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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Microsoft is a good underdog because they have infinite money. And a really bad market leader, I bet worse than Sony. It would’ve been way better for the industry to not let them acquire the big boys they have.

That game seems pretty loved, I wouldn’t be that surprised about a remaster. Though it would have to be a pretty barebones if it can’t compete with a ten year old release.

Not really an advocate for piracy but I wouldn’t have any qualms about recommending that route to you.

At worst this doesn’t convert anyone. Then you can count up from there. And it also vocalizes support, which might come across as pandering but that’s about it.

I’m don’t to see how this article is bad for anyone. At most, mildly annoying because “we knew that already”.

It makes more sense to think about it like that.

Did I say that somewhere?

And calling review bombers reviewers, like they offer legitimate unique criticism is kinda funny too.

Because they took OW1, changed very little, made it a lot more microtransactiony, didn’t release a promised co-op mode that basically was the reasoning to release OW2. I’m sure there’s more but that’s about it.

For sure, agreed. Major downgrade and when I tried it at launch it still had the same queue problems OW1 had so not like they even fixed anything for a casual player.

But I’m pretty sure we both know Overwatch 2 isn’t the worst game available. (I’m not going to go out of my way defend OW2 to anyone, it’s not worth it.)

Yeah these review bombings are ridiculous, so what? Am I not free to express my opinion? And I’m not quite sure how anyone’s not allowed to have their opinion, if it’s dumb then you can call it dumb.

People are voicing their opinions, what’s the big deal? We should all agree with these gamer tantrums?

I’m not s fan but if you really think it’s the worst game on Steam woof…

Which I think is kinda weird decision since they could’ve just hidden a setting that unlocks all addons in the options. But maybe they were so incompatible at the time that it wasn’t worth the headache.

Not an expert but as I’ve understood it it’s pretty similar to Fennec, less tracking and more private than your regular Firefox. I don’t know anything about either ones development team size or activity either so I can’t recommend one over the other. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can chime in.

My understanding is that USB-C as a standard is pretty all over the place. Some can fast charge etc. So my guess is that Apple will come up with some superduper performance USB-C or they’ll at least present it as such. And why not sooner? Because they were in the lab perfecting it.

The biggest wtf in this is that tweeting, a term that’s been ingrained into modern lexicon, is becoming irrelevant. That’s like the greatest advertisement you can have for your platform.

If your problem is with getting beaten in the streets you could just wait for it to arrive on the streaming platforms. That’s anyway when the good quality torrents come out. And if for some reason the movies aren’t released in your region, you could always access them through VPN or there are also other solutions.

I don’t really buy the demo effect in this day and age when there’s let’s plays of every game and they’re more accessable than torrenting a game. I’ll admit that some percentage will buy games/movies/media after torrenting so there can be a slight positive effect when it comes to sales. But at the end of the day, people just want to consume everything for free.

I’m not arguing for lost profits, I don’t really care except for the writers and other creatives should get paid. But pirates should just admit that they want shit for free, this holier-than-thou act is annoying and crumbles at the first step. Before arguing for the ethicality maybe come up with a solution or at least disapprove the new media piracy. Because that’s a huge, huge side-effect. More like the effect and media preservation is tacked on positive side effect.

Except piracy peaks at the recent releases. That isn’t about media preservation, it’s about seeing the new shit for free.

For some hard to impossible find stuff it can be useful but that’s not what it’s mostly used for.

What’s the biggest problem for you when it comes to gaming on Linux?

You’re probably since those that preach about free speech are politically driven, hence biased to protect their stance. Rest of us have realized speech isn’t free of consequence and the last third just doesn’t give a fuck.

I still don’t understand why they killed it. Must’ve been a real money sink.

Returnal is great. Gameplay is so tight, it feels like an arcade shooter but in 3d.

I’m not much of a fan of the roguelite genre but everything else was so good.

And that’s why you always read the comments. so useful when someone takes the few minutes to summarize the actual content.

Feels like Spez won’t be taking this one to the chin. Let’s just see how deep the ship will sink with its captain.

Would creators actually move there? Say what you will about YouTube but at least they usually compensate the creators.

Yep, kinda hard to give a fuck. I wonder though if anyone has used Reddit’s private message and other features for messages they wouldn’t want to be public.

And using an email address in any service, everyone should know by now there’s a good chance they leak at some point.