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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


Yeah I had the same thoughts, had no idea people even bothered to do that

Docker works with a hell of a lot more than just Linux

Plex makes it a lot easier for things like hardware encoding and sharing outside of network, but jellyfin needs some work to get there

Is it really escaping when you were never really there in the first place?

While 3-4 years can give you a good idea of the field, it also leaves you quite naive of the bigger picture, especially when you keep quitting to run away from computers. No doubt burnout is real and you can hit that with the picture the blog paints, but I’m left here wondering what the point of the blogpost even is? There’s no actual meaningful details or introspection about tech and burnout at all.

There a difference between burnout and just not into it as a career, clearly they fall more towards the latter. That is what feels like the article should have been about, coming to terms with the fact that it just doesn’t work for you long term, that’s not just burnout there’s a lot more to that, but instead it’s all just swept under the rug of “after a year or two my soul was sucked, burnout! Must escape!!”

For more unique snippets I would ever use rarely I store em in GH gists

Never, I will never stop coding. My manager has been trying to pull me into admin, but I put my foot down at team lead. I leave the staff management to my manager. That’s as far as I go up the ladder lol, fuck off with your management bullshit

If anyone is interested in a personal anecdote, I’ve been in this industry coming up on 10 years now, and I still think my MS was worth it.

I’ve always risen to the top of resume stacks in part because of it, and I also learned a lot of concepts and strategies that I never came across in my BS, and lastly, I found a lot of the course work and research fascinating and interesting! I was able to do a special program that included multiple summers but I graduated in 5 years with a BS and MS in CS, never looked back.

I felt much more confident entering the job market with it as well.

Company loyalty is dead and the C-suites killed it.

Go fuck yourself, you don’t deserve worker loyalty

Yes you’re absolutely right, it’s just an uphill battle as you are aware no doubt. Thank you out of control corporate precedence and greed, so much propaganda and corruption

Exactly, with this type of playing into fears NOTHING is safe enough to rely on. Come the fuck on

Every time one of my directs says this I lose a little part of my mind

Who fucking cares if it works on your pc, the clients ain’t gonna have access to your box bud

I hate project managers like this so fucking much. You won’t know what you’re talking about and your trying to force unrelated shit into design discussions…. Because they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.

A good PM will empower the team but this shit is the exact opposite and I see it all the fucking time. Fuck people like this so much

they’re gonna be looking for army guys

every project is like this, you’ll get used to it

Hahahaha sad but true

Anything where my dumb ass leadership announced far too early and users got excited and pushed for release. They gave unrealistic estimates so people were pissed when it didn’t fully release when they wanted it. It shipped unfinished and it died unfinished.

Waste of goddamn time and lots of stress. Don’t worry tho we got a new CEO and are going down the exact same fucking road.

Surely it can’t happen twice? Idk whether to laugh or cry most work days