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Cake day: Mar 14, 2024


But when the lot starts to fill up (which “usually happens at 4AM or so,” according to Tung) what looks like a maddening ballet of autonomous parking — and honking — begins. The noise goes for as much as an hour at a time before it settles down, she said.

Did you read the article? Because that sounds really egregious.

It’s something you have to worry about in basically all apartments (in the US–despite thin walls and no insulation, I never had loud and inconsiderate neighbors when I lived in Japan). You might get lucky and get a place with good soundproofing, but the odds are slim.

Growing up in New Jersey, where we had Wawa everywhere, 7-Eleven was the “dirt convenience store” like how some towns back then had the good mall and the dirt mall. I was shocked when I moved to another state and found out that 7-Eleven was considered the good convenience store.

I spent a bit of time living in Japan, and to this day, years later, I still frequently dream of visiting Japan and one of my top priorities being going to kombini (convenience stores). They’re amazing. I hope 7-Eleven is able to transform the convenience store experience in the US into a kombini experience.

This is what really gets me. They are the same fucking age. And Trump has sounded like he has dementia for years now. But he vigorously has dementia, so I guess that makes it better?

Oh, so when an event wasn’t caused by stochastic terrorism, suddenly they believe stochastic terrorism is a problem.

Look in the fucking mirror, JD Vance, Tim Scott, and all the rest of you.

I also bought the Long Dark when it was still new in early access. Haven’t played it since, but it was fantastic even then and I felt I got my money’s worth.

I’ve been in some of those groups. They don’t discuss ideas. They discuss people and events, sports, maybe what they did last weekend or plant to do this weekend, talk about their families.

You may be joking, but I think that is a big part of what they look for, consciously or not. Progressives can be pretty happy discussing news and ideas with other progressives. Conservatives don’t want to talk about things too much unless there’s an argument to be had.

It is very different from TL2. TL2 is very easy to pick up. Grim Dawn requires a little bit more thought about your character.

Grim Dawn works well with a controller and has very customizable loot filters so that you can restrict how much/what types of loot you see.

Grim Dawn is easily the best commercial (which is to say, not free like PoE) ARPG out there. If you like PoE, it’s probably the closest you’ll get to something similar in that character builds are more complex and customizable than in other games.

Lindell seems to be suggesting voters request early voting ballots that they will not use and take them to poll sites.

Then, voters should take the ballot outside, take a picture of it and send it what he calls the Election Crimes Bureau but also goes under the name of the Lindell Offense Fund website.

Surely that’s got to be an attempt at election interference.

No, but I’d bet it has to do with being a participant of some particular group or another which has been doing the far right the trucker convoys.

That’s a rather stiff and uncomfortable-looking hand position holding that controller.

Allowing Trump to win by not voting is not “standing against genocide”. It’s virtue signaling which will harm the very people you aim to protect.

Let’s hope his partner doesn’t get hit by a bus.

You do kind of see that sentiment out west, yes. Not exactly the way you’re wording it, but we do make similar comments in appreciation of mild fire seasons. That’s just the way it goes when you live with wildfire every year.