“Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form”

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Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


If one of the steps was leaking the source code then you could say that. Though who knows maybe AI reverse engineering will get good enough that we’ll soon be able to turn the assembly code back into C++ or C. Then you can port the software to whatever you like.

With assembly you’re very much limited to the hardware it targeted and without a huge amount of work the operating system that it targeted as well.

The problem is that basically any anti-cheat that isn’t server side and is installed locally on the machine is in one way or another a rootkit (especially the ring 0 ones), and because their purpose is obfuscation they often do more than they say they do and their operators have no accountability, we can’t, and shouldn’t trust them. Server side ones make sense and I don’t have any issues with those, as those can’t affect the host machine (except due to vulnerabilities).

Though I’d argue it should be optional for “private” experiences, like private servers.

I’m a big proponent for decentralized online play where the servers aren’t based on the company which has a desire to make money off you (the whole reason they’re trying to put rootkits in people’s computers). Especially after all the shit around online games terminating their services and becoming unplayable, for games with decentralized online play and matchtaking services this basically wouldn’t happen, sure a game could become unpopular but even if there were no servers for a game like that, one could still start up a server for their friends to play on together, these games never really die.

Considering how awful I’ve seen anti-cheat discussions on Steam and Xbox go I really don’t have much hope for those people’s ability to unite together against something like this. Oh and in case people try and say that anti-cheat and DRM are different things, that is true, but also not really, they’re both software designed to restrict the things that a user can do with a game they have bought, the only difference is that anti-cheat is way more accepted, and the community is willing to witch-hunt and slander people who don’t accept it. Also I’ve seen cases of Anti-cheats in singleplayer games being used as a sort of anti-tamper DRM, so they’re really not that different.

It’s not even needed for a tiny single user git instance, they’re grossly over-representing the amount of resources required to host one of those.

This is such a stupid argument considering you don’t need a fucking giant ass data center to host a tiny little git server. I’ve seen this argument time and time again, but the real reason people go with VPSes is convenience and laziness.

I would absolutely agree with the other person that renting your own VPS is not self-hosting, not by a long shot. You could argue that you need a massive host for a large video or music platform, or even a large git platform with thousands of repos, but not for a tiny single user, single project forgejo or gitlab instance or a single static web page.

Yes, but often those countries come with their own huge bag of problems.

Not saying they don’t, everything has pros and cons and you need to decide what’s really important to you and whether or not it’s worth overcoming the challenges associated, many decide it isn’t, and that’s okay, but some decide it is and choose to pursue it.

I’m saying we don’t give the copyright and corporate trolls what they want and act or talk like the enemy states out of their reach don’t exist or that someone couldn’t or wouldn’t go there to do the dirty work, or imply that these places are going away sometime in the near future.

All not that easy and it can get highly criminal very fast.

Of course it is, anyone should know that working in and for an enemy country is criminal. If someone didn’t understand that they need to pick a side in the world they deserve what they get. Most people who are dedicated enough to go that far understand the risks well enough, and are willing to take them.

There are a good amount but of course the copyright trolls would rather people ignore them because they have no leverage there (seriously I’ve seen . Many of these countries are enemy states to the western world and unless that changes it’s unlikely copyright treaties from the west will reach those states, and vice versa.

One common example of a place like that is the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.) it includes Russia and a few other countries.

It can but they have to go through the effort to actually follow through with the end goal. It’s not just an easy automated bureaucratic process to keep stupid safe harbor provisions (that’s why copyright claims are so abusable).

Folks when people start making these types of bad faith replies that’s when you know that they are a troll and the best thing you can do is report them and start ignoring them.

Piracy is a pejorative term used by record companies and copyright holders in general in attempt vilify people who won’t play along with their gatekeeping and trolling and also make the act of doing it seem scary and wrong.

I see, that’s good. I know that pictrs uploads can get very messy if not immediately handled.

For starters AI generated “art” can’t really even be called art.

You called it art. Zer0 said images, and its just that.

I think I would argue that this immediate jump to “AI is NOT Art” that a lot of these commenters are making could be considered strawman arguments exactly for that reason. db0 and others have not and are not claiming that it is or isn’t art, this is just an announcement that we have an image generator to randomize banners and also sharing the code so those that want it can integrate it in their instance.

Very neat idea, though I do have a question, are these banners set to upload to the pictrs database or are they set to upload to a fixed location with the pointer in the community set to that location, it might be a better idea to do that i.e. community banner set to i.e. https://dbzer0.com/images/piracybanner/banner.png and have it overwrite that image when replacing without changing the hardcoded link in the communities. I’ve done this on my other profiles, using a hard-coded link to another site and changing the images there without uploading a new one.

A reason why that could be worth it is because on pictrs the old ones aren’t normally deleted and they can accumulate fast. Of course you could also set up automated deletion of the old one on pictrs which would accomplish the same thing but could be a bit more challenging since I’ve heard pictrs management is a pain on Lemmy in its current state.

Yeah that person is very clearly a troll. They probably don’t even believe some of their arguments and are just fighting back for the sake of fighting back and gatekeeping.

Honestly this level of pearl clutching is hypocritical in a piracy community which is why I think a lot of them (not all of them) are likely trolls who probably feel this same way about piracy, even if they won’t admit it.

Well I’ve found you can avoid the extra sounds as long as its available on YouTube music specifically, as that is a music specific platform but you have to only select from the songs section and not the Videos section. You get less selections than you would’ve before but not really since those extra ones weren’t even songs, but rather music videos.

Also Lyric videos basically never have any sounds in them.

(Doesn’t address the quality issues since many YouTube videos are limited in audio quality, I’ve found downloaders that can do it but it’s hit or miss).

They aren’t you’re thinking of Github, though Gitlab is far from immune to corporate corruption.

I think this person is very clearly a troll with nothing better to do.

because lemmy.world is yours as much as it is ours.

It’s funny because someone on their team started banning people from that thread for disagreeing with their stance then when called out for it they quietly changed the instance bans for community bans, in an awesome display of pure pettiness one would normally see on Reddit.

When I described the previous removal as LW having a feud with dbzer0, that was why.

Yeah maybe not, it’s mostly just Nintendo, I wouldn’t put it behind Microsoft to do something similar, though they haven’t tried anything yet, and also don’t really have any console exclusives anymore (that they care about, most of them are forgotten on Xbox 360).

If you want someone to “fight” against Nintendo, be the change! Do it yourself.

And also probably live in Russia (or another CIS state) you know, like most of the famous crackers who still do this and continue to get away with it. Otherwise they (Nintendo or some other western Corpo) will just do the same thing all over again.

Or you could just have a team there, but it didn’t work so well for Gary Bowser, so if you go that route consider the first option.

You can usually find it by googling or searching for “prod.keys for yuzu” and you’ll find links. Beware of scams though, only download the prod.keys and title.keys, don’t use pre-packaged emulators from these sources, only use the official ones with the keys from them.

console manufacturers might start slapping DRM into their consoles

You been living under a rock bud? That’s literally the idea of a game console, it’s ultimately what separates console gaming from PC gaming.

now sure, this is a piracy sub, but i’m not sure if the yuzu devs are keen into piracy…

They literally sabotage their emulator so it can’t play certain games in case of leaks, they’re well past that point.

i also wonder if there’s any way to fight back. people who dump their legal copies are being screwed as well.

Could develop the emulators from a country that doesn’t respect intellectual property rights, it works well enough for Empress, obviously it would absolutely not work out for her if she tried to do what she does in America.

That’s a weird reason considering that the keys are not unique per console, meaning the ones online will work just fine.

What does the 0.1% of the file contain anyway, if it’s a video and most of the data is there it might be either playable or if not it probably might be able to be repairable so it can play, albeit with minor corruption in the damaged part.

I’ve seen and heard of a few. Thing is when you join them you’ll only get access to newer stuff there, the E2EE makes past messages unreadable if you haven’t been there for a while. It’s not like on Telegram where you get Room history access.

It’ll be slow as hell or bog down the connection. I know because I tried. Sometimes networks will also do tricks to block or filter torrenting though direct/unproxied connections. Usually though it’ll just be very slow.

That is very true, Reddit without Infinity is a miserable experience.

Never encountered that bug on Eternity but I would suggest making a bug report for that issue on the page for Eternity so they might be able to fix it.

Liftoff is on it’s last legs, once the last 0.18.5 instances make the upgrade to 0.19 it’ll almost certainly be unusable. Dev isn’t active anymore so I wouldn’t count on an update to fix it either, at least not any time soon. He also said he doesn’t have much experience with auth so even if he does get back to it it could take him a while to re-implement login.

Probably not, I doubt they even understand what the fuss was even about and are now wondering why quality has gone down so much and why subs are becoming full of spam and reposes.

I guess this is how they’ll learn about the effects of ruining the experience for moderators and content creators, a majority of Reddit’s scabs are consumers so naturally when creators and mods leave quality goes in the toilet.

which reddit was obviously super happy about the pirate sub closing down.

Oddly it wouldn’t seem entirely like that since when it shut down they basically forced it to reopen. Which is funny since they dislike it so much, guess the traffic and ad revenue is more important to them.

Mainly I just use the one built-in to settings of Gnome, I never torrented on public wifi (most public wifi I’ve used is too slow to download without chewing up all the bandwith) but the MAC address randomizer seems to work very well, even with the ones that use timed paywalls (where they let you use it for a time then lock your MAC address out and ask you to pay).

In this day and age everyone should be using a MAC address spoofer, especially on Public Wifi, many of them track mac addresses and impose limits based on time and data usage.

If you’ve ever been using public Wifi and noticed it got slow or stops working after a time, that’s why. Some will even be up-front about it by asking you to pay for it after a time.

Only if they wrote why in it though, plenty of people (unfortunately myself included) fail or forget to add meaningful comments or they let their comments go stale when making changes by forgetting to update them (I do it a lot too), and some people also use horrible function names that don’t make any sense.

So it only really applies to source code intended to be released where care was made to ensure it would be readable, it might not apply for source code never intended to be public, such as stolen, leaked, or posthumously released. In this case the only real benefit is that it can be recompiled on different architectures provided there isn’t a dependency issue preventing that.

I would agree with this but I still think having an opt-out for bot replies is important. That opt-out shouldn’t be compliance.

That’s not opt out, that’s compliance. People are able to not hashtag posts on Mastodon.

If blocking the bot prevented their interaction with users and the posts/comments those users make that would be a good solution, but as is blocking is just an “eww I don’t like this, I don’t want to see it” instead of “This entity will not be able to interract with my account/posts”. In this case there is concern regarding the bot’s behavior, and the unwanted exposure it gives to users who may not want it, which blocking doesn’t solve because it doesn’t provide an opt-out from replies, just to stop seeing the replies.

It really depends on how it was cracked and the use case of the app. Some of them may have it patched out but others won’t. Play it safe unless you know for sure.