Reddit refuge

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Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


So start going after the fencing network. Make it risky to hold a stolen phone.

At minimum, we need politicians to start using other options to allow for people to deplatform.

That’s really cool that Intel had that made.

There has been a big push to reintroduce humanity into the border policy, but I don’t know if there is a big push to allow for more undocumented immigration in the USA.

The DREAM Act is about addressing the existing population within the USA. Getting rid of having kids in cages doesn’t exactly mean letting those kids in the country, but processing them quickly and humanely while under Federal custody; that processing includes likely deportation.

Most support for immigration I’ve seen has been in increase openings for legal immigration or increasing the acceptance of refugees.

I feel like “hallucination” was chosen as the word because of what it implies.

It doesn’t imply a bad algorithm, which makes the company look bad since hallucinations are out of a person’s control. It doesn’t imply using poor training data for the same reason.

But hallucination also masks the development of the model. A small kid might say something racist based on what they grew up with, but we would likely call that child immature. Same if an AI doesn’t fully understand a question or repeats a wrong answer that was given to it by someone as a laugh.

No one is fault. It was just a hallucination.

The Microsoft monopoly was never dismantled, why should Alphabet be?

Yeah. That has been the strategy for the Republican Party since Bill Clinton; deny Democrats any potential political win even if the policy win is popular with their own voters. Then, blame Democrats for not getting what they promised done.

Per item 2, I don’t think that the overall reduction of posting is good, especially on a platform as starved for content like Lemmy. Why should the overall amount of content drop off if there is room for posts created by people of color to be shown here?

We’ve had a reality TV President. I’m sure that an influencer politician isn’t that crazy.

Yeah. I still see Obama winning, but not by as large of a blowout that it was.

But she was very popular for the first few weeks. She could appeal to what became the MAGA party of her party. She was a woman and a mother, which could attract some conservative Hillary supporters.

If she was somewhat competent, the election would have been a lot closer.

I’m not that surprised. Since Trump moved to Florida, he couldn’t pick anyone there. I also feel like Vance is probably a lot closer to Trump’s style.

There are a lot of VR centric games out there on other platforms. Yet demand for those VR systems are also very low.

VR in its current form doesn’t seem to be worth it and the additional AR capabilities don’t seem worth it either.

I don’t think it is even a software issue. The problem is the use case. The VR market just isn’t that useful outside of gaming and even within gaming, it isn’t worth it.

That is if there is still an optical drive market in the future.

Sony never made a big deal of how the PS5 can play Ultra HD disks the way they did with DVD and Blu-ray. Ultra HD sales seem a lot smaller than previous renditions. You also have a lot of content being kept behind the streaming paywall rather than getting released.

I don’t think there will be a large enough market to support 8K, backed up by the fact that a specification has been written but no one wants to go forward with making the disks and drives.

It is funny how people have criticized American tech bros and praised Chinese development when it appears that they were both using the same fundamental investment philosophy.

Lemmy was designed to be a place where communists would have a community. Some instances weren’t, but a lot of the original ones were.

It is been a plan for a while in the USA to shift launches from government run to private run for over a decade. This is just an implementation of that strategy.

No, but my job includes producing and verifying calculations.

We already deal with computer models, but there is a concept of “garbage in, garbage out” where the model is garbage because the inputter didn’t understand what to put in the model or even what model should be used.

So the modeling may be more efficient, but the budget gets blown in verification because the model is crap.

I think it is more writing to people for whom that is the case.

The economy is shifting to a set of haves and have-nots. The problems that the haves deal with are tied a lot more to economic performance than have-nots.

You also have a case where unemployment is still low, with a lot of the issue being tied to low minimum wages. Usually, the problems that have-nots have with the economy have been tied to unemployment. You can get a job in this economy, it just won’t be well paying.

You are essentially making the silly “but yet you choose to live in society” argument.

I don’t think so. OP wasn’t saying to stop uploading to YouTube, but to upload to alternate sites as well and maybe lead their audiences there by mentioning it in videos.

It looks like we are already at the point with some AI where we can correct the output instead of add new input. Microsoft is using LinkedIn to help get professional input for free.

It is a lot harder to get wind to turn a coal power plant turbine.

To add to it, you probably also have to deal with parts sourcing. You can probably scavenge Bluetooth radios from several generations worth of equipment or get cheap from China. In contrast, a Lightning cable that can turn data to sound is likely really hard to come by.

As someone also measured as gifted and put in gifted classes, there was an interesting discussion that I had with one of the teachers about how the views for approaching gifted education was changing.

For a lot of schools, the “gifted” students are gifts; you don’t have to spend time on their education and they may end up helping the classes they are in. So, it is ok to treat them like normal kids and they won’t become a problem.

However, studies have shown that to be really bad for the “gifted” students. You get a lot of underperforming students who don’t engage with the material as it is mentally underwhelming. Soft skills that they were supposed to learn were never developed because they never had to. You even had issues with developing social skills as the distance in standard deviations between gifted and normal children are the same as between a normal kid and a “special education” kid.

The findings were showing you had to treat the “gifted” students with the same care as those in “special education” as the common teaching techniques don’t work, issues are much more varied between children, and being able to lean on talent in some cases leads to skills not being learned because they never needed to be.

Sounds like you were kept with the normal kids.

Bring able to do those sorts of problems isn’t important.

Having the logic solving ability to do those sorts of problems is.

The problem with talking about the Congressional Salary question is what a lot of the representatives highlighted, people focus on average salaries for positions that require far more than the average talent and have demands more than the average person.

I also found it interesting that there was a committee under Democratic leadership to try to fix how Congress works, but there didn’t seem to be that push once Republicans took over, even if some Republicans saw a need to fix how the House works.

No. Enshittification happens because of venture capitalism.

Startup companies get a lot of money early on with the hopes that, after the investment cash is spent, there will be a profitable company left in its place. That company can become publicly traded or get sold to another company. The key is that the investors make their money off the startup.

The flip side is that, without venture capitalist companies, a lot of these companies wouldn’t get the opportunity to grow.

I don’t think that the use of Steam Decks in this manner is a great thing for Valve. It is basically being used as a cheap Linux PC with built-in user input and the ability to self maintain if the manufacturer decides to sunset maintenance.

If Steam Decks get deployed in this manner, it would only be as the computer interfacing with expensive equipment, which isn’t a large market and won’t really make Valve money outside the hardware sales.

That isn’t going to happen. Major have studios have developed their own ways of distributing games and found that the public don’t really like it. For minor game studios, it is probably a lot cheaper to rely on Steam or an equivalent to do what you are describing.

IT don’t like it. Lock the taskbar. Lock the taskbar.

Yeah. The numbers are moving historically faster, but that is because, in part, history has been so shitty.

I bet that these numbers would do better under Biden than Trump. It just happens to be that a decent size of the population doesn’t have the patience.

The metrics are better, but the situation is worse. We’re also at an inflection point where things are starting to improve, but it still feels shitty overall.