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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


This is such a wild departure from real beauty pageants, which have always been known for pushing realistic beauty standards and for making normal women feel good about their bodies.

I’ve always been a PC+Nintendo person. I get mostly just Nintendo’s games (Mario Kart, Smash, Zelda, Metroid, Splatoon, etc.) and some party games on console, and everything else on PC.

There’s not been a time in my life when I haven’t had the first-party Nintendo lineup since the NES came out when I was like 8. Since most non-Nintendo games seem to eventually make their way to PC these days, they complement each other nicely.

They’re not “passing laws.” They define the minute technical details that Congress can’t cover completely or doesn’t understand. Here’s an example:

Elected Congress: Don’t sell moldy sausage.

Unelected FDA: Ok, here’s how long you can safely store sausage below this temperature. If that date is passed or the sausage has been exposed to higher temperature for this amount of time, it must be discarded to greatly reduce the possibility of selling moldy sausage.

Unelected Judge: Mom said if it’s not green it’s not moldy. Just don’t sell green sausage boys.

Unelected SCOTUS: Yup, that’s how it’s done.

I like how they made the logo look like it says “ADS” throughout.

I think it’s interesting that Revelation, which fundamentalists and some evangelical Christians believe describes the biblical apocalypse, directly references things that are happening now as signs that end times are imminent: increased major floods, earthquakes, famine, disease, fires, etc.

So it’s pretty fucking ironic that conservative Christians are the ones shouting the loudest that we should ignore these things and claim it’s nothing unusual. Surely the apocalypse couldn’t be a direct result of mankind’s “sin” of raping the earth. Or maybe they know it is and they’re waiting till the 11th hour to whip out of the repentance card.