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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


I would not want to play video games with the people in the image, if they can’t hold a controller with their fingers on the triggers/shoulder buttons…

Great game, but what a wild recommendation for this specific request…

He’s right, but they don’t have to be! We can protect our children and fellow citizens with popular, common-sense gun reform and legislation supported by the majority of people across all political spectrums. We don’t have to bend over for the NRA (which has been proven to be funded by hostile foreign powers) and extremists. All it takes is courage and action…

Monopolies depend on the government to exist.

I won’t bother with the rest, but this is flat-out false. Unregulated capitalism is responsible for unethical practices such as buying out your competitors, price-fixing, waiting-out your competitors (because they can’t match your unrealistically low price), insider-trading, exploiting a captive audience, and only competing in “territories” (you know, like drug dealers).

I can’t speak globally, but all the worst monopolies engaged in at least one of these. The US is far from perfect, but they squashed several giant monopolies because of practices like this. Corporations without guardrails are unrestrained greed.

That kind of implies we elect someone other than Trump, dust our hands off and say “Whelp, we’re done!” Unfortunately Democracy and Freedom require dedication and diligence. I know it’s exhausting and disheartening at times, but it’s so, so important to keep voting (in down ballot elections), volunteering, and donating.

Fascism does not rest.

Did you read any other words than that, or are you just trying to be argumentative with that strawman?

I clearly didn’t say that. But contrary to those, using ‘R’ or ‘N’ words is always punching down.

Is one of those a slur for marginalized, at-risk members of society with special needs?

I know, “bitch” and “slut” were originally sexist, but were taken back. These days men, women, LGBTQ+, and all races call each other both. There’s no “punching down”, unlike with the antiquated ‘R’ word…

It’s the Conservative/Elon Musk version: censorship and lies are “Freedom of Speech”, falsehoods are truth, everything is projection, etc.

“Keep Biden in until after the election then scoot Harris in under the 25th amendment”

That’s the worst possible plan, IMO. Biden can lead, I would be fine with him being president for another 4 years. The issue is he can’t win against Donald Trump. He was behind in all swing states, and that was before the debate, multiple gaffes and speech mistakes, moments of confusion and freezing, etc…

Fuck. I don’t wish death upon Biden or Trump, but… I can’t help thinking that if one of them did pass, this country might have a fighting chance.

Andrew is going to get malware on his PC, guaranteed.

Never listen to anyone who is perfectly satisfied with being angry at everything.

“Action role-playing game”, in case anyone else is annoyed the acronym is continuously used, yet never explained.

I’m going to drink my water before you get to it!

I’ll take 10. Here is a picture of a goldfish as payment.

It’s just unnecessary extra inefficient steps, usually by people not particularly tech-proficient. Not a moral judgement, just an observation!

Or people that type http://www.Google.com into the address bar?

You are a poet. But seriously, you’re so right. I don’t even like the floaty fighters in Smash Bros!

I misread that as “enhanced by Spyro”. And yeah, most things are…

It’s all about timing, just like face buttons. Platforming or fighting games, you gotta have that instant response. Aiming or acceleration needs the precision of analog. So, “depends on the game” is my hot take…

Lol, are you serious!? I replied with one question, you evaded, brought up a completely different issue, then failed to defend it…

Do you vote in non-election years…? You do know there’s other issues on your ballot than POTUS, right?

Obviously you can do what you want. But are you aware of Trump’s position on Palestine? Not voting for Biden in the US’s 2-Party system is a vote for a worse situation for Palestinians…

Do you also respond to Amazon reviews “that hasn’t happened to me”?

Your comment seems reasonable until you actually question the details:

How would forgoing a capital gains tax benefit the working public? Any answer you give will basically be “trickle down” economics, which has been proven to not work. Giant corporations and obscenely wealthy individuals hoard capital like a greedy dragon, they certainly don’t inject it!

EDIT: Of course they couldn’t answer that one simple question…

Yeah, this is the second shady, light-on-facts article I’ve seen from that website recently.

Two will be charged with sexual assault with a weapon, sexual assault and forcible confinement when they appear in court. The other will be charged with sexual assault and assault.

I’m morbidly curious what actually happened, but maybe I don’t want to know. I hope the victims get the justice they deserve and go on to live happy, fulfilling lives…

Interesting. As I understand it, pure computing (not sensors recording external data) are incapable of generating truly random numbers. But I’m obviously not an expert either!

I’ve been using “Perfect Passwords” for years, which apparently generate nearly random passwords from server noise, but he admits it’s still not truly 100% random…

Yes, but it’s significant because the prompt was to choose a number. I realize computers can’t really be random, but if we needed to just select a popular number…we can already do that!
