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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Yeah. I just don’t like trying to email 100+ authors haha. But you are right in general they do like to share most of the time

I need people to submit more of the research papers that I need to be able to read to lib Gen or sci hub

I always excitedly go to Scihub or LibGen only to find that they never have the paper I am wanting. Smh

When I was young I learned to pick a female character and people would be way more nice to me and helpful when I was new and give me stuff.

Lmao gotcha. I mostly played when it first came out. I imagine the reason it was overwhelmingly negative was the review bombing of the “overwatch 2” which is the exact same as overwatch one except they forced everyone to switch to this one where the only difference is the addition of a store. everything that used to be free cosmetic wise is now payable content.

Overwatch makes new players do tutorials on each of the heroes now as well as describing all the abilities at any time in the selection screen. I think if you were to explore it again and play for a while you would learn it all really quickly. The characters aren’t really that complex once you learn what is going on haha. Definitely at first it’s just chaos and dunno why you’re dying

This is what I was going to say! Have you seen the video of it on a giraffe