• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I mean, maybe we can make an Ai that uses reason to uncover these biases in the future from this starting point. We are only at the beginning.

War is usually a war between STATES that has very little to do with its people. People are just the cannon fodder of the state interest.

In cases like Gaza one side actually does have PEOPLE involved, Gazans, vs a STATE. It makes it much more clear who is in the wrong.

I’ll never understand devs that go “I don’t know that language”. PHP is one of the only languages used in production I don’t know. I have read examples and it looks like you bastardized a Java/c# clone with bash or a string templating language, which isn’t very appealing. But like, if I had to learn it, I’d do so in a month, functionally writing it in a week tops. Learning languages is part of the job, and they all add something to your understanding of paradigms.

Wait is this a mod or have I just been totally out of the loop on factorio updates

Say no more.

Btw I recall there were several of these developed at the same time, one by chucklefish (edit: starmancer) I think, did this one “win out”?

I can’t even parse what you mean when you say their input is the same as their output, that would imply they don’t transform their input, which would defeat their purpose. This is nonsense.

Idk people on YouTube says it’s functional AR. Heck I can read text on my Oculus 2. You’re just pedantic.

They both have AR and Spatial Computing capabilities at varying quality. They are both a set of lenses, a depth sensor, some cameras, and some screens, nothing more nothing less. Cars have wheels and planes have wings, that’s not an apt comparison.

Dude you’re just way off. They aren’t that dissimilar. They both are pass through vr headsets. Quality doesn’t change their function.

I mean either you get good jobs or it accelerates total automation which can be used as grounds for organizing socialism in the total unemployment

This article already seems disingenuous. DSA Salt Lake City Utah’s Statement on Palestine https://slcdsa.org/2023/10/10/salt-lake-dsa-statement-in-support-of-palestinian-liberation/ does not mention Hamas killing civilians let alone justify it. It vaguely uses the quote they cite to say that Palestine has a right to self defense, and even offense, which it does. I do not believe that this right includes the right to commit war crimes like killing civilians. We vote on statements in DSA, and such a statement certainly would not get my vote, but this statement is not that.

Notion isn’t great for tasks but the all in one ecosystem for notes and databases is amazing

Yeah but I guess I just don’t use podcasts on other devices. Too much headphone switching.

No that’s insane. And also all clouds are getting pricy. At work a single instance AWS RDS sql server is costing $250/month…

Get a raspberry pi and do everything at home.

Dude this is amazing! We should have more web-first mobile interfaces!

I can see how a platform built on internet access to rural areas could really negate the need for local jobs. You could be educated online and work remote jobs from anywhere. A lot of tech people are moving to rural areas for this reason. Unfortunately I don’t think rural people are very interested in that kind of work, but their children are.

The problem is that the real divide still is urban vs rural, not state v state. I always lived in red states and am very leftist. There’s always strong leftist communities in every red state, even in small cities. Every state is less than 10% off from true purple last I checked.

What’s worse is it will be hard to reverse this decision. Tesla is a data and AI company compiling vision and driving data from drivers around the world. If you change the sensor format or layout dramatically, all the old data and all the new data becomes hard to hybridize. You basically start from scratch at least for the new sensors, and you fail to deliver a promise to old customers.

Capitalism. Nothing worse than a CEO for a product to be honest. Being able to overrule engineers and workers is literally the problem with capitalism. A guy with ungodly money vs actual boots on the ground professionals. Disgusting

Yeah my boss has been going back and forth with me on this for months. Wanting to release unsecured products to the general public. I’m getting exhausted with him. I hold the keys and frequently I’ve told him no, and threatened to quit. Each time they just retreat back and hold a meeting how it will “stay on dev for now”. The features aren’t even feasible to release in the near future but I know they will force the issue. My resignation letter is on the table.

A community for it would be good

Dude that was amazing. Do animals in Minecraft have food bars?

You should end to end test. If it’s slow, do it less often. If it’s costly, again do it less often. But this is your last line of defense against bugs.

Now, every service should also unit test, with mocks of all the other services that they call. I assume this is what you mean by pact testing. These should be locally runnable, offline, as the mocks are cheap offline things. If you need data from a database, I’d recommend mocking the data too.

A pact was broken when a mock passes but an e2e fails. You can share the mock across multiple codebases and test it is accurate to any PRs in the codebase it mocks.

I mean my stance is anarchism or left libertarianism, and I agree with most of what you said. But I also am just totally unfamiliar with these regimes. The only thing I’ve ever been taught is “bad”. I don’t really trust what I have been taught to be honest. I feel like there is a lot more nuance than the American POV. Also I’ve traveled enough to know that propoganda is EVERYWHERE. Every country propagandizes every other country. So it’s just hard to know what’s true about geopolitics tbh.

I think China and the USA are both terrible regimes, but in such a way that it’s generally fine to live there, which is a weird modern phenomenon. I bet Russia and Cuba aren’t what the US teaches. I suspect NK is a repressive hellscape IRL same as on TV lol.

This. I’d really love it if someone could go through these links one by one and provide a detailed summary and rebuttal. I just want to know both sides of the issue. I totally believe in US propaganda, but highly doubt this is purely that.

Can I just say I’m pretty tired of democracy in general. Thing is that democracy always leads to simple majority rule, and let me be frank, the majority is racist, stupid, selfish, etc. The anti trans stuff proves this. As far as governments go I’m most in favor of a constitutional republic which protects our rights, and I wish we had more right and not just those which defend capitalism. However beyond that I’m leaning anarchy. This is as a leftist.

Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
Dude this article gives me work PTSD. I hate working for CEOs and stupid fucking managers. Open source forever.