• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I hope there’s a deal exploit like buying 3 years of GP for $3-4/mo by using a VPN like I did about a year ago. If not, I won’t be subscribing and will likely get rid of my series X. I’ve been very disappointed in it anyway. Oh well, still have the original and the 360…

I live Miniflux but found the scraper to miss quite a few articles. Five Filters seems to work well for these cases

I agree. I’m this case it works out for me since I’m under the 3 user limit.

I chimed in on the vote for Seafile on this thread. But I think it’s worth trying NextcloudPi image to see if that does what you want. I’ve been presently surprised by how well it works compared to my experience with the AIO image.

Came to say the same. Unlike Syncthing, it all syncs to the server and only downloads to your various devices when you want it to. Vital for my small SSD on MacBook Pro. Syncthing can do similar but requires individually selecting files and folders to ignore, which I did not want to do.

What’s crazy is that I tried NC on my server, which is a HP Microserver G8 hosting 13 total services. And it ran like crap. Tried the standard and AIO versions. On a whim tried NextcloudPi on a Pi4 and it has been awesome! Web interface is still pretty sluggish but I use apps that sync to NC most of the time like:

  • Quillpad for Google Keep type notes and checklists
  • Floccus for bookmarks sync
  • Deck for Kanban
  • Gnome online accounts for desktop and laptop connection with documents

So far it’s been flawless. I doubt it would run well with more than a few users though.

You can get a free Seafile Pro license if you create an account with them. Limited to 3 users, iirc. That’s what I’ve been running and really using it to keep stuff on phone, desktop, and laptop reachable from any of the devices. I love it.

Ooh, I lost track of that one. I remember seeing the trailer but it was at least a year ago and completely forgot about it. I’ll definitely check it out!

I have. it’s a solid resource. Was mostly hoping to some specific homebrew games to try before buying.

Retro Homebrew ROMS?
I'm on the hunt for ROMS for old systems. NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. I paid for a physical copy of Micro Mages for NES a few years back, and just recently bought the ROM for Dataman, also for NES. But I'm wondering if anyone has a source for several that fit this category. Let me be clear, I will gladly support the developers of these games, but I have been bitten by a few stinkers. Where the trailer looked good but the game didn't feel like it was worth the $10+ for the ROM. One in partiular that has intrigued me is [Courier](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khangames/courier-a-cyberpunk-adventure-game-for-the-nes). I did some searching and can't find a demo or a ROM to try before I buy. And at $10, it's outside of my impulse buy range, if that makes sense.

Seafile is great. So fast, and unlike a bunch of these options, won’t sync everything to each node. Everything is reachable from each device with a client, but only downloads what you want from the server. If Syncthing could do that without needing to do a bunch of “ignore” manipulation, I’d switch. But for my needs, Seafile is where it’s at.

Cryptpad has a very capable Kanban in it. No mobile apps yet, but I understand that is on the road map.

I guess I never thought of this sort of option. I run Calibre in a docker container on my unraid server. Any books I add are sent over via FTP from whatever device I’m on at the time. I do still have to go into the Calibre instance and add the book. I believe there’s a way to have it watch a folder for new items but not sure.

Where do you like to find them? I looked at the Megathread, but couldn’t really find a retro-centric source.

I love Vimm’s Lair and have used it a bunch. Only reason I didn’t start there this time is I want a new build for a Pi 5 and boy, Vimm’s is slooooooow. Great project and service offered though.

I was mostly worried about coming across some junk roms that won’t play, etc. But that’s probably not so common.

Good point. I think you’re right. I suppose that way I can cut out some of the junk roms I’ll never play. Good call.

That looks nice! I tried to my brain wrapped around Restic CLI (and others) and just didn’t click for my smooth brain. I’ll have to try this.

Raspberry PI Retropie or Batocera images?
Trying to find a ready to go image for a Raspberry Pi 5, either RetroPie or Batocera (or others I'm not aware of) for retro gaming. I know of Arcade Punks, but is there any other resource? Tried downloading a 128GB image from them and its taking forever due to no seeders. I did check megathread but wasn't able to find anything so far.

How incredibly timely!

I’ll have to give it a go with a copy of my vault.

Coming back to this, I just realized I have Seafile syncing my Obsidian vault already. I know you said you’re using it for Backup, but have you tried to use it as the only sync solution for Obsidian? I like it so much because of how fast it is, so if it works well, I may just do that once my membership expires.

Obsidian is my favorite thus far. It sucks at checklists/Todo though. So I use Quillpad as a shopping list keeper and Tasks.org as my task management/Todo, both syncing to my self hosted Nextcloud instance.

I’m still on Obsidian Sync because I couldn’t get Syncthing to work reliably, but that was very early in my selfhosting journey, so I will try again.

Halls Of Torment. It’s a simple game on the surface, but has some surprising depth I wasn’t expecting that I like. Plus when you do a completely broken build and your frame rate drops because of all the damage your causing to the entire screen, it makes me laugh.

Plus killing the skeletons makes the most satisfying crunchy sound. Similar satisfaction to Vampire Survivors when you have enough garlic to “pop” enemies by walking into them.

Not self hosted, but Tabby is the closest I’ve found. But I still don’t like it as much as Termius. And from what other, more experienced people have said, Tabby is bloated, requiring way more system resources than a terminator emulator app should.

Also, I asked a related question here if you want to read some other suggestions.

That great, thanks for the info. I was able to get Wireguard setup in unraid but they make it pretty easy, so I didn’t have a problem. I just didn’t think about connecting to the entire network, not just the server.

Yeah I know some of those words…

I’m still a newb but I’ll have a look at that link, thanks!

Well, I didn’t realize that was an option to be honest, lol. I am having some issues with that box at the moment though so having a pi or my router acting as the gateway appealed to me with it’s longer uptime

Most services are on the unraid box. But I had a pi running Pi-hole for a long time (switched to adguardhome) and wanted that separate from the main server in case it went down. Pis boot up a lot faster than my server hardware and then you still need to start the array and mount drives. Having AGH on a Pi as primary DNS means minimal internet outages caused by my tinkering. I was given the 4 and put it in a really cool case that can fit a M.2 or 2.5" SSD and boot from it. So that is NextcloudPi and AGH. The 3 is because my 3d printer is nowhere near a LAN connection and 3 has WiFi. The 4 is sitting next to my router. We won’t mention the 1B I’ve been messing with too…

That’s looks handy. Thanks!

I ran Pi-hole for years. Switched to adguardhome running on 2 servers (primary and secondary) with AGH sync keeping the two instances identical. I like the UI better, dns rewrites, and the ability to simply block services entirely with a single click.

VPN to home network options
I currently have a server running Unraid as the OS, which has some WireGuard integration built in. Which I've enabled and been using to remotely access services hosted on that server. But as I've expanded to include things like Octopi running on a Pi3 and NextcloudPi running on a Pi4 (along with AdGuardHome), I'm trying to determine the best way to VPN to my home network with the goal of reaching services I'm hosting, and do it safely of course. I have a Netgear Nighthawk that has some VPN functionality built in that uses a OpenVPN account. Is that ok or would it be advisable to come in a different way?

Immich and Duplicacy both run on my unraid server. Duplicacy just watches the Immich pics folder and backs that up nightly.

Have you looked at the contents of those md files? In addition to creating its own hexadecimal file name, it appends the text with a bunch of metadata info. If you were to then take that folder of notes to any other markdown editor like Obsidian, it would be a mess to organize. That is why I’m a stickler for file format agnosticism. There is no vendor lock in and more importantly, no manipulation of the text filenames or contents.

Screenshot of my phone copy of the Obsidian vault directory as an example:

Obsidian md

I’d rather backup a stack of plain text files, personally. So Obsidian for me.

Not every one stores the files as plain text files in markdown format like Obsidian. Logseq does I believe, but Joplin stores it all in database files which require an export should you decide to leave that app in favor of a other. With Obsidian you just point the new app at the folders full of .md files and away you go. That was the main selling point for me.

Dang, that’s too bad. It really is the best alternative out there.

No problem. If you do ever want to get it running I believe it’s in the RunTipi store. That solution is similar to Yunohost in that it aims to make standing up a server with several services easy and available with a “single” click. I tried it and it’s pretty neat. Only thing I didn’t like is how updates to the apps themselves were handled.

I have my Immich library backed up to Backblaze B2 via Duplicacy. That job runs nightly. I also have a secondary sync to Nextcloud running on another server. That said, I need another off prem backup and will likely run a monthly job to my parents house either via manually copying to an external disk then taking it over or setting up a Pi or other low power server and a VPN to do it remotely.

I have 1.8TB of pics and videos on my server and it all runs fine in browsers or the app. Perhaps you could look at disabling the machine learning portion of it to save some overhead? For reference, my setup is:

Server - HP Micro server G8 Phone - Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Tablet - Samsung Galaxy S7+

None of these are high end anymore, hell the server is ancient by computer standards. But I did put a GPU in it for ex hardware transcoding as well as machine learning for Immich.

I’m a noob still regarding self hosting (started last year) but maybe I can help? I struggled with it too but eventually got it working on my unraid server and I love it.

Fair enough. I appreciate the context and additional information. Gives me things to think about. I’m currently using Obsidian even though it’s not FOSS, the file format is simple text files in folders making “escaping” the ecosystem easy, should I need to. Notesnook of course doesn’t do that, but they do have a much better handling on tasks/to-do within your PKM than Obsidian does.

I’ll admit I love notes apps. Have for years. So any new shiny one that comes out I at least try it even if I’m happy with Obsidian. Personal failing, I suppose.

Third party apps that sync with Nextcloud
I searched quite a bit and wasn't able to find a conclusive list of available third party apps that can sync with Nextcloud. So I thought I'd start one for folks who might be interested. Feel free to chime in with any you've used! #### Notes --- **macOS**: * [Nextcloud Notes Client](https://www.midwinter-dg.com/mac-apps/nextcloud-notes-client.html) - looks exactly like Apple Notes, but syncs with NC and supports Markdown. **Linux**: * [Iotas](https://www.linuxfordevices.com/tutorials/linux/iotas-notes) - minimalist markdown notes app in the same vein as IA Writer. **Android**: * [Quillpad](https://github.com/quillpad/quillpad) - Google Keep clone that supports Markdown. Fork of Quillnotes. There are some quirks with this one. For example, if you create a task list from NC WebUI version of Notes, the checkboxes will show up in Quillnotes, but you cannot check them off as complete. Has a promising roadmap. * [Carnet](https://getcarnet.app/) - another Google Keep clone. This one has an app in the NC app store, so it has a web based counterpart unlike Quillpad. The Android app is weirdly slow to open. I'll need to test this one more. #### Tasks/ToDo --- **Android**: * [Tasks.org](https://tasks.org/) - excellent Task app. Supports subtasks, categories, reminders, recurring events. It can also sync with Google but ewwww. #### Handwritten Notes: --- **All**: * [Saber](https://saber.adil.hanney.org/) - Cross platform notes app. Akin to Samsung notes. This one is rough in my experience so far. But it has potential and I will be following to watch how it updates. #### 2FA: --- **Android**: * [Aegis](https://getaegis.app/) - excellent 2FA app. I just recently migrated out of Google and Microsoft's versions and am very happy. To be honest though, I'm not exactly sure how the NC integration works on this one, but it is mentioned on their site: > If your cloud provider supports the Storage Access Framework of Android (like Nextcloud does), it can even create automatic backups to the cloud. There are others I've tested, but not long enough to make any comments on. [Les Pas](https://github.com/scubajeff/lespas) being one of them. I'm happy with Immich, so didn't give this one a fair shake.

Raspberry Pi 1 B projects?
I have an old Pi hanging around doing nothing. When I originally got it it had the latest Pi OS with desktop loaded and ran like garbage, not surprisingly. So I messed with it headless for a bit, then found [RISCOS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RISC_OS) as an option in Pi imager utility and that is just a neat OS. Fun to play around with for sure. But now I'm wondering what else I could use the old thing for. I see folks run Pihole on it, but I've already got 2 instances of Adguard Home running. Could this handle Syncthing? Or would the data transfer be so bad it's not worth it? Wouldn't mind having an off-site backup device at my parents house if it would work. Anyone else got one in their homelab?

Radarr and Lidarr creating subfolders
I'm running my arr stack on Unraid. I set it up using a combination of [Trash's guide](https://trash-guides.info/Hardlinks/How-to-setup-for/Unraid/) and Ibracorp's video (linked in same article). Everything had been working well. I believe I made some changes to Qbittorrent's handling of completed torrents, but I honestly don't recall. I've learned my lesson in that regard and am carefully documenting my various self-hosting adventures now. The issue is when either Radarr or Lidarr download something new, it creates a subfolder called Radarr or Lidarr, then has the new movie/album inside the applicable folder by itself. As a result none of the hardlinks or mover tasks work properly. Sonarr, on the other hand works fine. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could check or change to fix this? So far all my research shows complaints of either app creating its own subfolder per movie or album rather than a new folder named after the app. Here's an example of radarr having it's own folder created after I deleted it, then queued up a new download. It makes a new 'radarr' folder and puts the finished download in it, instead of 'movies': ``` /mnt/user/data ├── media │ ├── books │ ├── movies │ ├── music │ └── tv ├── torrents │ ├── books │ ├── movies │ ├── music │ ├── radarr │ ├── temp │ ├── tv ```