• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


RIP your inbox. Enjoy a whole lot of self-righteous lectures in business ethics.

My feed has been all about posts like this one https://programming.dev/post/14669153

If yours hasn’t you’re missing some stupid flame wars and nothing of value.

Problem is I have zero interest in cars. If I could I’d live car free.

We don’t like that you’re telling OP to pick two when they’ve already picked two.

Because we’re all human beings and we all think slightly differently to each other. If I wanted to only work with people who exactly agreed with me about everything, then I would only be able to work alone.

I’m not talking about things that are red lines for me, just preferences. If it were something that caused me dissonance I’d move on again, I promise you.

I’m lucky enough to have the background and the aptitude to get a new job whenever I want. Most people aren’t that lucky.

We have limited options in what we can do to get money. I currently have a job where I’m proud of what I do, but it took decades of working for assholes to get there. Even now I’m not comfortable with everything I’m asked to do. I push back when it’s unethical, and sometimes that changes things. Sometimes it doesn’t and I just have to do as I’m told. What’s your life like?

The corpos and gaffers ARE the tech industry. We all know that coders don’t make decisions like that, and the article does not blame them. I’m all for raising awareness of the problems with “opt-out” and fluid license agreements.

It’s a specific word for a specific situation. If you’re seeing it too often for your liking, I suggest the problem is that there’s too much enshitification.

“Enshitification” means a service getting worse in order to charge their customers extra for a service similar to their previously good one. If we’re using the word too much, it’s because it’s happening too much.

It’s “all change” in politics all around the world. The economy is shit and we’ve been taught to blame politicians.

Getting laid off is a good opportunity to consider contracting. Maybe you’d find Java inspiring again if you were working for yourself?