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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 07, 2023


Yeah I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m at the minit stop looking for some refreshment. Thanks for telling me how wrong my life is.

Yes, those are state-run stores, not private chains. South Carolina is so Puritan about them that they dont even have signs; only a red dot. Really psychotic conservatism.

Near-beers are great, but its hard to find a good one. Guinness finally has an NA stout, and NA IPAs are nice. The Germanic pilsner ones are awful (Becks, St Pauli, Heiniken)

Where I am it is the same or more. Yesterday I picked up a Lagunitas IPA NA for $11.49/6pk

Is that the NC Alcoholic Beverage Control, or the west coast minimarts that sell liquor?

There are maybe two or three pleasure drinks available to me as a sugar-repelling former alcoholic, and my wife has boatloads of medical issues and cant find anything anywhere to enjoy except McDonalds unsweetened tea.

Welll they have no empathy at all for you so I guess you take your chances

Sir, we do not try to understand the reasoning of people who did not reach their ideas though reason.

Musk isnt Teh Gummint so he cant be part of Teh Ner Werld Erder

I dont know how anyone can know who Musk is without knowing about that Paypal douchebaggerie

Why do all these fuckheads think everyone has to he subjected to Calvinism?

It came preloaded in my phone. I have never opened it. Didnt know what it was

The drag queens are sinners, but the priests are believers and are forgiven for all of those children that they shoved their dicks into the asses and mouths of.

Wait, was that too graphic? Well it should be. By now “sexual abuse” has been overused into meaninglessness. Start calling it what it is and see if anything changes

When you’re a child who doesnt know or care what sex is, flamboyant people in flamboyant clothes are really entertaining and engaging.

The radical christofascist conservatwits want children to be forced by fear and punishment to do and learn “what’s right” by grey men in grey suits who sexually assault their children while their wife is out shopping.

It sounds like you have the radical fascist talk shiw host understanding of the issues rather than the rational person’s basic knowledge of reality understanding. The things you listed arent happening. They are things that the psychotically christofascists made up, and then pointed to fake news sites or Facebook memes to back their claims.

I definitely want more of those options available, and walkable mixed use communities. It just cant solve everything, sadly

No. They’re ALL misguided, and they’re very very very very convinced. You do not understand who you are dealing with.

This assumes that everyone would go to one place for work and one place for shopping. And that they can walk the distances between.

If a medium sized city went all electric vehicles, there would be one or two possible ICEs producing electricity (assuming no hydroelectic) for the cars instead of 250,000+ ICEs on the roads. Quit your bullshit.

I know. Your smart fleshlight posted about it on Facebook

My smart refridgerator said you’re a lying sack of shit