I did.

I never said anything close to what you assert in your first paragraph.

This is called a strawman. And you really beat him up…lol.

Do we not have a stable economy? Are u kidding rn? Name one that is doing better.

News flash dude. Way before all this increase when rates were low and there were tons of houses on the market I was trying to buy a first home and was outbid constantly by realtors who had more money and connections. It has never had anything to do with landlords per se.

If you dont think landlords are providing a service then you’re the idiot. No one is making you rent from anyone. I joined thought it was worth the space for the money no one would pay it.

Do you not realize that buildings cost money? That has to come way way way before a single dime of rent is collected. You act like rents collected from tenants equal the cost of the building immediately.

So again, where is the money coming from in advance to build the housing??? You only have one option. You keep pretending otherwise by creating a crazy unrealistic situation.

Largest gdp and arguably most stable economy of scale on the planet what are you talking about?
See this is what I’m talking about. Just devoid of reality

Where did I say landlords are your friend? You’re not all there mentally are you?

Lol. What a shit take. What is my kid supposed to do for a house? Pay market price in a year? How does that solve the supply issue again???

I love how you guys are just reactionary and don’t ever think any steps ahead about what the result of your propositions would be…just landlord bad. Free house good.

I’m a huge supporter of social welfare programs and limiting the num of houses ppl can buy so if u think I’m the enemy, buddy you’re fighting the wrong battle.

No one wants to pay for any of that ever tho. You’re talking about massive infrastructure costs which sure on average is cheaper but good luck getting any gov to agree to the cost and maintenance. Idk about Canada but public housing in the US sucks.

My point is that large corporations are the issue not someone with an extra house or two.q

Yep, the house I got lucky on and am saving for my kid to move into in a year makes me scum of the earth.

I mean I get the hate to some extent. I’ve been on both sides of this coin so I can see how both sides feel squeezed.

I don’t disagree but what we need is stability. So far capitalism has given the US that. If you’re proposing a different system fine just make sure that while we move to it the perceived wealth of the country doesn’t take a hit and after it is implemented do the same.

I don’t think it is possible from here. What we really need is loads more regulation and Corp criminals going to prison to start.

I mean this is patently false. Even when there were huge housing surpluses and rates were rock bottom people still rented. Sometimes even when they could afford to buy.

Sure now large corps have gobbled up the supply but even if they sold everything and tons of houses were on the market there would still be renters. And those renters need landlords.

You can’t afford to buy. If not for landlords who would you rent from? Where would you live?

The idea that if there were no landlords you’d be able to afford a house is absurd.
I agree corporations should be limited in how many single.family homes they are allowed to buy but this whole "all landlords are scum ". Schtick makes u look pathetic and ignorant of the facts.