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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I went back to VLC media player, vlc remote control, and an HDMI cable.

100% chance companies will use this against YOU when you make a review that they don’t like. Be prepared for civil lawsuits for claiming a companies product is shit

They would be pulling my body from the rubble. Get fucked ford

Is this the same trillium I used to use to merge ICQ and MSN chats? Damn I’m old…

I’ll bet Trudeau and Galen Westen have a solution in their pockets…

Thought the standard being pushed on ongoing unable to opt out of subscriptions


Everything else is underpowered and gimmicky and overpriced with constant subscriptions to useless junk just to play a game.

I must be one of the few that launches them from the actual directories they are installed :/

Or go balls to the wall and get one of these bad boys

And that’s perfectly valid…if Sony is selling something to make their device work on pc, include the things to make it work or don’t claim it’ll make it work without needing a bunch of other crap.

The average person won’t do prior digging to find out how the company is lying to them, they just trust…sadly.

I think the key word is police-reported crime…

Aka ‘we saw so much crime…we need more money!’

Lol there’s rental companies here FORCING you to download their app to pay your rent. Can’t even give em cash or a check…has to be done through their app.

Let me guess, the 2/3rds was given to big corporations that make millions upon millions a month and will never be recouped

Good luck trying to take power away from the ones in government who are owned by companies…

Leaked twitter moderation steps.

If racist, then allow

If woke, then bully and shadow ban

I’ve stopped buying things because I can’t repair them or it’s absurdly insane to even try it. Checked out from society as a result. My accounts and never felt more loaded as a result.

Making people work longer isn’t a good resolution…this is for every country. Start paying better instead. End capitalism

I’m personally unsure, would be better if they made permanent housing instead of these temporary shelter things though. Would benefit everyone at the end of the day.

They are proposing ‘tent style towns’ to house these people in my city. Something is going to break and break really really bad. I see a future where I will actually need to lock my house doors sooner then later.

You just want some models, or do you have a price point that you shouldn’t exceed? I always stick with Western digital for the most part, but again how much money you got will depend on the tier of drive.

Be a shame if someone contaminated their water and food in return

Yeah, they just pissed off the only area that can literally sink them tomorrow…no shit they actually care now.

So time to mask up and hide your face in public or lawyer up and sue for harassment and wrongful detainment.

Waitll someone starts committing crimes with a mask of the police chief and other police force members.

*I fucked shit up, I don’t want to fix this…gonna blame the wife and go home to chill

Why not just make it a torrent file then and let it seed? I don’t see why paying for a service is required in this instance.

And they have some shit sticker with a transport truck and the word merci which is thanks in french.

100% some traitorous prick

Poutine and feather them on the hill! Let the seagulls and stray cats work their magic.

It would help, keep taxing them. You don’t get that rich without hurting everything along the way.

Something’s gonna pop and I don’t think it’ll be pretty. I hope I’m not around then.