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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Hi, I’m a chef. I’m just playing around with raspberry pis and stuff. I just like learning and seeing what I can do.

I haven’t played with it but I installed tandoor.dev ready for when I get time to look at it.

Plus tax. Finland is stopping everything from outside EU and demanding proof that tax is paid. So I have to look at the prices with postage and add 24%.

If I have it right, it goes like this. I purchase the font package, the seller includes hidden in the files an identifier so they know it’s mine. I share the files across the seven seas. The seller keeps a lookout for their fonts being shared, and spots it in the wild, downloads it and finds out who’s it was.

For the most part, they all are falling towards earth and will burn up. No need to do anything.