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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Have you considered putting your gaming pc in one of the storage freezers? /s

Not true, I bitch about them more than ever

true, and i can’t think of a legitimate case where it would have tripped me up. but if someone, a novice perhaps, wrote

def some_func(foo, bar=[1, 2, 3]):
    bar.reverse()  # for whatever reason

some_func('hello')    # output [3,2,1]
some_func('hello')    # output [1,2,3] 

i think they would be within their rights to be surprised that calling this function twice has different results. that’s what i was surprised by; it feels like bar would be re initialised each time with a scope of the function but apparenty not

Python item 1

Mutable default arguments don’t get re-initialized with each function call.

got an audible wtf from me… Been using python for years, totally unaware.

The “internal business tool” was a well known industry wide product that I had experience in. I should have known that changing an email address in any environment caused that new email address to be notified. It was my fault yes

My first week at a major fund company I was assigned to an internal business tool used by thousands. I noticed all the company email addresses in the sandbox weren’t correct, so I ran a script to correct them. Cue a call from C-level to my boss asking why he got a “email changed notification”. Followed by another… And another… And another…

I went out to lunch

Programmers in the next universe: deep sigh

tine dilation

Holds up fork and squints at it

Play Game Dev Tycoon half asleep, cover all bases

I follow the 80/20 rule recursively. as soon as I’ve gotten 80% of the way there for 20% effort I immediately stop, and start a brand new project for the remaining 20%. Bam! 96% complete for only 24% effort.

taps forehead

Remember to throw in “=” at the start just to toy with the poor sap who has to manipulate the results in excel

Had to contact support this week because (on top of an already infuriating week of marketing cloud bullcrap) an exit criteria in Journey Builder was firing when it shouldn’t. Basically amounted to a string comparison of A = B? But one was from Contact Data and the other from Journey Data. And you know what their response was? “Yeah… that won’t work, you have to do B = A”. I kid you not. What’s worse is that actually fixed it! What a joke of a platform. How shit do you have to be at coding to end up making a string comparison non-commutative? Like…I don’t even know how you’d screw up that badly accidentally. It’s a veritable kaleidoscope of shitty infuriating bugs.

I’ve been pulling my hair out with the totally unrelated but also awful Marketing Cloud (owned by Salesforce). This article made me feel better.