idk but I’m here.
Was actually unaware of SmartTube. Looks like it may cover that part for me :). I had also never heard of LineageOS, I’ll take a look there too. I have a Pi4 laying about I was going to use.
As for FireTV I may just end up going that rout, I was just curious what the options looked like. Thank you for taking the time to enlighten me :).
Thanks for the reply! Yes, having a clear upgrade path was a big part of this. Just being able to move forward when needed without replacing stuff for a bit.
I’ll have to look at jellyfin I haven’t dug too deep on the media host yet. Thanks for the heads up :))
Looks like 4 sata headers. So prolly gonna grab some hdds.
As for my network. I have a decent router, though I can’t remember the model at the moment. I’m using a 1gig switch at the moment to split everything through my network. I’m planning to get that upgraded to a 10g next.
Thank you. This is more aligned with what I was hoping for. I wanted a way to access these services but still lock the device down as much as I can. Thank you for sharing.