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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


it’s up to us commenters to back you up.
Totally worth reading, just great internet creativity

Did they also mistranslate the Chinese women commenting on trailers that the studio is gross and don’t want women playing their game?

It’s honestly tragic, if you read that article it’s primarily about the Chinese game industry culture with one game and studio used as an example because it’s a supposedly a AAA game to rival western studios.


We’re being asked to believe ign has slandered a large Chinese studio, entirely made up, and kept the article up regardless. It just doesn’t hold water. Harrassing some poor women off social media and writing long comments about everything being made up is easy, but ign are still standing by the article six months after it was published.

There are so many outlandish claims in this comment with basically nothing backing it up

This 100%

I deleted my reply because it was too much but the original ign article on wukong is very tame. I can’t see why they’re so worked up to harass the author off the internet.

Some days beehaw not having downvotes is a real issue.

With the number of trackers on most sites you usually get a performance boost with an extension vetting each network call

I was about to start mouth foaming, but got to the end of the name distant worlds:universe

If anyone is giving these a go make absolutely certain you’re not buying distant worlds 2 by mistake.

Star ruler as an disappointment is fair, but have you tried the totally different and now open sourced StarRuler2?

It’s a much better game, much tighter with a definite progress path for colonies shipping things to each other (later used by slipstream which is more pure management and might not fit your list)

It’s free, it’s worth a try I promise it’s very different to SR

He probably found it very hard to make any accounts on computers

Unless you’re using js in your hardware drivers it’s very unlikely to bring down the entire computer

But with the state of software development maybe you are /o\

This is worse tho. You can’t just erase the bfg like this

This is a bit unfair, for all its gigantic problems the creation engine is much better at supporting modding than unity or unreal.

Perhaps a more deterministic scripting engine would be better but it’d be easy to lose the one thing that makes their games good. I still can’t believe they thought starfield would work with the modding tools MIA four months out

The thing is it’s profitable because they pay themselves less than they make in income. We don’t really know how sustainable their pay is

Lack of anecdotes and data definitely isn’t data.

There’s an argument to be made here but the OP hasn’t made it, just asserted a well written evidenced post is written by an idiot

I think you have to look at the money here. The most charitable view for substack is their payment provider doesn’t ban Nazis, and their VC funders don’t want them to ban Nazis, and so they don’t really have a choice.

I think substack is well up for being a nazi bar based on what they’ve said so I’m happy to give them some blame but I won’t be letting the other two off the hook either.

And if sdv expanded isn’t enough there are two other big ones, ridgeside village and east scarp

Absolutely ridiculous numbers of npcs and story. Just watch out as not all farm layout mods will be compatible with everything.

Google does put pressure on delivery though, it sends notifications like oh you haven’t posted today, that’s not good and might mean you show up lower on searches.

I don’t think it’s enough myself but they are extremely controlling and I can see someone could want to argue it out.

You marry people based on how ugly they are and the size of their dowry. That’s solid the guild gameplay

Not claiming it’s true because I literally heard of this five minutes ago, but go fill your boots. The source is his sister.


It’s sad the closest recent other entry is like CK3 a totally different genre really

I miss the patrician series

Even if you you don’t want to plough 1000 hours into it I still think you’d get a lot of enjoyment out of exploring the game for a normal 20 hours or so, it’d definitely hold attention longer than that even for the most impatient player. It just has so much character and pull to move up the tech tree and make cool layouts.

Did you try it this time last year?

When everyone migrated there were a lot of “helpful” newbies enforcing rules that simply don’t exist. There are too many people like that still but not so many you can’t mute them all.

If we spent our lives reading every musk article shoved into our feeds we’d all starve from having no time to eat

What do you think you are leaving behind? Your posts? Do you often go back and edit yours??

You take your network with you which is what people want to bring.

Just follow them from *@bird.makeup, unless it’s talking back to them you value

You should try the sign up process, you don’t understand it. Explore tab shows you top posts on your instance to follow and no one posts links to masto comments because it doesn’t look good.

The only actually confusing thing is people trying to quote tweet when it isn’t possible, and maybe losing followers when there’s server defed drama. Thankfully there hasn’t been any recently.

But you can move to another server, you just can’t take old posts with you

I’d say tedious, changing flood gate settings every time one appears is too much busy work. I turned them off, much more relaxing

Yes and it flows through to the skill system too. 8 points for carrying more crap across yourself and the ship, and 4 more for increasing companion inv. Even more if you include pockets upgrades on suits.

Are these good skills? Not for the player to choose but to be available in the game. What’s the balance here? What’s the decision, carry more crap at the expense of doing more damage? Is that good choice to give the player? How do you balance encounter difficulty around that? You can’t the player has to choose encounters based on their gimped pack rat skills.

Every part of the game needs a single big mod overhaul to pick a coherent direction.

It can link first by IP address, and then by fingerprinting.

Best to use unlock origin etc. to block all those little buttons. Don’t even connect to their server