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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Aside from global concerns about labor displacement, somewhere like Kenya seems silly for robot staff usage in 2024

You would expect to see this in places where labor is incredibly expensive, such that the cost of running robots (even if they are actually useful) competitively beats the cost of human labor

Totally agree.

It sucks, but Chinese manufacturing has an uphill battle in a market where people got addicted to cheap, and cheaply made Chinese products.

Doesn’t mean chinese factories can’t make a good new thing.

Yeah cause bitch, shithead and fucking alut are choices people make, it reflects their behavior.

The other is a slur for disabled people who never chose that.

Make fun of people’s actions, not what they were born with. Simple stuff.


Another issue is that the moment the “seize the means” step starts, the bourgeois pull up tent stakes and leave with everything that isn’t nailed down. They flee to the most convenient neighbor where they can continue. This means what’s left in the original country is “less”. Then the country is at a competitive disadvantage with it’s neighbors wrt investment capital and such.

Next, for anyone who isn’t passionate about the mission, the new standard of living is a concern. Namely, for anyone (proletariat) who was “more successful” , the new standard of living is technically a personal reduction in lifestyle. Obviously for many it’s an upgrade. Point is the “new way” might not necessarily be exciting them, and if there are places they can immigrate to, that’s tough for their home country as they may do so, chasing personal lifestyle improvement. This can cause brain drain as a “successful proletariat” is probably a veteran in their industry that they labor in

I think communism surrounded but other capitalist nations is a very tough thing to make succeed. Seems like it would need to be global to every truly get out of the “benevolent authoritarian” stage

Disclaimer: I don’t know shit about fuck, but I say all the above in good faith

In this example it is a config value that the software expects to be present, I’m guessing based on the screenshot it is to be added to the homeserver.yaml

Why’s that a mistake? Not everything is built for a novice

If the documentation is sufficient for the intended audience, it’s good enough.

What’s confusing here? Break down the steps and parts of the command

Ain’t my comment.

Sounds like the original commenter was focused on noise.

Edit that he thinks noise alone is so offensive it’s arrestable.

Totally, that’s great

But I’m discussing the situation where you have 8h of pure movement to complete. Every stop is a burden. Currently fueling a gas car takes easily less than 10 minutes, and with 2 people both can use the restroom and prepare the car in 15, generously.

I’m not saying thats an every day thing. I’m just discussing the differences between ev and ice cars right now, regarding the pace of a long journey.

In my opinion, currently, the “perfect” garage would have an EV for local travel which is used regularly, and an ice car for long journeys.

The “perfect” choices, if available, would be ev in the garage, rent an ice car for long trips.

The “middle ground” I’m interested in personally is a hybrid, but I’m in no need of replacing my vehicles currently.

Right but north Americans get closer, much more regularly.

The point of my comment was to strip away any notion of region or everyday use, and only focus on energy… Density per hour driving, and the available habits of refueling via whatever source.


That isn’t the point of the comment we are focused on.

People are not generally inclined to plan on regularly needing a rental. I’m not saying that’s how it should be, but for car buyers the phrase of “I’ll rent every time I have a special task” isn’t a winner. It should be, if folks realistically assess how often those special tasks happen (probably rare), but that’s not how buyers work. They want to be able to say “my car meets all my needs”.

Again, I’m agreeing that rentals are the perfect choice, because “special tasks” are actually pretty fucking rare. It’s just an uphill battle of purchasing comfortability

Edit, wording

Still a 8h driving day will require more charging time than gas refill time, regardless of how many chargers there are.

Acknowledged on your planning point, that’s a huge improvement.

Is there someone like friendly jordies but for Canada? He’s got great content on investigating corrupt politicians

No foreign policy points?

I guess trade and tariffs touches on this, but I’m interested in NATO and geopolitics

Great points.

For isolated projects in the past I’ve had great success storing things in postgres,. (generally large documents that are relationally tied to other more traditional PG data, in a db driven project) Just saying size and recall have been pretty happy.

As you say the other features are distinguishing.

Thoughts on this vs postgres blob storage? I know they aren’t the same thing.

Big surprise: other politicians don’t want to be shot doing their job.

Docker is not a shill tech stack. It is a core developer tool that is certainly not required, but is certainly not fluff

Lol it’s gotta be Photoshop right? Dude looks like the fuckin crypt keeper

You can’t say “suffers triple…” in a headline! MY heart skipped a beat before I read the following words

Is the suggestion that you think he alone can change the size?

If they do it once, the armor is cracked. If the armor is cracked, their whole organization, and the prison conveyor belt all fall apart.

If that later falls apart, then the citizenry will notice the injustice of the next tier more fully, and the cycle continues. Cops are bastards because they more than anyone else prop up injustice because they insulate it.