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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Wow, yeah. My kid got into minecraft and we play it together in creative mode and discover caves and build hideouts and stuff. It’s fun.

Yeah that doesn’t make any sense. They had a drop-off slot at the desk where you just dropped them into to return them.

This is a moment when I’d love to use the “you love to see it” meme comment, but it’s more like… “People are fleeing the burning building, and running across the street to an identical building that is infested with rats and cockroaches!”

I think you should be able to on the web.

With that said, I hope the mods can pin this so that you can update it as things proceed.

So you’re saying that people with disabilities should be excluded from society?

I sincerely doubt they would just release him to the general population.

Maybe you overlooked where I said that this guy should be in a facility where he can’t hurt anyone?

You guys are talking specifically about the FBI, which has no jurisdiction over abortion law enforcement.

In this particular case, I believe the accused should be an inpatient at a mental health facility, especially because of the violent threats that were made. There is no way he should be allowed to walk free and continue doing this to people.

In the case of someone with Tourette’s yelling “Fire! Titties! Fire!” in a crowded theater and causing a stampede - they are still not responsible, nor would they be ruled responsible for any deaths that occur, and that’s 100% correct in my view.

I would say that he did demonstrate that he was insane, and therefore should be confined to a mental health institution.

This guy, given his behavior, should absolutely be in a facility where he can’t do any harm.

However - I have known a few people with Tourette’s over the years, and can absolutely say that mental state and abilities should play a factor in whether or not something that’s done would violate the law.

Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater may not be something someone with tourette’s can control. If that causes a stampede and people get trampled, that’s not their fault, in my opinion.

There are no guarantees in life. Who’s to say that the FBI didn’t write this article specifically to direct people to use Signal?

There is no place in America where it is illegal to be trans.

And you’re talking about just state issues. The FBI only deals with federal issues.

It’s not illegal to be trans anywhere in the us.

The FBI deals with federal matters, not state matters.

Here’s my foolproof method of not having any issue with the FBI: Don’t do illegal stuff.

Of ducking course. And you know what that means? Peoples’ nsfw chats are going to be used for blackmail.

The Element app for it works pretty well. There are some edges to smooth, but it functions.

Why climb a mountain? Why eat an elephant? Why wear pants?