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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I’m not. I’m old, and have been following this conflict for decades. Hamas very often targets innocent Israelis in their attacks, and hides behind innocent Palestinians to make it difficult for Israel to target them. You can argue about whether it is justifiable or not that they do this, but there are many, many sources that they do.

There were many innocent civilians living in Nazi Germany, and a lot of them died in the interest of stopping them.

We try to minimize innocent deaths in war, but when the group you are fighting against uses hospitals as military locations and innocent people as human shields, it becomes difficult to do so

The site lists 4 torrents and none of them are mine. I assume this is because my ISP assigned a dynamic IP address

Sounds like a disingenuous argument.

If you’re a content creator and you can leave, you should. If you can’t, well obviously you shouldn’t yet.

Wearing traditional black clothes is not necessarily racist. Wearing blackface has a long history of being directly racist.

There isn’t an equivalent with wearing Nazi clothes.

Removing an episode for being racist (even though this one wasn’t racist) is not cultural genocide. Wearing blackface (I know, this wasn’t blackface) is not a culture that needs to be preserved.

Many publications on arxiv (or biorxiv or medrxiv, etc) are early drafts, or otherwise not scientifically rigorous and wouldn’t be published in an actual journal due to failing peer review. Take what you find there with a grain of salt.

Although you should also take any single peer-reviewed article with a grain of salt as well.

Specifically, the corresponding author (which should have their email listed in the publication)

Keep in mind you may get an “uncorrected proof” or “author copy” since many authors don’t want to run afoul of their publisher’s guidelines on giving out copies

Definitely better than this outdated version. Nobody uses Python2 unless they want to at this point

It won’t replace entire ground crews, because the machines will break down. You’ll need someone to service them, and a small team to act in case there are no backups.

Just think of all the horse trainers that will be displaced by the invention of cars! Those cars won’t be paying taxes, that’s for sure.

Ok, but AI isn’t going away. So if these companies stop serving open access, the ONLY people that will use them will be the people who can afford the server/processing time.

This article isn’t about usefulness of the models to normal people. It’s about profitability of the models to the corporations that serve them.

Paying close attention is ironically very important if you’re interested in foraging

No need to try again. They already are implementing additional costs. 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

You may underestimate the amount of money the Saudi government has

I never said laws change quickly.

Marijuana use only recently became publicly accepted by the majority of people. As a result, it is now completely legal in many states and will likely soon be legal federally.

This kind of thing would never happen in China.

The difference between democracy and fascism is that the laws are quickly changing due to public opinion in America, but that does not happen in China.

Tried to store documents in paint and it ruined the documents, 0/10

I’ll let you know how my file cabinet art show goes

I’m the director of technology for a neurology lab, where we collect patient health record data in a variety of disparate machines and modalities (e.g., MRI, EEG, physical functioning, retinal scans, etc.). We’ve been using the open-source database software REDCap (basically a wrapper for MySQL that enables easy GUI-based data entry), but we are reaching the limits of what it can handle and need something that can scale with our growing database.

I have little experience in database management myself, but I am a competent programmer and feel comfortable learning whatever is needed (famous last words, I know).

Can you elaborate? I’m deciding on what type of SQL to use for my lab and am thinking about MySQL. Should we reconsider?

Maybe I didn’t explain it properly. I did hate the BOTW system but really enjoy the new one. You still feel like you need to switch your tactics up regularly but you don’t need to go hunting for good weapons anymore.

The game isn’t centered on exploring other planets, though. Have you played the game?

They did address it in the new one.

Now weapons are all (mostly) shitty, but you can accumulate up to 999 each of powerful attachments to your weapons. If your powerful silver bokoblin sword broke, find another shitty weapon and attach one of the silver bokoblin horns to it that you have. Attaching also makes the durability significantly higher.

I assume you looked up if it was correct to be able to say that does know the answer. In that case, why did you bother with ChatGPT?

Never take anything generative AI produces as factual unless you check it. It is not designed to produce factual information and is very often wrong and confidently incorrect.

For the love of… stop using generative AI to give you answers to questions! If it doesn’t have an answer it just makes it up completely.

It took long because you’re on the free tier and you were rate limited. The idea that a human is writing your answer is so laughably absurd I genuinely don’t know if you’re serious.

Fallout 3 I assume

Morrowind and Oblivion also had credits after a clear endgame

The LLM isn’t the issue here. It’s generating coherent speech well enough.

The problem is that there is no mechanism for identifying odd or out of place items in the stimuli fed to the model. This mechanism (separate from the LLM) would be placed between the CNN (image recognizer) and the LLM (text generator). What typically happens is the CNN recognizes subjects and items in an image and passes the list along to the LLM which generates a description. Since the LLM doesn’t actually have access to the original image, you can’t ask it to look for unusual things the CNN did not provide it.

The result is not surprising. People just don’t know how these models work and so assume they can do anything.

Fair enough. F76 was a shit show. But I have high hopes both because Starfield is a single player game and because a multiplayer Fallout was always a terrible idea anyway

Bethesda Games Studio is entirely different from Bethesda the publisher, so I wouldn’t be too worried

If TikTok doesn’t allow you to download their videos and share them outside of their website, based on the EULA agreed to when you made your account, then yes it’s piracy. Justifiable piracy, but still piracy.

(I have no idea if TikTok allows this)

While you have a point, the emulator scene is untested and legally dubious.

There is nothing dubious about copyright infringement. Doing what Sony did would easily be considered abusing the legal system and no judge would stand for it.

Which they would definitely win.

Even if it’s based on the existing song, parody and sampling precedent make it clearly free use. However the creator definitely owns copyright on the specific creation.

I think he means he’s praising Larian for choosing Joel to make an ad for them. His humor is not exactly mainstream

Oh man, that screenshot of Progress Quest gave me instant nostalgia

It’s not ok for Bob to go after you with a rifle because threatening someone with a weapon is illegal by itself. Firing someone is not

That would be great, but it would lead to people not being as engaged in the site: the entire point of this corporate-sponsored research