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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


You just have to stay active as a community member and balance wedges and points for certain downloads. And have a strong no leaching policy

I thought the whole point was it for to be compatible with Bitwarden and their apps and extensions sorry I was thinking of Vaultwarden 🤦🏾

Have you found much practical use for small models yet? I love the idea that even the 1.1B tinyllama model can run on my phone, but haven’t found much real world use for it yet. Llama3 8b feels better, but not much better for even emails as it’s a bit dumb

I was using this for awhile but it was clunky and still ran into Conflicts and Data Loss.

I’ve tried this in the past, but it didn’t seem like there was an easy way to sync with nextcloud on Android.

What’s wrong with it on a home network?

Our human butts are terribler for the planet

I’m in debt under ceba, Not taking out other debt to pay though which seems dumb because the interest rate is so low (5%) Ama

Because if you’re not working 40+ hour work weeks (which is new in our physiology coming from pre industrial average of 15 hour work weeks) then you’re made to feel inferior and less worthwhile under capitalism. This disproportionately effects those with disabilities.

I haven’t really configured a tagging system that makes any sense so it’s mostly used the search through documents through text. I’d like to figure out how to hook up a vector database to it to do really fuzzy searching

Change the status quo now and stop buying cars. Move to walkable Transit orientated communities where you don’t need one. Stop supporting this shitty industry that’s always been pay to play with gas / electricity, insurance, maintenance, payments.

Why not nextcloud? Seafile files stores in a proprietary database

I’m 26 and I’ve been running my own IT and computer repair business for 6 years out of commercial space. It’s rough and I’m not doing well financially. I’ve learned a lot though, so maybe being 65k in debt was worth it?

Hard and risky to start a lot of businesses when retail rent is $7k-$10k per month and landlords want personal indemnity even if you’re incorporated

This would be a great step if the Libs and NDP could start having a heavy hand instead of making limp biscuit policies that help no one. Upzone this country, mixed use light commercial everywhere and start building and operating public housing to compete with private real estate.

I’m not a fan of Trudeau but I commend that he is one of the youngest politicians in the world and still listens (hopefully)

Bottom up action from working class citizens, unionize, form collectives, protest, start doing and shit for what you believe is important and matters. Break things.

I do get to talk to them and my MLA regularly as I’m on the board of a local business association which they or their representative attends. They will do on about a bunch of useless political empty talking points. Giving them any direction, they’ll thank you for your thoughts and say they’ll be taken into great consideration.

it doesn’t feel like any level of government is doing enough.

It doesn’t feel like they’re doing anything at all other then continually fucking over Canadians for the interests of the wealthy and their cronies.

While I still believe very strongly in voting, all the current parties feel corrupt and not in our best interest. Time for revolution.

Maybe it actually will over time as that will likely be new doctors, nurses, paramedics, techs etc.

They can, just need correct drivers. We have mainline Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu for them now.

Where were these even sold? I don’t think Health Canada monitors the millions of other similar products with names like ZJDINY on Amazon that probably have similar or worse issues.

And crazy how not only can tools recognize birds but generate novel new images of them.

For all the Americans that own investment property in Canada 🙃

This makes it harder for local businesses in Canada to compete with those in China, hurting local ecommerce and brick and mortar shops. The playing field should be leveled and no one should be subsidized.

Why are so many hyper intelligent people on the internet these 4chan-esque pieces of human garbage

Is there some correlation with this insane low level understanding of software engineering and a mental health issues? A lot of the scene seems to be like this and good old Terry Davis (rest in peace you racist)

We can’t keep bulldozing farm land and natural ecosystems to build tax payer subsidized, non eco friendly single family suburban homes anymore. Families can live and do live very comfortably in missing middle sub 6 story low rise duplexes, triplexes, townhomes, and multiplexes. All of which can be built up on existing property at the will and freedom of property owners. https://www.canadianarchitect.com/editorial-finding-the-missing-middle/

Because its a limitation of personal property rights and freedom. Why can’t I as a property owner turn my single family home into a ground level cafe/bakery with 4 units above if I have the capital? It’s a government overstep that limits our supply, artificially increasing demand and cost, and gets in the way of entrepreneurship. Having relative freedom over property usage was only something recently taken away in the last 80 or so years due to racist white flight to the suburbs.

While populations hasn’t tripled in the last 5 or so years, we are experiencing growth pains that investors and speculators are taking advantage of limited supply, and relying on the fact we will have limited supply for some time to come as long as the zoning stays as the status quo.

It’s primarily the municipalities as this is a supply and demand issue, they have the power to end single family exclusionary zoning, incentivize and fast-track new developments to start gently densifying into missing middle townhouses and multiplexes, but don’t because they worry about losing the vote from older generation NIMBY’S. So a lot of cities and towns are waiting for the province or feds to do that for them so they don’t have to take the blame.

What the province and feds can work on the cities really can’t is funding more public housing/co-op’s which is also desperately needed. But as soon as we start creating more supply the cost and demand will go down.

Underpowered is probably the reason, they’re small and really low powered. A pi could be a 1/10th the power consumption of an x86 computer, and thus less noise and heat.